path: root/.mutt
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-10-22 23:47:55 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-10-22 23:47:55 +0200
commit3d7be9b249ddaff33cf363846578d429cfefd60a (patch)
treea1d39dae5186d35beaee389e9508260d315686d9 /.mutt
parent3fd1308ec86aa941bbed02c299ab5d57a48ee404 (diff)
parent995892dc2105fa5c89b7f7ae32db46104b5c9e56 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of sleepmap.de:dotfiles
* 'master' of sleepmap.de:dotfiles: .tmux.conf: Adding tmux > 2.1 mouse scrolling options. .gitignore: Adding make/ folder to the list of ignored folder. .gitignore: Adding bin/pass2offlineimapc, as it will be re-generated upon usage. .gitignore: Adding .mutt/gpg-auto.rc, as it will have to be re-generated via script before useage of mutt. bin/generate_pgp_auto: Adding script to generate mutt send-hooks for mail addresses with valid gpg keys, to be able to automatically send encrypted mail. .mutt/gpg.rc: Updating correct settings for gpg. .zsh.after/export.zsh: Fixing some typos and adding additional comments. Adding XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for tmux's TMUX_TMPDIR. Moving SSH_AUTH_SOCK to XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. Separating ssh-agent and gpg-agent again. Setting GPG_TTY to current tty. Setting GPG_AGENT_INFO to empty string, so gpg-agent can be found. .config/khal/khal.conf, .vdirsyncer/config: Changing name of calendar. .mutt/gpg.rc: Updating pgp settings to be compliant with gnupg > 2.1. .local/share/applications/pd.desktop: Shifting from pd-extended to pd. .tmux.conf: Adding new (post 2.1) mouse mode
Diffstat (limited to '.mutt')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/.mutt/gpg.rc b/.mutt/gpg.rc
index 42e0929..002730d 100644
--- a/.mutt/gpg.rc
+++ b/.mutt/gpg.rc
@@ -1,87 +1,14 @@
-# -*-muttrc-*-
-# Command formats for gpg.
-# This version uses gpg-2comp from
-# http://70t.de/download/gpg-2comp.tar.gz
-# $Id$
-# %p The empty string when no passphrase is needed,
-# the string "PGPPASSFD=0" if one is needed.
-# This is mostly used in conditional % sequences.
-# %f Most PGP commands operate on a single file or a file
-# containing a message. %f expands to this file's name.
-# %s When verifying signatures, there is another temporary file
-# containing the detached signature. %s expands to this
-# file's name.
-# %a In "signing" contexts, this expands to the value of the
-# configuration variable $pgp_sign_as. You probably need to
-# use this within a conditional % sequence.
-# %r In many contexts, mutt passes key IDs to pgp. %r expands to
-# a list of key IDs.
-# Note that we explicitly set the comment armor header since GnuPG, when used
-# in some localiaztion environments, generates 8bit data in that header, thereby
-# breaking PGP/MIME.
-# decode application/pgp
-set pgp_decode_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
-# verify a pgp/mime signature
-set pgp_verify_command="gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"
-# decrypt a pgp/mime attachment
-set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"
-# create a pgp/mime signed attachment
-# set pgp_sign_command="gpg-2comp --comment '' --no-verbose --batch --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
-set pgp_sign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"
-# create a application/pgp signed (old-style) message
-# set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg-2comp --comment '' --no-verbose --batch --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
-set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"
-# create a pgp/mime encrypted attachment
-# set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap gpg-2comp -v --batch --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
-set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
-# create a pgp/mime encrypted and signed attachment
-# set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="pgpewrap gpg-2comp %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? -v --batch --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
-set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"
-# import a key into the public key ring
-set pgp_import_command="gpg --no-verbose --import %f"
-# export a key from the public key ring
-set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"
-# verify a key
-set pgp_verify_key_command="gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"
-# read in the public key ring
-set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-keys %r"
-# read in the secret key ring
-set pgp_list_secring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --list-secret-keys %r"
-# fetch keys
-# set pgp_getkeys_command="pkspxycwrap %r"
-# pattern for good signature - may need to be adapted to locale!
-# set pgp_good_sign="^gpgv?: Good signature from "
-# OK, here's a version which uses gnupg's message catalog:
-# set pgp_good_sign="`gettext -d gnupg -s 'Good signature from "' | tr -d '"'`"
-# This version uses --status-fd messages
-set pgp_good_sign="^\\[GNUPG:\\] GOODSIG"
+set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good signature from "
+set pgp_use_gpg_agent = yes
+set pgp_sign_as = 0xF5A1A949
+set pgp_timeout = 60
+set crypt_use_gpgme = yes
+set crypt_autosign = yes
+set crypt_replyencrypt = yes
+set crypt_replysignencrypted = yes
# add message-hook for non standard-compliant (old) gnupg style messages
message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"' "exec check-traditional-pgp"
+send-hook . 'reset crypt_autoencrypt'
+source "~/.mutt/gpg-auto.rc"