diff options
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/classes/Bowelyzer.sc b/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
index e1fba76..35aa0c3 100644
--- a/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
+++ b/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
@@ -193,9 +193,19 @@ Bowelyzer{
key: \saveas,
func: {|msg, time, addr, recvPort|
var name = msg[0],
- fileName = msg[1];
+ fileName = msg[1],
+ dict;
postln("Received: "++msg);
- config.writeConfigurationFile(fileName);
+ if(config.writeConfigurationFile(fileName), {
+ if((gui.configFilePathView.items.size == 0), {
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(fileName);
+ },{
+ dict = Dictionary.with(*gui.configFilePathView.items);
+ if(dict.includesKey(fileName.asSymbol).not,{
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(fileName);
+ });
+ });
+ });
path: "/saveas",
srcID: hub.local
@@ -225,8 +235,13 @@ Bowelyzer{
// reload the addresses and ports Views
- gui.removeAddressesAndPorts;
- gui.setupAddressesAndPorts(config.config);
+ gui.removeSettingsView("synthServer");
+ gui.removeSettingsView("hub");
+ gui.removeSettingsView("forward");
+ gui.setupSynthServerView(config.config);
+ gui.setupHubView(config.config);
+ gui.setupForwardView(config.config);
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(config.configFilePath);
("Configuration could not be read: "++fileName).error;
diff --git a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
index 48b1688..31dea20 100644
--- a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
+++ b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- var mainView, <settingsView, <channelContainerView,
+ var mainView, <settingsView, <channelContainerView, lowerView, <configFilePathView,
fadeOutTime = 0.3,
@@ -43,36 +43,54 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
channels = Set.new(config.config.at(\inputs).size);
indicators = Dictionary.new(config.config.at(\inputs).size);
this.setupMainView(config.config, config.configFilePath);
- this.setupChannelAddButton(channelContainerView);
//setup the main view, in which all other views reside
- arg config, configFilePath;
+ arg config, configFilePath, buttonView;
var channelScrollView, layout;
mainView = PageLayout.new("Bowelyzer");
mainView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DBDBDB");
layout = mainView.asView.addFlowLayout(0@0, 0@0);
+ //TODO: close everything depending on choice
- settingsView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, settingsViewSize.x, settingsViewSize.y));
- settingsView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#99EF99");
+ settingsView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, mainView.bounds.width, settingsViewSize.y));
settingsView.layout = HLayout();
- settingsView.layout.spacing = 0;
+ settingsView.layout.spacing = 4;
settingsView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
- this.setupAddressesAndPorts(config);
+ this.setupConfigFilePathView(configFilePath);
+ this.setupSettingsSpacer;
+ this.setupSynthServerView(config);
+ this.setupHubView(config);
+ this.setupForwardView(config);
// go to next line in layout
+ lowerView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height));
+ lowerView.layout = HLayout();
+ lowerView.layout.spacing = 0;
+ lowerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
+ buttonView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth+8, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height));
+ buttonView.layout = VLayout();
+ buttonView.layout.spacing = 4;
+ buttonView.layout.margins = [4,4,4,4];
+ buttonView.layout.insert(this.setupChannelAddButton, 0);
+ buttonView.layout.insert(nil, 1);
+ lowerView.layout.insert(buttonView, 0);
// scrollview for channels
- channelScrollView = ScrollView(mainView.asView, Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height)).autohidesScrollers_(false).hasBorder_(true);
+ channelScrollView = ScrollView(bounds: Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width-buttonWidth, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height))
+ .autohidesScrollers_(false)
+ .hasBorder_(true);
// container for channelViews
channelContainerView = View(parent: channelScrollView, bounds: Rect(0, 0, (channelViewWidth*config.at(\inputs).size)+buttonWidth, channelViewHeight));
channelContainerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#FEFEFE");
@@ -80,44 +98,68 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
channelContainerView.layout.spacing = 0;
channelContainerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
channelContainerView.name = \channelContainerView;
+ lowerView.layout.insert(channelScrollView, 1);
+ }
+ // setup View for displaying current configuration file
+ setupConfigFilePathView{
+ arg configFilePath;
+ var listView;
+ {
+ listView = View();
+ listView.minSize_((settingsSubViewSize.x*2)@settingsSubViewSize.y);
+ listView.addFlowLayout(0@0, 0@0);
+ listView.name = "configFilePath";
+ configFilePathView = EZListView.new(
+ listView,
+ bounds: (settingsSubViewSize.x*2)@settingsSubViewSize.y,
+ label: "Current configuration:"
+ );
+ if(configFilePath.notNil && (configFilePath != ""), {
+ configFilePathView.addItem(configFilePath, {|unit| this.sendLoadMessage(unit.item)});
+ });
+ settingsView.layout.insert(listView, 1);
+ }.defer;
+ }
+ // insert a new config file path at the top of the list and set it to current
+ setCurrentConfigFilePath{
+ arg configFile;
+ {
+ configFilePathView.insertItem(0, configFile, {|unit| this.sendLoadMessage(unit.item)});
+ configFilePathView.value(0);
+ }.defer;
// setup the config View with Buttons to save and load configurations
