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\usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{hidelinks, colorlinks = false} \usepackage[font=scriptsize]{caption} \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} % glossary \usepackage[acronym,nonumberlist,toc]{glossaries} \newacronym{adat}{ADAT}{Alesis Digital Audio Tape} \newacronym{alsa}{ALSA}{Advanced Linux Sound Architecture} \newacronym{api}{API}{Application programming interface} \newacronym{asdf}{ASDF}{Audio Scene Description Format} \newacronym{bs}{BS}{Binaural Synthesis} \newacronym{brs}{BRS}{Binaural Room Synthesis} \newacronym{cc}{CC}{Creative Commons} \newacronym{cicm}{CICM}{Centre de recherche Informatique et Création Musicale} \newacronym{cnmat}{CNMAT}{Center for New Music and Audio Technologies} \newacronym{cpu}{CPU}{Central Processing Unit} \newacronym{fdl}{FDL}{GNU Free Documentation License} \newacronym{gpl}{GPL}{GNU General Public License} \newacronym{gui}{GUI}{Graphical user interface} \newacronym{lgpl}{LGPL}{GNU Lesser General Public License} \newacronym{lts}{LTS}{Long Term Support} \newacronym{hoa}{HOA}{Higher Order Ambisonics} \newacronym{ip}{IP}{Internet Protocol} \newacronym{jack}{JACK}{JACK Audio Connection Kit} \newacronym{madi}{MADI}{Multichannel Audio Digital Interface} \newacronym{oop}{OOP}{Object-oriented Programming} \newacronym{os}{OS}{Operating System} \newacronym{osc}{OSC}{Open Sound Control} \newacronym{posix}{POSIX}{Portable Operating System Interface} \newacronym{pubsub}{PubSub}{Publish-subscribe message pattern} \newacronym{pd}{Pd}{PureData} \newacronym{raii}{RAII}{Ressource acquisition is initialization} \newacronym{ssr}{SSR}{SoundScape Renderer} \newacronym{tcp}{TCP}{Transmission Control Protocol} \newacronym{udp}{UDP}{User Datagram Protocol} \newacronym{vbap}{VBAP}{Vector Based Amplitude Panning} \newacronym{wfs}{WFS}{Wave Field Synthesis} \newacronym{xml}{XML}{Extensible Markup Language} \makeindex \makeglossaries \graphicspath{{../images//}} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{tu-berlin-logo.pdf}\par\vspace{1cm} {\scshape\LARGE Technische Universität Berlin\par} \vspace{1cm} {\scshape\Large Master Thesis\par} \vspace{1.5cm} {\huge\bfseries A Networking Extension for the SoundScape Renderer\par} \vspace{2cm} {\Large\itshape David Runge\par} {\large (340592)}\\ \href{dave@sleepmap.de}{dave@sleepmap.de}\\ \vfill supervised by\par Henrik von Coler and Stefan Weinzierl \vfill {\large \today\par} \end{titlepage} \pagestyle{empty} \section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung} \vspace{1cm} Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und eigenhändig sowie ohne unerlaubte fremde Hilfe und ausschließlich unter Verwendung der aufgeführten Quellen und Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe.\\ Berlin, den \today\par\\ \vspace{2cm} \noindent\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\ldots\\ David Runge \begin{abstract} \gls{wfs} as a technological concept has been around for many years now and all over the world several institutions run small and some even large scale setups ranging from single speaker lines to those facilitating a couple of hundred loudspeakers respectively.\\ The still evolving implementations are driven by several rendering engines, of which two free and open-source ones, namely sWONDER and SoundScape Renderer, have (partially) been developed at TU Berlin.\\ The latter due to its current design is not yet able to render for large scale setups, ie.\ those using several computers to render audio on a loudspeaker setup, due to the high amount of channels.\\ Its solid codebase however, which additionally offers a framework for many more renderering types, and the ongoing development, deems further work on this application a good future investment.\\ This work is about the extension of the SoundScape Renderer's functionality to turn it into a networking application for large scale \gls{wfs} setups. \end{abstract} \renewcommand{\abstractname}{Zusammenfassung} \begin{abstract} \gls{wfs} as a technological concept has been around for many years now and all over the world several institutions run small and some even large scale setups ranging from single speaker lines to those facilitating a couple of hundred loudspeakers respectively.\\ The still evolving implementations are driven by several rendering engines, of which two free and open-source ones, namely sWONDER and SoundScape Renderer, have (partially) been developed at TU Berlin.\\ The latter due to its current design is not yet able to render for large scale setups, ie.\ those using several computers to render audio on a loudspeaker setup, due to the high amount of channels.\\ Its solid codebase however, which additionally offers a framework for many more renderering types, and the ongoing development, deems further work on this application a good future investment.\\ This work is about the extension of the SoundScape Renderer's functionality to turn it into a networking application for large scale \gls{wfs} setups. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \cleardoublepage \pagestyle{headings} \setcounter{page}{1} \section{Introduction} \label{sec:introduction} \cleardoublepage \section{Free and open-source spatial audio renderers} \label{sec:freespatialaudiorenderers} To date there exist five (known of) free and open-source spatial audio renderers, which are all \gls{jack} \citep{website:jackaudio2016} clients: \begin{itemize} \item sWONDER \citep{website:swonder2016}, developed by Technische Universität Berlin, Germany \item WFSCollider \citep{website:wfscollider2016}, developed by \href{http://gameoflife.nl/en}{Game Of Life Foundation} \citep{website:gameoflife2016}, The Hague, Netherlands \item HoaLibrary for \gls{pd} \citep{website:hoalibraryforpd} developed at \gls{cicm}, Paris, France \item 3Dj for SuperCollider \citep{thesis:perezlopez3dj2014}, developed at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona \item \gls{ssr} \citep{website:ssr2016}, developed by Quality \& Usability Lab, Telekom Innovation Laboratories, TU Berlin and Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Universität Rostock and Division of Applied Acoustics, Chalmers University of Technology \end{itemize} Different concepts and contexts apply to all of the renderers, which are about to be explained briefly in the following sections, prefixed by a section about spatial audio renderer appliances and followed by one about free software and its pitfalls. \subsection{Spatial audio renderers and their appliance} \label{subsec:spatialaudiorenderersandtheirappliance} \subsubsection{Wave Field Synthesis} \label{subsubsec:wavefieldsynthesis} \gls{wfs} describes a spatial technique for rendering audio. As such it aims at synthesizing a sound field of desired acoustic preference in a given listening area, assuming a planar reproduction to be most suitable for most applications.