diff options
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/crypted-backups b/bin/crypted-backups
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0c80aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/crypted-backups
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -e -u
+. /etc/crypted-backups
+function notification_source_to_destination () {
+ local source_directory=$1
+ local destination_directory=$2
+ if [ $source_directory != "" -a $destination_directory != "" ];then
+ echo "$source_directory -> $destination_directory"
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "Source ($source_directory) or destination ($destination_directory) directory not given!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+function generate_timestamp () {
+ local timestamp="$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")-"
+ echo ${timestamp}
+ return 0
+# Adds trailing slash, if missing
+# Fails when path is not absolute, or not within user home, when not root
+function sanitize_pathname () {
+ local path=$1
+ if [ ${#path} -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ ${path:0:1} = "/" -o ${path:0:2} = "~/" -a $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ ${path:${#path}-1} != "/" ]; then
+ echo "$path/"
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "$path"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Directory must be absolute!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Directory can not be empty!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+function check_directory_exists () {
+ local destination=$1
+ if [ ! -d $destination ]; then
+ echo "Directory \"$destination\" does not exist yet. Creating..."
+ mkdir -p $destination
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+function check_directory_permission_root () {
+ if [ -w $1 ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "Directory not writable: $1."
+ return 1
+ fi
+function check_directory_writable_user () {
+ if [ -w $1 ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo "Directory not writable: $1."
+ return 1
+ fi
+function check_directory_owner_user() {
+ if [ ! -O $1 ]; then
+ echo "Directory not owned by user $(whoami): $1"
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+function check_user_directory () {
+ local directory=$1
+ check_directory_exists $directory
+ check_directory_writable_user $directory
+ return 0
+function check_root_directory () {
+ local directory=$1
+ check_directory_exists $directory
+ check_directory_permission_root $directory
+ return 0
+function get_parent_directory () {
+ local directory=$1
+ local parent=""
+ parent=$(dirname $directory)
+ parent=$(sanitize_pathname $parent)
+ echo "$parent"
+ return 0
+function get_basename_directory () {
+ local directory=$1
+ local base=$(basename $directory)
+ echo "$base"
+ return 0
+function compress_directory () {
+ local source_directory=$1
+ local tmp_file=$2
+ echo "Compressing source directory ($source_directory) to temporary file ($tmp_file)."
+ case $tar_suffix in
+ ".tar.tbz")
+ tar cfj "$tmp_file" $source_directory
+ ;;
+ ".tar.tgz")
+ tar cfz "$tmp_file" $source_directory
+ ;;
+ ".tar.tlz")
+ tar --lzma -cf "$tmp_file" $source_directory
+ ;;
+ ".tar.xz")
+ tar cfJ "$tmp_file" $source_directory
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Using \"$tar_suffix\" as \$tar_suffix is not supported."
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+function encrypt_tmp_file () {
+ local tmp_file=$1
+ local destination_file=$2
+ echo "Encrypting $tmp_file to $destination_file."
+ gpg -e \
+ -r "$gpg_public_key" \
+ -o "$destination_file" \
+ "$tmp_file"
+ echo "Removing $tmp_file."
+ rm -f "$tmp_file"
+ return 0
+function backup_single_directory () {
+ local source_directory=$1
+ local source_directory_basename=$(get_basename_directory $source_directory)
+ local source_parent_directory=$(get_parent_directory $source_directory)
+ local tmp_directory=$(sanitize_pathname $tmp)
+ local destination_directory=$(sanitize_pathname $2)
+ local timestamp=$(generate_timestamp)
+ local tmp_file="$tmp_directory$timestamp$source_directory_basename$tar_suffix"
+ local destination_file="$destination_directory$timestamp$source_directory_basename$tar_suffix$gpg_suffix"
+ notification_source_to_destination "$source_parent_directory$source_directory_basename" $destination_file
+ echo "Going to $source_directory_basename's parent directory: $source_parent_directory."
+ cd $source_parent_directory
+ check_directory_exists $source_directory
+ "check_"$user_mode"_directory" $tmp_directory
+ "check_"$user_mode"_directory" $destination_directory
+ compress_directory $source_directory_basename $tmp_file
+ encrypt_tmp_file $tmp_file $destination_file
+function backup_multiple_directories () {
+ local source_directory=$(sanitize_pathname $1)
+ local destination_directory=$(sanitize_pathname $2)
+ "check_"$user_mode"_directory" $destination_directory
+ for sub_directory in $source_directory*
+ do
+ if [ -d $sub_directory ];then
+ "check_"$user_mode"_directory" $sub_directory
+ backup_single_directory $sub_directory $destination_directory
+ fi
+ done
+function set_user_mode () {
+ if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
+ user_mode="root"
+ else
+ user_mode="user"
+ fi
+ return 0
+function check_gpg_set () {
+ if [ -z "$gpg_public_key" ];then
+ echo "Error. gpg_public_key not set!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function print_help () {
+ echo "help"
+ exit 0
+#TODO: Add function to delete compressed data in working directory (also after fail)
+#TODO: Add function for database backups
+#TODO: Add function to cleanup backups
+#TODO: Add function to mirror backups
+#TODO: Add function to automatically add key to keyring, if not found
+#TODO: Create logic to distinguish between different backups
+#TODO: Add verbose flag
+if [ ${#@} -gt 0 ]; then
+ while getopts 'c:hr:s:v' flag; do
+ case "${flag}" in
+ c)
+ echo "Cleanup"
+ ;;
+ h)
+ print_help
+ ;;
+ r)
+ echo "recall"
+ ;;
+ s)
+ source_mode="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ v)
+ verbose='true'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error. Unrecognized option: ${flag}."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ print_help
+if [ -n "$source_mode" ];then
+ case $source_mode in
+ aura)
+ ;;
+ bitlbee)
+ ;;
+ etc)
+ backup_single_directory $etc_source $etc_destination
+ ;;
+ git)
+ ;;
+ mail)
+ ;;
+ mailman)
+ ;;
+ mariadb)
+ ;;
+ logs)
+ ;;
+ websites)
+ ;;
+ firefox)
+ ;;
+ thunderbird)
+ ;;
+ weechat)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Error. $source_mode is not a valid backup option."
+ exit 1
+ esac