path: root/README.rst
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-10-23 15:51:49 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-10-23 15:51:49 +0200
commit5bb920c94dd8c392e52163f25e64544a002610b5 (patch)
tree8b375a69ca744f396e6c26760dc540a5c952f367 /README.rst
parent390f41f5e9604f07fcc44f490a53a342421f9a3d (diff)
README.rst: Fixing minor typos. Adding gpg-agent and ssh-agent information.
Diffstat (limited to 'README.rst')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 72415ad..b3ab011 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ ______________
-| The cpupower package on |arch_linux| has some [limitations](https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/44270?project=5&cat[0]=33&string=cpupower), which make it quite hard to apply CPU settings based on profiles.
+| The cpupower package on |arch_linux| has some |cpupower_feature_request|, which make it quite hard to apply CPU settings based on profiles.
| At least in a real-time environment, the modified version of cpupower - called cpupower-rt - makes it easy to apply differing settings **after** the usual cpupower settings have been applied.
| jOnce the above mentioned feature request is resolved, it will be as easy as just copying the *cpupower.service* file and modify it slightly in */etc/systemd/sytem/*.
@@ -77,6 +77,25 @@ ___________
systemctl start cpupower-rt
systemctl enable cpupower-rt
+gpg-agent --user
+| The systemd user service *gpg-agent.service* starts the gpg-agent and thus makes it independent of a certain session the user runs. The `homedir` for GnuPG is set to be in `~/.gnupg` (default).
+| Therefore make sure to set your *GPG_TTY* and *GPG_AGENT_INFO* |environment_variable| for your |bash| or |zsh| (or whatever you run) to the following
+ .. code:: bash
+ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+ export GPG_AGENT_INFO=""
+| *Note*: These settings specifically apply to gnupg > 2.1!
+| Otherwise you can start and enable it like any other systemd user service:
+ .. code:: bash
+ systemctl --user start gpg-agent
+ systemctl --user enable gpg-agent
irssi --user
| The systemd user service *irssi.service* starts the |irc| client |irssi| in a separate |tmux| environment for the current user.
@@ -164,9 +183,27 @@ ________
tmux -L rt attach
+ssh-agent --user
+| The systemd user service *ssh-agent.service* starts a ssh-agent for the current user, which makes it independent from the current login session.
+| In its |systemd.exec| *SSH_AUTH_SOCK* will be set to the user's *XDG_RUNTIME_DIR*.
+| Therefore make sure to set your *SSH_AUTH_SOCK* |environment_variable| for your |bash| or |zsh| (or whatever you run) to the following:
+ .. code:: bash
+ export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent.socket"
+| Otherwise you can start and stop the service like any other:
+ .. code:: bash
+ systemctl --user start ssh-agent
+ systemctl --user enable ssh-agent
-The |xf86-input-synaptics| package comes with */usr/bin/syndaemon*. This tool is used to disable the touchpad while typing. While desktop environments like |kde| and |gnome| use it integrated, it can also be started as a systemd user service:
+| The |xf86-input-synaptics| package comes with */usr/bin/syndaemon*. This tool is used to disable the touchpad while typing. While desktop environments like |kde| and |gnome| use it integrated, it can also be started as a systemd user service:
.. code:: bash
@@ -362,4 +399,8 @@ ______________
<a href="http://weechat.org/" target="_blank">weechat</a>
+.. |cpupower_feature_request| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/44270" target="_blank">limitations</a>