SNPGUI { var this.initSpeakerView(i, setup.size, setup[0].size)); // iterate all chromosome information from original setup{|chromosome, j| //add chromosome number -> replaceable SNP StaticText object to temporary Dictionary //tmp.add(chromosome.asSymbol -> this.initChromosomeText(chromosome.asSymbol, (i+1).asSymbol, j+1)); textDict.add(chromosome.asSymbol -> this.initChromosomeText(chromosome.asSymbol, (i+1).asSymbol, j+1)); snpDict.add(chromosome.asSymbol -> ""); }); //textDict.add((i+1).asSymbol -> tmp); }); // Adds a View for MT chromosome with speaker information to the speakerDict speakerDict.add(\all -> this.initSpeakerView(-1, setup.size, 1)); // add chromosome text for MT to the speaker called all textDict.add(\25 -> this.initChromosomeText(\25, \all, 1)); // snpDict.add(25.asSymbol -> ""); //start a Task to update the SNP currently playing this.startSNPTask; //snpDict.postln; //speakerDict.postln; //textDict.postln; } //init a StaticText for a chromosome in its speaker View, returns its replaceable component (for SNPs) initChromosomeText{ arg chromosome, number, position; var snpText, chromosomeText; chromosomeText =, Rect(0, lineHeight*position, (, lineHeight)); chromosomeText.string = (chromosome.asString++": "); chromosomeText.align = \left; snpText =, Rect((, lineHeight*position, (, lineHeight)); snpText.string = "Test"; snpText.align = \right; ^snpText; } //inits a View for one speaker, adds its name as StaticText object and returns itself initSpeakerView{ arg number, total, perSpeaker; var mid, radius, radianOffset, radian, x, y, speakerContainer, text; mid =,mainHeight/2);//mid of the circle radius = arcRadius+radiusOffset;//make a slightly bigger radius for the text objects radianOffset = 360/total*2;// radian offset used to make speaker 1 be positioned front left radian = 360/total*number;//segment of the circle the speaker is placed in //Calculating x and y coordinates for the View to be created x = mid.x+(radius*cos(degrad(radian-radianOffset))); y = mid.y+(radius*sin(degrad(radian-radianOffset))); //setting up the View container for a speaker speakerContainer =, Rect(x, y, speakerWidth, (perSpeaker+1)*lineHeight)); speakerContainer.visible = true; speakerContainer.background =; // adding the speaker number text = StaticText(speakerContainer, Rect(0, 0, speakerContainer.bounds.width, lineHeight)); text.string = (number+1).asString; text.align = \center; //add exception for no/ all speaker if(number<0,{ //recalculate radius and offset radius = radius+radiusOffset; radian = 360/total*0; //Calculating x and y coordinates for the View to be created x = mid.x+(radius*cos(degrad(radian-radianOffset))); y = mid.y+(radius*sin(degrad(radian-radianOffset))); speakerContainer.moveTo(x, y); text.string = "all"; }); // ("Speaker: "++number.asString).postln; // ("cos("++radian.asString++"): "++cos(degrad(radian)).asString).postln; // ("sin("++radian.asString++"): "++sin(degrad(radian)).asString).postln; ^speakerContainer; } /* * Setup the initial window and all of its StaticText elements */ setupViews{ arg numChannels; mainView =,Rect(50,50,mainWidth,mainHeight)); //mainView.front; mainView.fixedSize=mainWidth@mainHeight; mainView.enabled = true; mainView.userCanClose = true; mainView.alwaysOnTop; mainView.visible = true; = "The Sound Of People"; mainView.background = Color.white; mainView.bounds.postln; //make a UserView for drawing with Pen drawView =, Rect(0, 0, mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height)); drawView.animate = true; drawView.frameRate = 60.0; // draw a circle drawView.drawFunc = { Pen.translate(drawView.bounds.width/2, drawView.bounds.height/2); Pen.strokeColor =; Pen.color =; Pen.addArc(0@0, arcRadius, 0, 2pi); Pen.stroke; }; //add StaticText objects for names of speakers, names of chromosomes and names of SNPs this.initDicts(speakerSetup); } //Starts a task to update texts for SNP of chromosomes on AppClock startSNPTask{ taskSNP ={ { //get all values from the dictionary and update the corresponding StaticText objects snpDict.keysValuesDo({|key, value|; }); 0.02.wait; }.loop; });; } //set the text of a specific chromosome (aka.: which SNP is currently playing?) setSNPText{ arg chromosome, text; //delete all strings first // snpDict.keysValuesChange{|key,value| // ^""; // }; //add the current SNP text to the dictionary snpDict.put(chromosome.asSymbol, text.asString); } // get the current SNP text of a chromosome getSNPText{ arg chromosome; var text =; ^text; } }