# < FUNCTIONS ## PDF/LATEX function mkpdf() { pdflatex -shell-escape $1 # latex --output-format=pdf $1 name=`echo $1 | sed 's/.tex//'` EXT=(aux log) for i in $EXT; do rm -v $name.$i done } function gsmerge() { target=$1 echo "target: $target" sleep 1 shift /usr/bin/gs \ -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dBATCH \ -sPAPERSIZE=a4 \ -sOUTPUTFILE=$target $* } function gsmerge_medium() { target=$1 echo "target: $target" sleep 1 shift /usr/bin/gs \ -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook \ -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \ -dNOPAUSE \ -dBATCH \ -sPAPERSIZE=a4 \ -sOutputFile=$target $* } ## USABILITY function lvim() { noglob vim $(echo $1 | awk -F":" '{ print $1" +"$2 }' ) } function mkcd() { mkdir $1 cd $1 } function cpwd() { pwd >! /tmp/pwd } function ppwd() { cd "`cat /tmp/pwd`" } function cp2wd() { cp $@ "`cat /tmp/pwd`" } function cpmk() { DIR=${*: -1} [ ! -d $DIR ] && mkdir -p $DIR cp $* } cpmd5(){ md5sum $1|cut -d ' ' -f 1|cpx } function publish() { [ -f $1 ] || return DIR=`dirname $1` FILE=`basename $1` mute pushd $DIR scp $FILE pool:public_html/ echo "http://www-pool.math.tu-berlin.de/~runge/$FILE" echo "http://www-pool.math.tu-berlin.de/~runge/$FILE"|cpx mute popd } function incognichrome { chromium --incognito } function inproxychrome { chromium --incognito --proxy-server=apu-serve:8123 } ## ZSH refresh() { source $HOME/.zshrc } ## compress stuff tar_tgz() { tar cvfz $1.tgz $1 } tar_tbz() { tar cvfj $1.tbz $1 } tar_tlz() { tar --lzma -cvf $1.tlz $1 } tar_xz() { tar cvfJ $1.tar.xz $1 } #Decompress any given compressed file ex() { if [ -f $1 ] ; then case $1 in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;; *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;; *.deb) ar vx $1 ;; *.rar) unrar x $1 ;; *.pgp) gpg -o ${1%".pgp"} -d $1 ;; *.gpg) gpg -o ${1%".gpg"} -d $1 ;; *.gz) gunzip $1 ;; *.tar) tar xvf $1 ;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; *.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;; *.xz) tar xvJf $1 ;; *.zip) unzip $1 ;; *.Z) uncompress $1 ;; *.7z) 7z x $1 ;; *) echo "Don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file to extract!" fi } ex2() { if [ -f $2 ] ;then echo "Extracting to '$2'" local out = $2 else echo "Extracting to '$( pwd )'" local out = $( pwd ) fi if [ -f $1 ] ;then echo "'$1'" else echo "'$1' is not a valid file!" fi } ## RSYNC backupinfo() { log_cyan "INFO" rsync\ -r\ -n\ -t\ -p\ -o\ -g\ -v\ --progress\ --delete\ --ignore-existing\ --size-only\ -s\ --exclude 'lost+found'\ --exclude '.Trash-1000'\ --exclude '$RECYCLEBIN'\ --exclude 'System Volume Information'\ --exclude '.thumbs'\ $1 $2 echo "backupfolder path/to/folder/ /path/to/other/folder" } backupfolder() { rsync \ -r\ -t\ -p\ -o\ -g\ -v\ --progress\ --delete --ignore-existing --size-only -s --exclude 'lost+found' --exclude '.Trash-1000' --exclude '$RECYCLEBIN' --exclude 'System Volume Information' --exclude '.thumbs' $1 $2 } # journalctl # show messages of specified system units function sdsjfu(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -a" eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\ -u\ /g; s/^/\ -u\ /') } # follow messages of specified system units function sdsjfu(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -af" eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\ -u\ /g; s/^/\ -u\ /') } # follow messages of specified system units for this boot function sdsjbfu(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -b -af" eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\ -u\ /g; s/^/\ -u\ /') } # follow messages of specified user units function sdujfu(){ local journal_cmd="journalctl --user -af" eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\ --user-unit\ /g; s/^/\ --user-unit\ /') } # follow messages of specified user units for this boot function sdujbu(){ local journal_cmd="journalctl --user -a -b" #TODO: Check if first argument is a number, then use it for -b eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\ --user-unit\ /g') } # show messages of specified system units since and until a specified time function sdsjSUu(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -a -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1] -U $args[2]" args=(${args:2}) eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $args | sed 's/\ /\ -u\ /g; s/^/\ -u\ /') } # show messages of specified system units since a specified time function sdsjSu(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -a -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1]" args=(${args:1}) eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $args | sed 's/\ /\ -u\ /g; s/^/\ -u\ /') } # show messages of specified user units since and until a specified time function sdujSUu(){ local journal_cmd="journalctl --user -a -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1] -U $args[2]" args=(${args:2}) eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $args | sed 's/\ /\ --user-unit\ /g; s/^/\ --user-unit\ /') } # show messages of specified user units since a specified time function sdujSu(){ local journal_cmd="journalctl --user -a -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1]" args=(${args:1}) eval ${journal_cmd} $(echo $args | sed 's/\ /\ --user-unit\ /g; s/^/\ --user-unit\ /') } # show kernel messages since and until a specified time function sdsjkSU(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -a -k -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1] -U $args[2]" eval ${journal_cmd} } # show kernel messages since a specified time function sdsjkS(){ local journal_cmd="sudo journalctl --system -a -k -S" local args=(${@}) journal_cmd="$journal_cmd $args[1]" eval ${journal_cmd} } # FUNCTIONS >