\\ \gls{wfs} is typically implemented using a curved or linear loudspeaker array surrounding the listening area.\\ Several free and open-source renderer applications exist for \gls{wfs} environments, with varying stages of feature richness.\\ The proposed work will focus on one of them and its extension towards \gls{wfs} on large scale systems. \subsubsection{Higher order ambisonics and vector based amplitude panning} \label{subsubsec:hoaandvbap} \subsubsection{Binaural (Room) Synthesis} \label{subsubsec:binaural} \subsection{sWONDER} \label{subsec:swonder} sWONDER \citep{baalman2007} consists of a set of C++ applications that provide \gls{bs} and \gls{wfs} rendering. In 2007 it was specifically redesigned \citep{baalmanetal2007} to cope with large scale \gls{wfs} setups in which several (computer) nodes, providing several speakers each, drive a system together.\\ In these setups each node receives all available audio streams (which represent one virtual audio source respectively) redundantly and a master application signals which node is responsible for rendering what source on which speaker.\\ It uses \gls{osc} for messaging between its parts and for setting its controls. Apart from that, it can be controlled through a \gls{gui}, that was specifically designed for it. Unfortunately sWONDER has not been actively maintained for several years, has a complex setup chain and many bugs, that are not likely to get fixed any time soon. \subsection{HoaLibrary (PureData extension)} \label{subsec:hoalibrary_puredata_extension} \subsection{3Dj (SuperCollider Quark)} \label{subsec:3dj_supercollider_quark} \subsection{WFSCollider} \label{subsec:wfscollider} WFSCollider was built on top of \href{https://supercollider.github.io}{SuperCollider} 3.5 \citep{website:supercollider} and is also capable of driving large scale systems. It uses a different approach in doing so, though: Whereas with sWONDER all audio streams are distributed to each node, WFSCollider usually uses the audio files to be played on all machines simultaneously and synchronizes between them.\\ It has a feature-rich \gls{gui} in the \textit{many window} style, making available time lines and movement of sources through facilitating what the sclang (SuperCollider programming language) has to offer.\\ As WFSCollider basically is SuperCollider plus extra features, it is also an \gls{osc} enabled application and can thus also be used for mere multi-channel playback of audio.\\ Although it has many useful features, it requires MacOSX (Linux version still untested) to run, is built upon a quite old version of \href{https://supercollider.github.io}{SuperCollider} and is likely never to be merged into it, due to many core changes to it. \subsection{SoundScape Renderer} \label{subsec:soundscaperenderer} \gls{ssr}, also a C++ application, running on Linux and MacOSX, is a multi-purpose spatial audio renderer, as it is not only capable of \gls{bs} and \gls{wfs}, but also \gls{hoa} and \gls{vbap}.\\ It can be used with a \gls{gui} or headless (without one), depicting the virtual sources, their volumes and positions, alongside which speakers are currently used for rendering a selected source. \gls{ssr} uses TCP/IP sockets for communication and is therefore not directly \gls{osc} enabled. This functionality can be achieved using the capapilities of other applications such as \gls{pd} \citep{website:puredata2016} in combination with it though.\\ Unlike the two renderers above, the \gls{ssr} is not able to run large-scale \gls{wfs} setups, as it lacks the features to communicate between instances of itself on several computers, while these instances serve a subset of the available loudspeakers. \subsection{Why free software matters and what its pitfalls are} \label{subsec:whyfreesoftwarematters} Free software is the terminology for software published under a free license. Licenses, such as the \gls{gpl} are considered free, because they allow for anyone to copy, modify and redistribute the source code (under the same license).\\ Research is a field of work, in which reproducability is very important, as findings need to be independently verifiable. Scientific work is published and shared (sometimes also under free licenses, such as \gls{cc}) amongst research groups of institutions all around the world. In an ideal world, all scientific research would be published under a free documentation license, such as the \gls{fdl}, allowing access to anyone.\\ The software used in scientific institutions is unfortunately rarely free (e.g. Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop in general and Steinberg's Cubase, Cycling '74's Max/MSP, Avid's ProTools or Ableton Live in the audio production field) and additionally mostly bound to proprietary \glspl{os}, such as Microsoft Windows or Apple's MacOS, preventing interoperability, development and an open society.\\ Free software however enables students and researchers to learn from the source code directly (if they can and want to), to modify (and improve) it and to share their findings. More than with proprietary software, it is possible to have a community develop around it, that takes care of the project for a long time.