diff options
4 files changed, 217 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/.ropeproject/config.py b/.ropeproject/config.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ffebcd4..0000000
--- a/.ropeproject/config.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# The default ``config.py``
-def set_prefs(prefs):
- """This function is called before opening the project"""
- # Specify which files and folders to ignore in the project.
- # Changes to ignored resources are not added to the history and
- # VCSs. Also they are not returned in `Project.get_files()`.
- # Note that ``?`` and ``*`` match all characters but slashes.
- # '*.pyc': matches 'test.pyc' and 'pkg/test.pyc'
- # 'mod*.pyc': matches 'test/mod1.pyc' but not 'mod/1.pyc'
- # '.svn': matches 'pkg/.svn' and all of its children
- # 'build/*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' but not 'build/sub/lib.o'
- # 'build//*.o': matches 'build/lib.o' and 'build/sub/lib.o'
- prefs['ignored_resources'] = ['*.pyc', '*~', '.ropeproject',
- '.hg', '.svn', '_svn', '.git']
- # Specifies which files should be considered python files. It is
- # useful when you have scripts inside your project. Only files
- # ending with ``.py`` are considered to be python files by
- # default.
- #prefs['python_files'] = ['*.py']
- # Custom source folders: By default rope searches the project
- # for finding source folders (folders that should be searched
- # for finding modules). You can add paths to that list. Note
- # that rope guesses project source folders correctly most of the
- # time; use this if you have any problems.
- # The folders should be relative to project root and use '/' for
- # separating folders regardless of the platform rope is running on.
- # 'src/my_source_folder' for instance.
- #prefs.add('source_folders', 'src')
- # You can extend python path for looking up modules
- #prefs.add('python_path', '~/python/')
- # Should rope save object information or not.
- prefs['save_objectdb'] = True
- prefs['compress_objectdb'] = False
- # If `True`, rope analyzes each module when it is being saved.
- prefs['automatic_soa'] = True
- # The depth of calls to follow in static object analysis
- prefs['soa_followed_calls'] = 0
- # If `False` when running modules or unit tests "dynamic object
- # analysis" is turned off. This makes them much faster.
- prefs['perform_doa'] = True
- # Rope can check the validity of its object DB when running.
- prefs['validate_objectdb'] = True
- # How many undos to hold?
- prefs['max_history_items'] = 32
- # Shows whether to save history across sessions.
- prefs['save_history'] = True
- prefs['compress_history'] = False
- # Set the number spaces used for indenting. According to
- # :PEP:`8`, it is best to use 4 spaces. Since most of rope's
- # unit-tests use 4 spaces it is more reliable, too.
- prefs['indent_size'] = 4
- # Builtin and c-extension modules that are allowed to be imported
- # and inspected by rope.
- prefs['extension_modules'] = []
- # Add all standard c-extensions to extension_modules list.
- prefs['import_dynload_stdmods'] = True
- # If `True` modules with syntax errors are considered to be empty.
- # The default value is `False`; When `False` syntax errors raise
- # `rope.base.exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError` exception.
- prefs['ignore_syntax_errors'] = False
- # If `True`, rope ignores unresolvable imports. Otherwise, they
- # appear in the importing namespace.
- prefs['ignore_bad_imports'] = False
-def project_opened(project):
- """This function is called after opening the project"""
- # Do whatever you like here!
