/** * oscP5tcp by andreas schlegel * example shows how to use the TCP protocol with oscP5. * what is TCP? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol * in this example both, a server and a client are used. typically * this doesnt make sense as you usually wouldnt communicate with yourself * over a network. therefore this example is only to make it easier to * explain the concept of using tcp with oscP5. * oscP5 website at http://www.sojamo.de/oscP5 */ import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5tcpServer; OscP5 oscP5tcpClient; NetAddress myServerAddress; void setup() { /* create an oscP5 instance using TCP listening @ port 11000 */ oscP5tcpServer = new OscP5(this, 11000, OscP5.TCP); /* create an oscP5 instance using TCP. * the remote address is @ port 11000 = the server from above */ oscP5tcpClient = new OscP5(this, "", 11000, OscP5.TCP); } void draw() { background(0); } void mousePressed() { /* the tcp client sends a message to the server it is connected to.*/ oscP5tcpClient.send("/test", new Object[] {new Integer(1)}); } void keyPressed() { /* check how many clients are connected to the server. */ println(oscP5tcpServer.tcpServer().getClients().length); } void oscEvent(OscMessage theMessage) { /* in this example, both the server and the client share this oscEvent method */ System.out.println("### got a message " + theMessage); if(theMessage.checkAddrPattern("/test")) { /* message was send from the tcp client */ OscMessage m = new OscMessage("/response"); m.add("server response: got it"); /* server responds to the client's message */ oscP5tcpServer.send(m,theMessage.tcpConnection()); } }