# Settings for system-wide scripts in /usr/lib/systemd/system/scripts/{backup-*,cleanup-backup}. # The following environment variables will be made available through a systemd unit file. # Note: No variable expansion! # Read more on "EnvironmentFile" and "Environment" in the following systemd man page: man 5 systemd.exec ## General settings # Suffix settings (don't change these) tar_suffix=".tar.xz" gpg_suffix=".gpg" sql_suffix=".sql" # The temporary folder to use. # For security and speed, use tmpfs (your /tmp directory)! # Defaults to "/tmp/" # Most likely you don't want to change this! # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: tmp="/tmp/directory/" tmp="/tmp/" # Your public gpg key, with which to encrypt the backups. # Make sure that root has this public key its keyring! # Example: gpg_public_key="your.name@example.com" gpg_public_key="" ## Cleanup settings # Deletes files that are older than the given time (in days) # Set time in days. Defaults to 90 older_than=90 # Set the folder to cleanup. # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: cleanup_folder="/some/folder/to/cleanup/" cleanup_folder="" ## System backup settings # /var/cache/aura/states # You will need to have aura/aura-bin/aura-git (from AUR) installed # You don't need to change the source paths. aura_states_folder_source="states" aura_states_parent_source="/var/cache/aura/" # Set a backup destination for aura # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: aura_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/aura/to/" aura_states_folder_destination="/home/data/backup/aura/" # Bitlbee # You only have to change the source settings, if you have changed the path "ConfigDir" in /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf! bitlbee_folder_source="bitlbee" bitlbee_parent_source="/var/lib/" # Set a backup destination for bitlbee # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: bitlbee_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/bitlbee/to/" bitlbee_folder_destination="" # /etc # You don't need to change the source paths. etc_folder_source="etc" etc_parent_source="/" # Set a backup destination for etc # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: etc_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/etc/to/" etc_folder_destination="" # Git # You have to setup the source location of your git repositories # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: git_folder_source="repos" # Example: git parent_source="/home/git/" git_folder_source="" git_parent_source="" # Set a backup destination for git # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: git_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/git/to/" git_folder_destination="" # Mail and Mailman # You have to setup the source location of your mail directory. # The script will backup everything beneath it and will look at subdirectories from a Postfix point of view; # Every subdirectory of $mail_folder_source is a domain. Every subdirectory of those are the actual mail directories. # Example: mail_folder_source="/home/mail/" mail_folder_source="" # Set a backup destination for mail # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: mail_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/mail/to/" mail_folder_destination="" # You don't need to change the source path. mailman_folder_source="/var/lib/mailman/" # Set a backup destination for mailman # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: mailman_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/mailman/to/" mailman_folder_destination="" # MariaDB # You have to setup a MariaDB user, that is allowed to "SELECT, RELOAD, SHOW DATABASES, LOCK TABLES", to securely use this. # Example: mariadb_user="backup" # Example: mariadb_password="mysupersecurepa$$word" mariadb_user="" mariadb_password="" # Set a backup destination for mariadb # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: mariadb_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/mariadb/to/" mariadb_folder_destination="" # /var/log # All log files (also folders below /var/log, excluding the journal directory) will be put into backup. # You don't need to change the source paths. var_log_folder_source="log" var_log_parent_source="/var/" # Set a backup destination for log # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: log_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/log/to/" var_log_folder_destination="/home/data/backup/log/" # /var/log/journal # You don't need to change the source paths. var_log_journal_folder_source="journal" var_log_journal_parent_source="/var/log/" # Set a backup destination for journal # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: journal_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/journal/to/" var_log_journal_folder_destination="/home/data/backup/journal/" # Websites # You have to setup the source location of your websites directory. # Every directory beneath it will be backed up separately. # Example: website_folder_source="/place/where/all/websites/are/stored/" website_folder_source="" # Set a backup destination for websites # Mind a trailing slash! # Example: websites_folder_destination="/some/place/to/backup/websites/to/" website_folder_destination=""