SNPDict{ const length; var true); },{ positionLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat); }); } updateUnknownLookup{//sort the dictionary's unknown lookup table when updating a SNP with unknown resolver arg position, positionAdd; if(positionAdd,{ unknownLookup.add(position.asFloat -> true); },{ unknownLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat); }); } orderLookup{//order the lookup tables (position and unknown) and store them to Arrays (for sequential access) arg table; switch(table, 0,{ snpArr = positionLookup.order; ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln; ^true; }, 1,{ unknownArr = unknownLookup.order; ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln; ^true; }, 2,{ snpArr = positionLookup.order; ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln; unknownArr = unknownLookup.order; ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln; unknownLookup = nil; positionLookup = nil; ^true; },{ ("Unknown operation on sorting lookup tables: "++table.asString).postln; ^false; } ); } storeSNP{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from -file arg snp, position; var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it -> snp); new = -1; },{//else create the first one in this slot positionHolder =; positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp); snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder); this.updatePositionLookup(position, true); new = 1; positions = positions+1; }); if(snp.hasResolver.not,{//if the SNP has no resolver, update the unknown lookup table this.updateUnknownLookup(position, true); }); ^new; } storeSNPFromFile{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from own file arg snp, position; var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it -> snp); },{//else create the first one in this slot positionHolder =; positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp); snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder); }); } initLookupFromFile{//init lookup table from file with size given arg posLookup, unLookup; snpArr =; unknownArr =; } addPositionLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file arg posArr, posSNP; snpArr.add(posSNP); } addUnknownLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file arg posArr, posSNP; unknownArr.add(posSNP); } updateResolver{//update a SNP resolver at a given position arg position, id, resolver; var resolverLeft; if(resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBasePair && resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBase,{//if the resolver is none, don't do anything{ arg snpItem; if(, { snpItem.resolver_(resolver); ("Resolver updated.").postln; ^true; }); }); // resolverLeft = this.noneResolverAtPosition(position); // if(resolverLeft == false,{//if there are no unknowns left, delete position from lookup table // unknownArr.removeAt(unknownArr.indexOf(position.asFloat)); // }); // resolverLeft = nil; },{ ("Not updating position "++position++". Resolver is none.").postln; ^false; }); } deleteSNP{//delete a SNP at a given position arg snp, position; var snpCounter = 0, deleted = false;{ arg snpItem, i; // if(snpItem.notNil, { snpCounter = snpCounter + 1; if( =={ snpItem.removeAt(position.asSymbol); snpCounter = snpCounter - 1; deleted = true; }); // }); }); if(snpCounter < 1,{//delete the complete position if there is no SNP left snpDict.removeAt(position.asSymbol); this.sortPositionLookup(-1, position); this.sortUnknownLookup(-1, position); }); ^deleted; } noneResolverAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of Chromosome -> SNP pairs that don't have a resolver or false if none found arg position; var noneResolver =, noneResolverCount = 0; if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//if the position exists, check it{ arg chromosome, snp; if(snp.hasResolver.not,{ noneResolver.add(chromosome -> snp); noneResolverCount = noneResolverCount + 1; }); }); if(noneResolverCount>0,{ ^noneResolver; },{ ^false; }); },{ ^false; }); } snpAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of chromosome -> SNP pairs at a given position, or false if none available arg position; if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//check if the key is there ^;//return the Dictionary at position },{ ^false; }); } distanceToNextPosition{//calculate the distance from current position, to the one following arg position; var now; if(position==0.0,{//if it's the beginning, return first position later on now = -1; },{ now = snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat); }); switch(now, nil,{^position}, snpArr.size-1,{^0}, -1,{^snpArr[0]}, {^snpArr[(snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat)+1)]-position;} ); } queryStatistics{//query statistics about this SNPDict //TODO: shortest/longest/mean distance between SNPs //TODO: unknown/total SNPs //TODO: number of SNPs per chromosome //TODO: unknown/total SNPs per chromosome //TODO: total positions } }