#!/usr/bin/env bash # use .Xmodmap if [[ -f ~/.Xmodmap ]]; then /usr/bin/xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap & fi # use .Xresources if [[ -f ~/.Xresources ]];then /usr/bin/xrdb ~/.Xresources & fi # set X settings if [ -x /usr/bin/xset ]; then # disable bell xset -b # disable screensaver and dpms xset s off xset dpms 0 0 0 fi # start lxpolkit to have polkit authentication if [ -x /usr/bin/lxpolkit ]; then /usr/bin/lxpolkit & fi # setup screens on login using autorandr if [ -x "$HOME/bin/setup_screens" ]; then $HOME/bin/setup_screens & fi # start xautolock if [ -x /usr/bin/xautolock -a -x /usr/bin/i3lock ]; then /usr/bin/xautolock -time 10 \ -corners "0-00" \ -killtime 10 \ -killer "/usr/bin/xset dpms force off" \ -locker "/usr/bin/i3lock -n -e -c 000000 -f" & fi ## start compton ## TODO: configuration file needs to be revised, messes with xrandr #if [ -x /usr/bin/compton -a -a /sys/kernel/realtime ]; then # /usr/bin/compton -b -d "$DISPLAY" & #fi # start conky if [ -x /usr/bin/conky ]; then /usr/bin/conky -X "$DISPLAY" -c .config/conky/$(hostname)-network.conf & /usr/bin/conky -X "$DISPLAY" -c .config/conky/$(hostname)-general.conf & fi # start redshift if [ -x /usr/bin/redshift ]; then /usr/bin/redshift -c .config/redshift.conf & /usr/bin/redshift-gtk & fi # start a termite terminal if [ -x /usr/bin/termite ]; then termite & fi