# .caffrc -- vim:ft=perl: # This file is in perl(1) format - see caff(1) for details. $CONFIG{'owner'} = 'David Runge'; $CONFIG{'email'} = 'dvzrv@archlinux.org'; $CONFIG{'reply-to'} = 'dvzrv@archlinux.org'; # You can get your long keyid from # gpg --keyid-format long --list-key # # If you have a v4 key, it will simply be the last 16 digits of # your fingerprint. # # Example: # $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{FEDCBA9876543210} ]; # or, if you have more than one key: # $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{0123456789ABCDEF 89ABCDEF76543210} ]; $CONFIG{'keyid'} = [ qw{C7E7849466FE2358343588377258734B41C31549 91BD8815FE0040FA7FF5D68754C28F4FF5A1A949} ]; # Select this/these keys to sign with #$CONFIG{'local-user'} = [ qw{0123456789ABCDEF 89ABCDEF76543210} ]; # Additionally encrypt messages for these keyids #$CONFIG{'also-encrypt-to'} = [ qw{0123456789ABCDEF 89ABCDEF76543210} ]; # Mail template to use for the encrypted part #$CONFIG{'mail-template'} = << 'EOM'; #Hi, # #please find attached the user id{(scalar @uids >= 2 ? 's' : '')} #{foreach $uid (@uids) { # $OUT .= "\t".$uid."\n"; #};}of your key {$key} signed by me. # #If you have multiple user ids, I sent the signature for each user id #separately to that user id's associated email address. You can import #the signatures by running each through `gpg --import`. # #Note that I did not upload your key to any keyservers. If you want this #new signature to be available to others, please upload it yourself. #With GnuPG this can be done using # gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key {$key} # #If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. # #Regards, #-- #{$owner} #EOM $ENV{'PERL_MAILERS'} = 'sendmail:/usr/bin/msmtp';