\\ Free software nonetheless can not be considered a silver bullet. It is after all only a way of developing software and not a way to grade its efficiency or code quality. Additionally, especially in a scientific context it can happen, that software is conceived by an institution, put to use, but afterwards not developed any further, as the programmers go their way (e.g. \nameref{subsec:swonder}). This way a high responsibility weighs on these institutions, as they need to ensure further development on systems, not easily accessible to the public, or not feasible for home use (e.g. \gls{wfs}). This situation however also holds a great opportunity for coorporation. \cleardoublepage \section{Implementation} \label{sec:implementation} The \gls{ssr}, due to its diverse set of rendering engines, which are made available through an extensible framework, and its relatively clean codebase, is a good candidate for future large scale \gls{wfs} setups. These type of features are not yet implemented though and will need testing.\\ Therefore I propose the implementation and testing of said feature, making the \gls{ssr} capable of rendering on large scale \gls{wfs} setups with many nodes, controlled by a master instance.\\ The sought implementation is inspired by the architecture of sWONDER, but instead of creating many single purpose applications, the master/node feature will be made available through flags to the \gls{ssr} executable, when starting it. This behavior is already actively harnessed eg.\ for selecting one of the several rendering engines. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.9, trim = 31mm 190mm 24mm 8mm, clip] {ssr-networking.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying the \gls{ssr} master/node setup with TCP/IP socket connections over network (green lines), audio channels (red dashed lines) and \gls{osc} connection (blue dashed line). Machines are indicated as red dashed rectangles and connections to audio hardware as outputs of \gls{ssr} nodes as black lines below them.} \label{fig:ssr-networking} \end{figure} While the \gls{ssr} already has an internal logic to know which loudspeaker will be used for what virtual audio source, this will have to be extended to be able to know which renderer node has to render what source on which loudspeaker (see Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-networking}). To achieve the above features, the \gls{ssr}'s messaging (and thus also settings) capabilities have to be extended alongside its internal logic concerning the selection of output channels (and the master to node notification thereof). To introduce as little redundant code as possible, most likely a ``the client knows all'' setup is desirable, in which each node knows about the whole setup, but is also set to only serve its own subset of loudspeakers in it. This will make sure that the rendering engine remains functional also in a small scale \gls{wfs} setup.\\ The lack of a direct \gls{osc} functionality, as provided by the two other renderers, will not be problematic, as master and nodes can communicate through their builtin TCP/IP sockets directly and the master can, if needed, be controlled via \gls{osc}. \subsection{Prelimenaries} \label{subsec:preliminaries} In preparation to this work, an implemention of a side-by-side installation to the \gls{os} currently driving the \gls{wfs} system setup of the Electronic Studio at TU Berlin \citep{website:tu-electronic_studio} was attempted for testing purposes.\\ Arch Linux \citep{website:archlinux} was installed and configured to run the medium scale setup. Unfortunately the proprietary Dante \citep{website:audinate} driver for Linux, offered by Four Audio \citep{website:fouraudio}, creates non-trivial circumstances for using it on an up-to-date Linux kernel, due to \gls{alsa} \gls{api} changes not accounted for.\\ While the current \gls{os} - an Ubuntu \citep{website:ubuntu} Studio 2012 \gls{lts} - still runs well in its own parameters, its support has run out and it is therefore becoming harder, if not impossible, to build newer software on it, using newer versions of free software compilers.\\ For research purposes however, it is desirable to be able to try new kernel and software features, finding the most stable and secure setup possible involving realtime enabled kernels and building new versions of (spatialisation) software on a regular basis.\\ The hardware of the large scale setup at TU Berlin in room H0104 was being updated and unusable at the time of writing. In the future it will however become a valuable candidate for testing of the sought after \gls{ssr} features, as its setup involves no Dante network, but is instead run by several rendering computers connected to \gls{madi} and \gls{adat} lightpipe enabled speaker systems.\\ Although a \gls{wfs} setup for testing purposes was eligible, it generally is not needed for implementing (a subset of) the features described in \nameref{sec:implementation}, as they can be tested using two machines running Linux, \gls{jack} and a development version of the \gls{ssr}.\\ \subsection{Outline} \label{subsec:outline} As described in \nameref{sec:implementation}, initially extending the \gls{ssr}'s features was aimed at in the scope of creating a replacement for the aging sWONDER software, enabling it to run networked instances to drive a medium or large scale \gls{wfs} setup.\\ \subsubsection{Remote controlling a server} \label{subsubsec:remote_controlling_a_server} \subsubsection{Remote controlling clients} \label{subsubsec:remote_controlling_a_client} \subsubsection{Rendering on dedicated speakers} \label{subsubsec:rendering_on_dedicated_speakers} \subsection{Publisher/Subscriber interface} \label{subsec:publisher_subscriber_interface} The \gls{ssr} internally uses a \gls{pubsub}, which is a design pattern, to implement control through and over several parts of its components.\\ In \gls{oop} \gls{pubsub} - also called observer, listener messaging - is usually comprised of a publisher class, handling the messages, without explicitely implementing how they will be used and a subscriber class, that allows for its implementations to subscribe to the messages provided. Filtering takes place to enable subscribers to only receive a certain subset of the messages.\\ The \gls{ssr} implements a content-based filtering system, in which each subscriber evaluates the messages received and acts depending on its own constraints to implement further actions upon it.