#TODO: add pacman to apt-get conversion for all pacman aliases alias paclid="sudo pacman -Qi | sed '/^Depends On/,/^Required By/{ s/^Required By.*$//; H; d }; /^Name/!d; /^Name/{ n;x;}'| sed '/^$/s//==================================================================================/'" alias pacsize="pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/ {pkg=\$3} /Size/ {print \$4\$5,pkg}' | sort -n" #All packages by size alias pacall="sudo pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/ {pkg=\$3} /Version/ {ver=\$3} /Size/ {size=\$4\$5} {print pkg,ver,size}' | uniq" #All packages uniquely with name, version, size #alias pacremorph='sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qtdq)' #Remove all orphaned packages alias pacup='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' #'sudo pacman -Syu' # Synchronize with repositories before upgrading packages that are out of date on the local system. alias pac='sudo apt-get install ' #'sudo pacman -S' # Install specific package(s) from the repositories alias pacu='sudo pacman -U' # Install specific package not from the repositories but from a file alias pacre='sudo apt-get remove ' #'sudo pacman -R' # Remove the specified package(s), retaining its configuration(s) and required ##dependencies alias pacrem='sudo apt-get purge ' #'sudo pacman -Rns' # Remove specified package(s), its configuration(s) and unneeded depends alias pacsearch="pacman -Sl | cut -d' ' -f2 | grep " # Search through all available packages in repo #alias pacname='dpkg -l|grep Name|grep ' #'sudo pacman -Qi|grep Name|grep ' #Search through names of packages by string alias pacri='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache show ' #'pacman -Si' # Display information about a given package in the repositories alias pacrs='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search ' #'pacman -Ss' # Search for package(s) in the repositories alias pacli='dpkg -l ' #'pacman -Qi' # Display information about a given package in the local database alias pacls='dpkg -l|grep ' #'pacman -Qs' # Search for package(s) in the local database alias pacorph='sudo pacman -Qdt' # Search for orphan packages alias paclist='dpkg -L' #'sudo pacman -Ql' # List installed files of a given package alias pacg='pacman -Sg' #List all groups or all packages in specified group alias pacclean='sudo pacman -Sc' # Remove all packages from local repository, not installed atm, remove all unused repos alias pacconf='sudo find /etc -name "*.pac*" -type f -print' # Search for .pacnew and .pacsave files alias pacfile='dpkg -S ' #'sudo pacman -Qo' # Find out what package a give file belongs to alias pacupd='sudo apt-get update' #'sudo pacman -Sy && sudo abs' # Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases against repositories alias pacdep='sudo pacman -S --asdeps' # Install given package(s) as dependencies of another package alias pacmir='sudo pacman -Syy' # Force refresh of all package lists after updating /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist alias packup='comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq|sort) <(pacman -Qmq|sort) > $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/pkglist-$HOST' # Backup the current list of non-local packages alias pacret='sudo pacman -S $(< $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/pkglist-$HOST)' # Install from the backup list alias pacredown='sudo pacman -S $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq) <(pacman -Qmq))' # Redownload all installed packages (minus AUR) alias pacdis='rm -f $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/non-pkg-$HOST; sudo pacman-disowned > $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/non-pkg-$HOST' # Getting a list of files not owned by any package alias packimp='sudo pacman-key -r ' #Import a key ID to the pacman keyring alias packsign='sudo pacman-key --lsign-key ' #Sign a key ID after importing it to the keyring alias packref='sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys' #Refresh the list of master keys ##Yaourt aliases alias yaup='yaourt -Syu --devel --aur' # Updates all locally installed repository, AUR and git packages alias yadb='yaourt -B $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux' # Backs up the yaourt database alias ya='sudo apt-get -t testing install ' # Install packages from AUR/Testing