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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/howto.scd b/howto.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a17b5..0000000
--- a/howto.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-//First off: All of this eats shitloads of RAM (still), so be aware! Don't use this with less than 8Gb of RAM available! You have been warned! Also make sure your /tmp has enough space if you're recording to file!
-//Parsing a file, writing a new one to disk
-//parse a new file from opensnp.org
-~parser = SNPParser.new("/tmp/1.23andme.9");
-//get a SNPDict
-~dictionary = ~parser.readFile;
-//write the SNPDict to file
-~file = SNPFile("/tmp/1.sonificate.snp");
-//You might want to recompile the Class library now. Your RAM will be full...
-//boot server FIRST, then load file
-~file = SNPFile("/tmp/1.sonificate.snp");//read from own file (smaller)
-~dictionary = ~file.readFile;//read in the file
-~dictionary.positions;//the number of positions you'll be able to play
-//Make some sound: These are examples on how to init the SNPSonificator class (only use one of them of course). Don't set the playTime below 1 hour. Your sound server won't like that... seriously!
-~sonification = SNPSonificator.new(~dictionary, 8, 2, false, [], true, "/tmp/");// 8 chan, 2hour playtime, recording to file
-~sonification = SNPSonificator.new(~dictionary, 8, 6, true, [], false);//8 chan, 6hour playtime
-~sonification = SNPSonificator.new(~dictionary, 2, 2, true, [], true, "/var/run/media/dave/whitey/");//2 chan, 2hour playtime, recording to file
-~sonification = SNPSonificator.new(~dictionary, 2, 2, true, [], false);//2 chan, 2hour playtime
-~sonification = SNPSonificator.new(~dictionary, 8, 2, true, [\1,\2,\3,\4,\5,\6,\7,\8,\9,\10,\11,\12,\13,\14,\15,\16,\17,\18,\19,\20,\21,\22], false);//8 chan, 2hour playtime, ignoring all chromosomes but X, Y and MT
-~sonification.playFromTo(0, 200000);//play from position - to position (round about 950k in all, if you leave second argument blank, it'll try to play to the end)
-~sonification.queryTimeAndPosition;//get current position and time
-~sonification.pausePlay;//pause play at current position
-~sonification.resumePlay;//resume it