\\ \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.6, trim = 6mm 91mm 12mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-publisher-with-all-subscribers.pdf} \caption{A diagram depicting a simplified version of the \gls{pubsub} used within the \gls{ssr}.\\ {\color{pubsub-in}\textbf{--}} Calls from Publisher to Subscriber {\color{controller-in}\textbf{--}} Calls from Subscribers to Controller (Publisher) } \label{fig:ssr-publisher-with-all-subscribers} \end{figure} The abstract class Publisher defines the messages possible to send and provides means to subscribe to them. The global Controller class is its only implementation within the \gls{ssr}.\\ The abstract class Subscriber in turn defines the messages understood, while its implementations in RenderSubscriber, Scene, OscSender and NetworkSubscriber take care of how they are used.\\ This system enables a versatile messaging layout, in which components can call the publisher functionality in Controller, which in turn will send out messages to all of its subscribers.\\ Depending on the design of an application, \gls{pubsub} is not necesarily a one-way-road. As showin in Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-publisher-with-all-subscribers}, subscribers can also be able to call functions of the Publisher, if the implementation permits it. In the \gls{ssr} this is possible, because each Subscriber holds a reference to the Controller instance and is therefore able to call its public functions.\\ According to the principle of encapsulation in \gls{oop}, this type of functionality is handled by a separate class. In Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-publisher-with-all-subscribers}, the OscHandler and Server instances delegate calls to Controller functionality to their utilities OscReceiver and CommandParser (respectively). \subsection{IP interface} \label{subsec:ip-interface} The \gls{ssr} from early on incorporated a network interface, that accepts specially terminated \gls{xml}-formatted strings over a \gls{tcp} port, called “\gls{ip} interface”. This has the benefit of reusing the same \gls{xml} parser code in use for scene and reproduction description.\\ A downside is however, that - from the perspective of other software - it is complicated to use, as a conversion to \gls{xml} has to be attempted before sending a message to the \gls{ssr}. Additionally the message has to be linted (error checked) before sending and again parsed, after receiving an answer from the application.\\ \paragraph{OSC through PureData} \label{par:osc_through_puredata} To allow \gls{osc} communication, the \gls{ssr} incorporates a Lua based \gls{pd} external. It uses two externals (iemnet and pdlua) alongside a Lua library for parsing and creating \gls{xml} (SLAXML). \paragraph{Sending and receiving} \label{par:sending_and_receiving} As mentioned in section~\nameref{subsec:publisher_subscriber_interface}, the NetworkSubscriber class (part of the \gls{ip} interface) implements the subscriber interface. This means: The network interface subscribes to the messages the publisher (the Controller instance) has to offer. Every time a function of the \gls{ssr}'s Controller instance, that was inherited from Publisher, is called, it will issue the call on all of its subscribers, too.\\ \cleardoublepage \section{Results} \label{sec:results} \subsection{Open Sound Control interface} \label{subsec:osc-interface} \gls{osc} is an “open, transport-independent, message-based protocol developed for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices” \citep{website:oscv1.0} developed at the \gls{cnmat}. Its 1.0 specification was published by Matthew Wright in 2002 \citep{website:oscv1.0} and the protocol has found widespread implementations (as libraries) in several programming languages and through that many use-cases in free and closed audio and video related applications (e.g. Ardour \citep{website:ardour}, Cubase \citep{website:steinberg}, Max/MSP \citep{website:cycling74}, SuperCollider \citep{website:supercollider}) since then.\\ \gls{osc}'s syntax is defined by several parts, which are discussed briefly in this section.\\ \begin{itemize} \item Atomic data types, which are also reflected in type tags (see Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms} for details) \item Address patterns (a \gls{osc}-string starting with a “/”) \item Type tag string (a string, beginning with a “,”, holding a set of type tags, describing a collection of atomic data types) \item Arguments, a set of binary representations of each argument \item Messages, consisting (in sequence) of an address pattern, a type tag string and \textit{n} \gls{osc} arguments. \item Bundles, consisting of a set of Messages. \item Packets, the unit of transmission (sent over \gls{udp} or \gls{tcp}), consisting of a message or a bundle. \end{itemize} According to the specification, applications sending \gls{osc} packets are considered a client and the ones receiving packets a server. Applications can therefore be client and server at the same time. \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \begin{tabular}{ p{2cm} | p{8cm} } \textbf{\gls{osc} type tag} & \textbf{Type} \\ \texttt{i} & int32 \\ \texttt{f} & float32 \\ \texttt{s} & \gls{osc}-string \\ \texttt{b} & \gls{osc}-blob \\ \hline \hline \texttt{h} & 64 bit big-endian two's complement integer\\ \texttt{t} & \gls{osc}-timetag\\ \texttt{d} & 64 bit (“double”) IEEE 754 floating point number\\ \texttt{S} & Alternate type represented as an \gls{osc}-string (for example, for systems that differentiate “symbols” from “strings”)\\ \texttt{c} & an ascii character, sent as 32 bits\\ \texttt{r} & 32 bit RGBA color\\ \texttt{m} & 4 byte MIDI message. Bytes from MSB to LSB are: port id, status byte, data1, data2\\ \texttt{T} & True. No bytes are allocated in the argument data.\\ \texttt{F} & False. No bytes are allocated in the argument data.\\ \texttt{N} & Nil. No bytes are allocated in the argument data.\\ \texttt{I} & Infinitum. No bytes are allocated in the argument data.