bowelyzer ######### | |supercollider| classes for analysis of several audio streams and sending of OSC messages based on amplitude thresholds and frequency maxima Features ________ Installation ____________ Clone this repository to somewhere sclang will pick it up on recompiling its class library: .. code:: bash cd ~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/local git clone git:// If the local folder doesn't exist, create it, otherwise you can also directly clone into the Extensions folder (the folder and all of its children will get picked up on recompile). Symlinking is fine, too! .. code:: bash cd ~/some/other/directory git clone git:// cd ./local/share/SuperCollider/Extensios/local/ ln -s ~/some/other/directory/bowelyzer . Usage _____ Go to the cloned directory and open **bowelyzer.scd** in your favorite SuperCollider IDE. All further steps are explained there. .. |supercollider| raw:: html SuperCollider