# General settings set editor=`echo \$EDITOR` set my_name="David Runge" source "~/.mutt/color.rc" # GPG source "~/.mutt/gpg.rc" message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"' "exec check-traditional-pgp" # IMAP: offlineimap set folder = "~/Mail" source ~/.mutt/mailboxes set mail_check = 60 set sort = "threads" set sort_aux = "last-date-received" set mbox_type = Maildir #source "gpg -dq ~/.mutt/my-pwds.gpg |" ## khard # auto-completing mails when pressing tab in "new mail" dialog using khard address books set query_command= "khard mutt --search '%s'" bind editor complete-query bind editor ^T complete # adding e-mail addresses to khard address book macro index,pager A \ "khard add-email" \ "add the sender email address to khard" ## dave@sleepmap.de set spoolfile = "+sleepmap.de/INBOX" source "~/.mutt/dave@sleepmap.de.rc" folder-hook sleepmap.de/* source ~/.mutt/dave@sleepmap.de.rc ## david.runge@tu-berlin.de folder-hook tu-berlin.de/* source ~/.mutt/david.runge@campus.tu-berlin.de.rc ## dave@c-base.org folder-hook c-base.org/* source ~/.mutt/dave@c-base.org.rc ## Shortcuts macro index,pager 'source ~/.mutt/dave@sleepmap.de.rc!' macro index,pager 'source ~/.mutt/david.runge@campus.tu-berlin.de.rc!' macro index,pager 'source ~/.mutt/dave@c-base.org.rc!' ## Security # Disable enter-command bind generic,alias,attach,browser,editor,index,compose,pager,pgp,postpone ':' noop