\\ \texttt{[} & Indicates the beginning of an array. The tags following are for data in the Array until a close brace tag is reached.\\ \texttt{]} & Indicates the end of an array.\\ \end{tabular} \caption{Acronyms (type tags) for atomic data types, used in \gls{osc} messages and bundles \citep{website:oscv1.0}.}\\ The first four types define the standard \gls{osc} type tags, which should be understood by all implementations. The remaining are non-standard types, that are implemented by most (e.g. \nameref{subsubsec:liblo} implements all but array and RGBA color type). \label{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms} \end{table} \subsubsection{liblo} \label{subsubsec:liblo} Liblo \citep{website:liblo2017} is an implementation of the \gls{osc} protocol for \gls{posix} systems. It was initially developed by Steve Harris and is now actively maintained by Stephen Sinclair.\\ The library, written in C, offers a C++ abstraction layer and is released under the \gls{lgpl} v2.1 or greater. Additionally there are wrappers for the Perl and Python programming languages.\\ Due to its long standing availability and usage in many small and large-scale software projects, alongside its fairly straight forward implementability, it was chosen as the candidate for establishing a \gls{osc} interface for the \gls{ssr}.\\ At the time of writing liblo's lastet stable release (0.28) was issued on 27th January 2014. Many changes and improvements have been applied to the codebase since then. One of them is the implementation of a ServerThread for the C++ abstraction layer, which runs a Server instance on a separate thread automatically.\\ In programming, threads are a way to implement simultaneous and/ or asynchroneous execution of code. The liblo Server class, at the core of the C++ side of the library, is responsible for assigning a network port to listen to for incoming messages, listening for messages, executing code on their arrival (callback handling) and sending messages to clients. As most applications, facilitating liblo, use \gls{osc} only as a messaging system, it usually means, that the application itself is not single-purpose and is busy computing something else most of the time. Therefore it makes sense to run a Server instance on a separate background thread, to not interfere with the executional flow of the rest of the program.\\ The ServerThread class is able to free its ressources upon going ot of scope, known as \gls{raii}. For this reason, the latest development version, instead of the current stable version of liblo was chosen for the implementation. \subsubsection{Setups} \label{subsubsec:setups} The \gls{ssr} offers the possibility for many different \gls{osc} enabled client-server and client-only setups. They will be explained in the following paragraphs.\\ All examples provide audio input via a \gls{jack} client, which can be local (on each client's or server's host computer) or provided through external audio inputs from another host computer (e.g.\ through \gls{adat} orj \gls{madi}). This however is not mandatory, as the \gls{ssr} is capable of playing back audio files directly.\\ The differences between server and client messaging is further elaborated upon in \textbf{\nameref{subsubsec:message_interface}}. \paragraph{Client-Server, shared rendering} \label{para:client_server_shared_rendering} In Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-client-server-shared-output}, the setup shows \textit{1} to \textit{n} client instances, controlled by a server instance. All instances are receiving audio from an external \gls{jack} client or from reading local files. Collectively, the \textit{n} clients and the server are rendering audio on a shared output system (e.g. \gls{wfs} or \gls{hoa}).\\ The server instance is controlled through its \gls{gui}, sends out \gls{osc} messages to all \textit{n} clients and receives their updated information (again through \gls{osc}). \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-client-server-shared-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which the server and the clients render audio collectively (e.g. \gls{wfs}). The server instance is not controlled via \gls{osc}, but controls its clients through it.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-client-server-shared-output} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-external-client-server-shared-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which the server and the clients render audio collectively (e.g. \gls{wfs}). The server instance is controlled by an \gls{osc} capable application (acting as another client) and controls its clients through \gls{osc} as well.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-external-client-server-shared-output} \end{figure} The setup shown in Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-client-server-shared-output} is similar to the previous one, with the exception, that the server instance is controlled by an external \gls{osc} capable application. This way, the server instance can also be run headless (without a \gls{gui}).\\ The set of \textit{n} clients report back to the server instance, which in turn reports back to the \gls{osc} enabled application (acting as another client). \cleardoublepage \paragraph{Client-Server, separate rendering} \label{para:client_server_separate_rendering} As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-client-server-separate-output}, it is possible to have a setup, in which, similar to the one described in Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-client-server-shared-output}, server and \textit{n} clients render the same sources, but on separate output systems (e.g.\ several \gls{bs}/\gls{brs} renderers or even a mixture of a \gls{wfs}/\gls{hoa} system and several \gls{bs}/\gls{brs} renderers).\\ \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-client-server-separate-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which the server and the clients render audio to separate outputs (e.g.\ multiple \gls{bs} renderers). The server instance is not controlled via \gls{osc}, but controls its clients through it.