#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # get the hostname if [ -s /etc/motd.name ]; then cat /etc/motd.name > /tmp/motd elif [ -x /usr/bin/banner ]; then cat /etc/hostname | banner -w 80 > /tmp/motd else cat /etc/hostname > /tmp/motd fi echo >> /tmp/motd # get additional info if [ -s /etc/motd.info ]; then cat /etc/motd.info >> /tmp/motd echo >> /tmp/motd fi # get currently running kernel version uname -a >> /tmp/motd echo >> /tmp/motd # update package cache set +eu pacman -Sy 2>&1 > /dev/null pacman -Qu > /tmp/updates set -eu # show updatable packages if [ -s /tmp/updates ]; then echo "Package updates available:" >> /tmp/motd cat /tmp/updates >> /tmp/motd echo >> /tmp/motd fi if [ -x /usr/bin/arch-audit ]; then arch-audit -uf "%n|%c" >> /tmp/cves if [ -s /tmp/cves ]; then echo "Security updates needed:" >> /tmp/motd cat /tmp/cves >> /tmp/motd fi else echo "Install arch-audit for information on CVEs." >> /tmp/motd fi # move all to /etc/motd if [ -x /usr/bin/lolcat ]; then lolcat /tmp/motd > /etc/motd else cat /tmp/motd > /etc/motd fi exit 0