

dotfiles is a repository, that should go into the user's $HOME.
It features configurations for zsh and many others.


Some requirements have to be met to make things work smoothly. As I'm using Arch Linux, all links are Arch specific.


I make extensive use of zsh whenever I can. The following plugins/extensions are needed for this repository to work.


For the screen setup scripts to work autorandr is needed.


If the $HOME is that of a new user, one can simple init an empty repository and set its remote to the correct path:

git init
# readonly link
git remote add origin git://sleepmap.de/config/dotfiles
# read/write link
git remote add origin git@sleepmap.de:config/dotfiles
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/master


VAM will install all activated plugins. While many need customization (which is done in .vimrc), YouCompleteMe needs compilation:

cd ~/.vim/vim-addons/github-Valloric-YouCompleteMe.git/
git clean -f
git pull
git submodule update --recursive --init
./install.py --all


The git configuration in .config/git/config comes with no [user] fields set. Those can be added in a separate .gitconfig file, e.g.:

  email = your@e-mail.tld
  name = Some Name
  signingkey = your pgp key