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-client-server-separate-output} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-client-server-separate-output} is an example of a similar setup, but again using an external \gls{osc} capable application to control the server instance.\\ \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-external-client-server-separate-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which the server and the clients render audio separately (e.g.\ multiple \gls{bs} renderers). The server instance is controlled by an \gls{osc} capable application (acting as another client) and controls its clients through \gls{osc} as well.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-external-client-server-separate-output} \end{figure} \cleardoublepage \paragraph{Clients only} \label{para:client_server_separate_rendering} Using the new \gls{osc} interface, it is also possible to have client-only setups, in which an \gls{osc} capable application mimics a \gls{ssr} server. This way a set of \textit{n} clients can collectively (see Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-shared-output}) or separately (see Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-separate-output}) render audio, without the specific need of a \gls{ssr} server instance controlling them. The clients send their update information back to the controlling application.\\ Much of the functionality implemented in the server-side of the \gls{osc} interface however has to be reapplied to the controlling software and its behavior, when dealing with \gls{ssr} clients. \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-external-clients-only-shared-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client cluster setup, in which a set of clients render audio collectively (e.g.\ medium or large-scale \gls{wfs} setup). An \gls{osc} capable application acts as a \gls{ssr} server instance and controls the clients.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-shared-output} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-external-clients-only-separate-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client cluster setup, in which a set of clients render audio separately (e.g.\ multiple \gls{bs} renderers). An \gls{osc} capable application acts as a \gls{ssr} server instance and controls the clients.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-separate-output} \end{figure} \cleardoublepage \subsubsection{Message levels} \label{subsubsec:message_levels} The \gls{osc} interface conceived in the course of this work implements several message levels to be able to distinguish between types of clients and servers.\\ The \textit{enumeration class} MessageLevel in \textit{src/ssr\_global.h} defines the four types \textit{SERVER}, \textit{THIN\_CLIENT}, \textit{CLIENT}, \textit{GUI\_CLIENT}.\\ Client \gls{ssr} instances subscribe to (\gls{ssr}) server instances with the \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{CLIENT} by default.\\ Several updating messages, such as information on \gls{cpu} load or master signal level are not of interest to a rendering client and should therefore not be sent to them, which is why they are only sent to clients with a \textit{MessageLevel} of \textit{GUI\_CLIENT} connected to a \gls{ssr} instance.\\ Lightweight \gls{osc} capable applications used to control a \gls{ssr} server instance or mimicing the behavior of a server instance to control a set of clients also don't need all the processing and transport related information of clients sent to them, which is why they ought to subscribe to them with the \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{THIN\_CLIENT}.\\ Server instances subscribed to, get the \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{SERVER} assigned to by each client by default. To change the type of \gls{osc} messages sent to them, the server's \textit{MessageLevel} can be set to a higher value (i.e. \textit{THIN\_CLIENT}). \subsubsection{Message interface} \label{subsubsec:message_interface} \gls{osc} offers the possibility of a hierarchical path tree, that can be used to group messages \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{2cm} | p{1cm} | p{3.5cm} | p{3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Example}\\ \hline \texttt{/message\_level} & i & Set message level of sender & \texttt{[/message\_level, 1]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/message\_level} & ssi & Set message level of a specific client & \texttt{[/message\_level, “”, “50002”, 1]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/subscribe} & F & Unsubscribe sender & \texttt{[/subscribe, false]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/subscribe} & Fss & Unsubscribe specific client & \texttt{[/subscribe, false, “”, “50002”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/subscribe} & T & Subscribe sender & \texttt{[/subscribe, true]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/subscribe} & Ti & Subscribe sender with specific message level & \texttt{[/subscribe, true, 1]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/subscribe} & Tssi & Subscribe specific client with specific message level & \texttt{[/subscribe, true, “”, “50002”, 1]} \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for subscribing and setting of message levels for clients.\\ Understood by server. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-subscribe} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{3cm} | p{1.2cm} | p{3.5cm} | p{3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Example}\\ \hline \texttt{/processing/state} & F & Unset processing state & \texttt{[/processing/state, false]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/processing/state} & T & Set processing state & \texttt{[/processing/state, true]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/tracker/reset} & & Reset tracker & \texttt{[/tracker/reset]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/transport/rewind} & & Rewind the \gls{jack} transport & \texttt{[/transport/rewind]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/transport/seek} & s & Seek to time code in \gls{jack} transport & \texttt{[/transport/seek, “42:00:00”]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/transport/state} & F & Unset \gls{jack} transport state & \texttt{[/transport/state, false]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/transport/state} & T & Set \gls{jack} transport state & \texttt{[/transport/state, true]} \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for processing, tracker and (\gls{jack}) transport related settings.