SNPResolver{ var resolver; //initialize with a path to write json files to (/tmp for example), with a minimum free disk space of ~17-25GB! *new{ arg aPath = "/tmp/theSoundOfPeople/", aID = 1; ^, aID); } init{ arg aPath, aID; path = aPath; userID = aID.asInt; if(File.exists(path++userID++"/").not, { protect{ File.mkdir(path++userID++"/"); }{ ("Oh noes. The directory '"++this.path++"' could not be created. Check if all parent dirs are there and you have write permission!").warn; }; }); // this.downloadUserList; } downloadUserList{//download a new users.json and parse it for users with genotypes var usersFinished =; var phenoFinished =; fork{ ("Downloading user list to: "++path++userID.asString++"/"++"users"++fileEnd).postln; ("curl -s -o "++path++userID.asString++"/"++"users"++fileEnd++""++fileEnd).unixCmd({ arg res,pid; if(res.asInt!=0,{ "Server down. Try again later!".postln },{//if the download finished, resume with parsing usersFinished.unhang; }); }, false);//save to file with user id as parentdir usersFinished.hang; "Extracting users with genotypes...".postln; users = (path++userID.asString++"/"++"users"++fileEnd).asString.parseYAMLFile;{//retrieve the user IDs of users that uploaded genotypes arg item, i; if(users[i].at("genotypes")[0].notNil,{ if(users[i].at("id").asInt!=userID, {//exclude the user we're currently working on idList = idList ++ users[i].at("id").asString++","; usersWithGenotypes = usersWithGenotypes + 1; }); }); }); idList.removeAt(idList.size-1);//remove the last "," "Done".postln; ("Downloading user phenotype information to: "++path++userID.asString++"/"++userID.asString++".phenotypes"++fileEnd).postln; ("curl -s -o "++path++userID.asString++"/"++userID.asString++".phenotypes"++fileEnd++""++userID.asString++fileEnd.asString).unixCmd({ arg res,pid; if(res.asInt!=0,{ "Server down. Try again later!".postln },{//if the download finished, resume with parsing phenoFinished.unhang; }); }, false);//save to file with user id as parentdir phenoFinished.hang; thisUser = (path++userID.asString++"/"++userID.asString++".phenotypes"++fileEnd).asString.parseYAMLFile; ("Finished downloading phenotypes of ""user").at("name").asString++".").postln; } } downloadResolver{//get a resolver for an ID (of a base pair at a certain position) from arg id; var state = false; //, downloadFinished =; if(File.exists(path++userID.asString++"/"++id.asString++fileEnd).not,{ ("Downloading JSON file for "++id).postln; ("curl -s -o "++path++userID.asString++"/"++id.asString++fileEnd++""++id.asString++fileEnd).unixCmd({ arg res,pid; if(res.asInt!=0,{ "Failed! Retry later.".postln; },{ "Success!".postln; }); },false);//save to file with user id as parent directory state = true; },{ state = true; }); ^state; } retrieveResolver{//parse a downloaded JSON file and retrieve a resolver for a given base (pair) with an ID. Returns resolver base or \none arg snp, id; var baseCase = 0; if(File.exists(path++userID.asString++"/"++id.asString++fileEnd),{//if the json file exists, parse it and return the resolver (if found) var matchHunt = 0, huntOver = false, jsonReturn, resolver, jsonFile; jsonFile = (path++userID.asString++"/"++id.asString++fileEnd); try{ jsonReturn = jsonFile.parseYAMLFile;//parse the JSON file while({ matchHunt < size(jsonReturn) && huntOver.not },{//iterate the parsed JSON for a combo match if(jsonReturn[matchHunt].includesKey("error").not,{//if error, skip this one if(size(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes"))!=0,{//if there is no data, skip this one if(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asString != "--",{//if it's invalid (too), skip this one if(SNPInfo.isBase(snp),{//check if single base or base pair baseCase = 1; }); switch(baseCase, 0,{//base pair lookup if(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asString != snp.asString && SNPInfo.isBasePair(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype")),{//check if it's member of base pair and not the same base pair ("SUCCESS: Different base found for "++id.asString++" in ("++(matchHunt+1).asString++"/"++jsonReturn.size.asString++")!").post; (snp.asString++" -> "++jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asString).postln; resolver = this.calcResolverPair(snp, jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asSymbol); huntOver = true; }); }, 1,{//single base lookup if(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asString != snp.asString && SNPInfo.isBase(jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype")),{//check if it's member of base pair and not the same base pair ("SUCCESS: Different base found for "++id.asString++" in ("++(matchHunt+1).asString++"/"++jsonReturn.size.asString++")!").post; (snp.asString++" -> "++jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asString).postln; resolver = [jsonReturn[matchHunt].at("user").at("genotypes")[0].at("local_genotype").asSymbol]; huntOver = true; }); } ); }); }); }); matchHunt = matchHunt + 1; }); jsonReturn = nil; if(resolver.isNil,{//if no resolver was found return none switch(baseCase, 0,{^SNPInfo.emptyBasePair}, 1,{^SNPInfo.emptyBase} ); },{ ^resolver; }); }{ ("FAILED: Parsing not possible, file corrupt: "++id.asString++fileEnd).postln; ("Skipping for now and removing.").postln; File.delete(path++userID.asString++"/"++id.asString++fileEnd); } },{//file is not there yet, download it? something like that... ("FAILED: Resolver file for "++id.asString++" not available yet. Download it.").postln; // this.downloadResolver(id); }); } calcResolverPair{//calculate upper/lower ends of resolver pairs arg base, resolver; switch(base, \AA,{ switch(resolver, \AC,{^[resolver,\CC]}, \CC,{^[\AC,resolver]}, \AG,{^[resolver,\GG]}, \GG,{^[\AG,resolver]}, \AT,{^[resolver,\TT]}, \TT,{^[\AT,resolver]} ); }, \CC,{ switch(resolver, \AA,{^[resolver,\AC]}, \AC,{^[\AA,resolver]}, \CG,{^[resolver,\GG]}, \GG,{^[\CG,resolver]}, \CT,{^[resolver,\TT]}, \TT,{^[\CT,resolver]} ); }, \GG,{ switch(resolver, \AA,{^[resolver,\AG]}, \AG,{^[\AA,resolver]}, \CG,{^[\CC,resolver]}, \CC,{^[resolver,\CG]}, \GT,{^[resolver,\TT]}, \TT,{^[\GT,resolver]} ); }, \TT,{ switch(resolver, \AA,{^[resolver,\AT]}, \AT,{^[\AA,resolver]}, \CT,{^[\CC,resolver]}, \CC,{^[resolver,\CT]}, \GT,{^[\GG,resolver]}, \GG,{^[resolver,\GT]} ); } ); } }