diff --git a/SuperCollider/random241.scd b/SuperCollider/random241.scd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94afe4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SuperCollider/random241.scd
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// s.makeWindow;
+ s.record;
+ OSCFunc.trace(true);
+ OSCFunc.trace(false);
+ //Dictionary for storing timing and related synths
+ ~tasks = Dictionary.new();
+ //maximum allowed nodes on Server
+ ~maximumSynths = 55;
+ ~allowOSC = true;
+ ~test = 0;
+ // Filter SynthDef for post-processing
+ ~filter = SynthDef(\filter, {|in, mix = 0.68, room = 0.54, damp = 0.15, volume = 0.5|
+ in = In.ar(0, 2);
+ ReplaceOut.ar(0,
+ FreeVerb.ar(
+ in,
+ mix,
+ room,
+ damp
+ ) * volume
+ );
+ }).play;
+ // OSCFunc for putting a task to the Dictionary and playing it
+ OSCFunc({
+ |msg, time, address, receivingPort|
+ var task;
+ var synth;
+ var release = msg[1].asFloat;
+ var freqIn = msg[2].asFloat;
+ var ampIn = msg[3].asFloat;
+ if(~allowOSC, {
+// ("msg: "++msg++" at port "++receivingPort++" from address "++address).postln;
+ //randomized SynthDef to be played
+ synth = SynthDef(time.asSymbol, {|out=0, attackTime=0.01|
+ var freq = freqIn.linexp(0.0, 1.0, 20, 18000);
+ var amplitude = ampIn;
+ var releaseTime = release;
+ var env = EnvGen.kr(//envelope to automatically release the Synth
+ Env.perc(attackTime, releaseTime, amplitude, -4), doneAction:2
+ );
+ var position = LinLin.kr([freqIn, ampIn].median, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
+// ("freq: "++freq++", amplitude: "++amplitude++", position: "++position).postln;
+ //TODO: make stereo by using pan!
+ Out.ar(
+ out,
+ Pan2.ar(// pan using median of freq and amplitude
+ Saw.ar(
+ freq, env, SinOsc.ar(//TODO: lower volume for bbb
+ freq, 0, env*0.5
+ );
+ );
+ ), position
+ );
+ }).add;
+ // Task for each SynthDef
+ task = Task.new({
+ {
+ //play the synth and loop in its own length
+ synth.play;
+ msg[1].wait;
+ }.loop;
+ });
+ NotificationCenter.notify(task, \stopped);
+ NotificationCenter.register(task, \stopped, ~test, {
+ ("Task has stopped").postln;
+ });
+ // Put to Task Dictionary and play task (in a loop)
+ ~tasks.add(time.asSymbol -> task);
+ ~tasks.at(time.asSymbol).play;
+ //if the maximum number of synths is reached, remove the oldest
+ if(s.numSynths > ~maximumSynths,{
+// //get all Tasks ordered, remove the oldest
+// ~tasks.atAll(~tasks.order).do({
+// arg item, i;
+// if(i < (~tasks.size.asInt - ~maximumSynths.asInt),{
+// item.stop;
+// });
+// });
+ // disable OSC handling for now
+ ~allowOSC = false;
+ ~tasks.atAll(~tasks.order).do({
+ arg item, i;
+ item.stop;
+ });
+ s.stopRecording;
+ });
+// ("Number of synths playing: "++s.numSynths.asString).postln;
+ });
+ }, '/random');
+ // OSCFunc for analog inputs to set
+ // maximum numbers of synths, FreeVerb setttings
+ OSCFunc({
+ |msg, time, address, receivingPort|
+ ("msg: "++msg++" at port "++receivingPort++" from address "++address).postln;
+ switch(msg[1].asSymbol,
+ \P9_39, ~filter.set(\mix, msg[2]),
+ \P9_40, ~filter.set(\room, msg[2]),
+ \P9_41, ~filter.set(\damp, msg[2]),
+ \P9_42, ~filter.set(\volume, msg[2]),
+ );
+ }, '/analog');
diff --git a/entropy_harvester/random241.log b/entropy_harvester/random241.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77d2dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/entropy_harvester/random241.log
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+2014-02-14 20:58:59,399 Grabbing random numbers from: 640x480px.
+2014-02-14 20:59:02,192 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 20:59:02,192 318.563838772, 366.493476925
+2014-02-14 20:59:02,192 318.563838772, 366.493476925 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 20:59:02,192 0.497755998081, 0.763528076927 (float)
+2014-02-14 20:59:06,866 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 20:59:06,867 158.489023222, 122.496073032
+2014-02-14 20:59:06,867 238.526430997, 244.494774979 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 20:59:06,867 0.247639098784, 0.25520015215 (float)
+2014-02-14 20:59:21,288 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 20:59:21,288 244.447148175, 206.511969209
+2014-02-14 20:59:21,288 240.50000339, 231.833839722 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 20:59:21,288 0.381948669024, 0.430233269186 (float)
+2014-02-14 20:59:45,095 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 20:59:45,095 540.879599909, 363.808486106
+2014-02-14 20:59:45,095 315.59490252, 264.827501318 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 20:59:45,096 0.845124374858, 0.757934346054 (float)
+2014-02-14 20:59:55,247 Balancing between a couple of clusters.