+ {
var configView = View();
- configView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
configView.layout = VLayout();
- configView.layout.spacing = 0;
- configView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
+ configView.layout.spacing = 4;
+ configView.layout.margins = [4,4,4,4];
configView.name = "config";
- this.setupSaveButton(configView);
- this.setupSaveAsButton(configView);
- this.setupLoadButton(configView);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupSaveButton, 0);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupSaveAsButton, 1);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupLoadButton, 2);
+ configView.layout.insert(nil, 2);
settingsView.layout.insert(configView, 0);
+ }.defer;
- removeConfigView{
- settingsView.children.do({|setting, i|
- if(setting.isKindOf(View) && (setting.name == "config"),{
- setting.remove;
- });
- });
- }
- // setup Views for addresses and ports
- setupAddressesAndPorts{
+ // setup View for synthServer address and port
+ setupSynthServerView{
arg config;
- var forwardView, hubView, synthServerView;
+ var synthServerView;
- //synthServer
synthServerView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- synthServerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
synthServerView.layout = VLayout();
synthServerView.layout.spacing = 0;
synthServerView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
synthServerView.name = "synthServer";
- synthServerView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ synthServerView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(synthServerView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("synthServer").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(synthServerView, "address", config.at(\synthServerAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -135,16 +177,21 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(synthServerView, 1);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(synthServerView, 3);
+ }.defer;
+ }
- //hub
+ // setup View for hub address and port
+ setupHubView{
+ arg config;
+ var hubView;
+ {
hubView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- hubView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
hubView.layout = VLayout();
hubView.layout.spacing = 0;
hubView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
hubView.name = "hub";
- hubView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ hubView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(hubView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("hub").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(hubView, "address", config.at(\hubAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -162,16 +209,21 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(hubView, 2);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(hubView, 4);
+ }.defer;
+ }
- //forward
+ // setup View for forward address and port
+ setupForwardView{
+ arg config;
+ var forwardView;
+ {
forwardView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- forwardView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
forwardView.layout = VLayout();
forwardView.layout.spacing = 0;
forwardView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
forwardView.name = "forward";
- forwardView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ forwardView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(forwardView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("forward").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(forwardView, "address", config.at(\forwardAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -189,15 +241,20 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(forwardView, 3);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(forwardView, 5);
+ }
+ setupSettingsSpacer{
+ settingsView.layout.insert(nil, 5);
// remove Views for addresses and ports
- removeAddressesAndPorts{
+ removeSettingsView{
+ arg name;
settingsView.children.do({|setting, i|
- if(setting.isKindOf(View) && ((setting.name == "hub") || (setting.name == "synthServer") || (setting.name == "forward")),{
+ if(setting.isKindOf(View) && (setting.name == name.asString), {
@@ -433,20 +490,14 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// create a load button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["load", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/load";
- okFunc: {|path|
- postln("Sending: ["++type++", "++path++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, path.asString);
- },
+ okFunc: {|path| this.sendLoadMessage(path)},
cancelFunc: {},
fileMode: 1,
acceptMode: 0,
@@ -457,10 +508,17 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
+ // send a message via OSC to load a configuration file by name
+ sendLoadMessage{
+ arg path;
+ var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
+ postln("Sending: [/load, "++path++"]");
+ address.sendMsg("/load", path.asString);
+ }
// create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["save", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
@@ -496,8 +554,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["save as", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")],
@@ -550,8 +607,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// setup a button to add a channel
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonWidth))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonWidth))
["+", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
@@ -562,6 +618,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
postln("Sending: ["++type++"]");
+ .minSize_(buttonWidth@buttonWidth)