\\ Understood by server and clients. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-processing-tracker-transport} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{4.3cm} | p{1cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4.3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Example}\\ \hline \texttt{/reference/orientation} & f & Set azimuth of reference point & \texttt{[/reference/orientation, -90.0]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/reference/position} & ff & Set position of reference & \texttt{[/reference/position, 1.5, 2.0]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/reference\_offset/orientation} & f & Set azimuth of reference offset position & \texttt{[/reference\_offset/orientation, -90.0]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/reference\_offset/position} & ff & Set position of reference offset & \texttt{[/reference\_offset/position, 1.5, 2.0]}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for reference management.\\ Understood by server and clients. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-reference} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{4.5cm} | p{0.9cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4.3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Example} \\ \hline \texttt{/scene/amplitude\_reference \_distance} & f & Set amplitude reference distance. & \texttt{[/scene/amplitude\_reference \_distance, 6.0]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources} & F & Disable automatic rotation of sources. & \texttt{[/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources, false]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources} & T & Enable automatic rotation of sources. & \texttt{[/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources, true]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/clear} & & Delete all sources & \texttt{[/scene/clear]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/load} & s & Load scene from \gls{asdf} file. & \texttt{[/scene/load, “example.asd”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/save} & s & Save scene to \gls{asdf} file. & \texttt{[/scene/save, “example.asd”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/scene/volume} & f & Set scene master volume. & \texttt{[/scene/volume, 0.23]}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for scene management.\\ Understood by server and clients. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-scene} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{3.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4.3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Example} \\ \hline \texttt{/source/delete} & i & Delete source with given id & \texttt{[/source/delete, 1]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/file\_channel} & ii & Set a source's file channel & \texttt{[/source/file\_channel, 1, 2]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/port\_name } & is & Set a source's \gls{jack} input port name & \texttt{[/source/port\_name, 1, “system:capture\_2”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/gain} & if & Set a source's gain & \texttt{[/source/gain, 1, 0.2]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/model} & is & Set a source's model & \texttt{[/source/model, 1, “point”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/mute} & iF & Unmute a source & \texttt{[/source/mute, 1, false]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/mute} & iT & Mute a source & \texttt{[/source/mute, 1, true]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/name} & is & Set a source's name & \texttt{[/source/name, 1, “Daisy”]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/new} & i & Create a new source stub using id & \texttt{[/source/new, 1]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/new} & sssffffTFF & Create a new source (auto-generated id) with name, model, port number, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, orientation, gain, movability, orientation movability and mute status & \texttt{[/source/new, “Daisy”, “point”, “1”, 1.0, 2.5, 90.0, 0.2, true, false, false]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/new} & sssffffisTFF & Create a new source (auto-generated id) with name, model, port number, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, orientation, gain, file channel, properties file, movability, orientation movability and mute status & \texttt{[/source/new, “Daisy”, “point”, “1”, 1.0, 2.5, 90.0, 0.2, 2, “properties.xml”, true, false, false]} \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/orientation} & if & Set a source's orientation & \texttt{[/source/orientation, 1, -90.0]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/position} & iff & Set a source's position & \texttt{[/source/position, 1, 1.5, 2.0]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/position\_fixed} & iF & Set a source movable & \texttt{[/source/position\_fixed, 1, false]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/position\_fixed} & iT & Set a source immovable & \texttt{[/source/position\_fixed, 1, true]}\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/source/properties\_file} & is & Set a source's properties file & \texttt{[/source/properties\_file, 1, “source-properties.xml”]}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for source management.\\ Understood by server and clients. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-source} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htb] \scriptsize \centering \rowcolors{2}{table-background-one}{table-background-two} \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.) } \begin{tabular}{ p{6.5cm} | p{0.9cm} | p{4.3cm} } \textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline \texttt{/update/cpu\_load} & f & \gls{cpu} load changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/processing/state} & T & Processing state is set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/processing/state} & F & Processing state is unset.