+2014-02-14 20:59:55,247 140.694326683, 174.408694235
+2014-02-14 20:59:55,247 280.614787352, 246.743739902 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 20:59:55,247 0.219834885442, 0.363351446324 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:00:03,442 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:00:03,443 248.094510127, 201.955945268
+2014-02-14 21:00:03,443 275.194741148, 239.279107463 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:00:03,443 0.387647672073, 0.420741552643 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:00:18,271 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:00:18,271 330.475657259, 78.4864409544
+2014-02-14 21:00:18,271 283.092014878, 216.308726533 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:00:18,272 0.516368214467, 0.163513418655 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:00:36,249 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:00:36,249 256.406174297, 476.751619252
+2014-02-14 21:00:36,250 279.756284806, 248.864088123 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:00:36,250 0.40063464734, 0.993232540108 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:00:44,464 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:00:44,464 244.477272727, 0.0
+2014-02-14 21:00:44,464 275.836394575, 221.212522776 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:00:44,464 0.381995738636, 0.0 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:00:54,979 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:00:54,979 422.452380952, 202.0
+2014-02-14 21:00:54,979 290.497993212, 219.291270498 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:00:54,979 0.660081845238, 0.420833333333 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:01:43,662 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:01:43,662 159.037931016, 168.087604319
+2014-02-14 21:01:43,662 278.547078467, 214.636391755 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:01:43,662 0.248496767212, 0.350182508998 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:02:33,203 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:02:33,203 430.690957968, 383.019316744
+2014-02-14 21:02:33,203 291.225735092, 228.66830217 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:02:33,203 0.672954621825, 0.797956909884 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:02:37,488 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:02:37,488 490.821583091, 193.855915219
+2014-02-14 21:02:37,488 306.579261861, 225.990426251 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:02:37,488 0.76690872358, 0.403866490039 (float)
+2014-02-14 21:02:59,852 Balancing between one cluster.
+2014-02-14 21:02:59,852 416.487631031, 223.0
+2014-02-14 21:02:59,853 314.429859659, 225.776824376 (balance mean)
+2014-02-14 21:02:59,853 0.650761923487, 0.464583333333 (float)
diff --git a/remote_control/read_gpio.py b/remote_control/read_gpio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ddc4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote_control/read_gpio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#a simple beaglebone black instrument, a/v, embedded systems, udk
+#see https://github.com/redFrik/udk10-Embedded_Systems
+#this will read analog and digital sensors and send osc data locally to sc
+#start it with 'sudo python thursday.py &'
+import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC
+import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
+import time
+import liblo as osc
+#-- settings
+analog_sensors= ["P9_39", "P9_40", "P9_41", "P9_42"] # customize here and add your own sensors
+#digital_sensors= ["P9_41", "P9_42"] # customize here and add your own sensors
+update_rate= 0.05 # time in seconds between each reading
+# Define target for osc messages
+target = osc.Address('', 57120, osc.UDP)
+#-- init
+for sensor in digital_sensors:
+ GPIO.setup(sensor, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
+def send_msg(name, sensor, value):
+ global target
+ msg = osc.Message(name)
+ msg.add(name)
+ msg.add(value)
+ try:
+ sc.send(target, msg) # send out osc
+ except:
+ pass # do nothing if seding failed
+ #print msg # debug
+def main():
+ last= {} # remember sensor values in a dict
+ while True:
+ for sensor in analog_sensors:
+ #val= int(ADC.read_raw(sensor)) # 0-1799
+ val= float(ADC.read(sensor)) # 0.0 - 1.0
+ if last.get(sensor, None)!=val:
+ send_osc("/ana", sensor, val)
+ last[sensor]= val # store sensor value
+# for sensor in digital_sensors:
+# val= GPIO.input(sensor) # 0-1
+# if last.get(sensor, None)!=val:
+# sendOSC("/dig", sensor, val)
+# last[sensor]= val # store sensor value
+ time.sleep(update_rate)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ main()