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/reference/orientation} & f & Reference orientation changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/reference/position} & ff & Reference position changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/reference\_offset/orientation} & f & Reference offset orientation changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/reference\_offset/position} & ff & Reference offset position changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/amplitude\_reference\_distance} & f & Amplitude reference distance changes.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources} & T & Auto rotation of sources is set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/auto\_rotate\_sources} & F & Auto rotation of sources is unset.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/decay\_exponent} & f & The scene's decay exponent has changed.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/master\_signal\_level} & f & Master signal level has changed.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/sample\_rate} & i & Sample rate of the scene changed.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/scene/volume} & f & Volume of the scene has changed.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/delete} & i & A source with given id was deleted. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/file\_channel} & ii & A source's file channel was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/file\_name\_or\_port\_number} & is & A source's file name or port number was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/gain} & if & A source's gain was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/length} & ii & A source's length was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/level} & if & A source's output level has changed.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/model} & is & A source's model was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/mute} & iF & A source was unmuted.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/mute} & iT & A source was muted.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/name} & is & A source's name was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/orientation} & if & A source's orientation was set. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/new} & i & A new source with given id was created. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/port\_name} & is & A source's \gls{jack} port\_name was set. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/position} & iff & A source's position was set. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/position\_fixed} & iF & A source was set to be movable. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/position\_fixed} & iT & A source was set to be immovable. \\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/source/properties\_file} & is & A source's properties\_file was set.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/transport/seek} & s & \gls{jack} transport seeked to a timecode position.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/transport/state} & F & \gls{jack} transport was stopped.\\ \noalign{\smallskip} \texttt{/update/transport/state} & T & \gls{jack} transport was started.\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\gls{osc} messages for updating information on \gls{cpu} load, processing, reference, scene, source, and transport of clients on a server.\\ Understood by server.\\ No examples are given, as they are mostly analogous to the ones in Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-processing-tracker-transport}, Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-scene} and Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-source}. } \label{tab:ssr-osc-update} \end{table} \cleardoublepage \section{Discussion} \label{sec:discussion} \paragraph{Stress testing the \gls{osc} interface} \label{par:stress_testing_the_osc_interface} \cleardoublepage \paragraph{Implementing a NullRenderer} \label{par:implementing_a_nullrenderer} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-client-server-clients-only-shared-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which only the clients render audio collectively (e.g.\ medium or large-scale \gls{wfs}). The server instance is not controlled via \gls{osc}, but controls its clients through it. Additionally its rendering engine does not have any outputs.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-client-server-clients-only-shared-output} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!htb] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.0, trim = 20mm 204mm 10mm 10mm, clip] {ssr-client-server-clients-only-separate-output.pdf} \caption{A diagram displaying a \gls{ssr} client/server setup, in which only the clients render audio to separate outputs (e.g.\ multiple \glspl{bs} renderers). The server instance is not controlled via \gls{osc}, but controls its clients through it. Additionally its rendering engine does not have any outputs.\\ {\color{osc-in}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} input {\color{osc-out}\textbf{--}} \gls{osc} output {\color{audio-in}\textbf{--}} Audio input {\color{audio-out}\textbf{--}} Audio output } \label{fig:ssr-client-server-clients-only-separate-output} \end{figure} \cleardoublepage \paragraph{Implementing AlienLoudspeaker} \label{par:implementing_alienloudspeaker} \paragraph{Interpolation of moving sources} \label{par:interpolation_of_moving_sources} \pagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listfigurename} \listoffigures \cleardoublepage \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listtablename} \listoftables \cleardoublepage \printindex \printglossaries \cleardoublepage \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \bibliography{../bib/ssr-networking} \end{document}