Trapped in between ################## :date: 2012-06-11 10:55 :author: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058 :category: pi :slug: trapped-in-between :status: published | There is a need in us. It's a constant thriving to fulfill our goals and be happy. As we can feel it unite us, it's actually a drifting apart. The greatest conversation starter and killer. Our dreams are like galaxies in a chaotic universe within ourselves. Some bigger, some smaller. | I think this is a good thing to maintain. After all, I like looking up and see not a handful but a trillion of stars. This huge variety is simply a beautiful thing to look at, or something that will scare you into believing that you're insignificant and small. | Like the need for this conversation with myself I have several similar other ones of urgence and importance. They pull me apart. They trap me inside. They make me want to invest and they make me want to hide. | Sometimes I want a single guiding star that will lead me leading myself. They are too many. I'm trapped in between miraculously blinking galaxies and it feels like they are drifting apart the more I invest, but freezing is no option, it's certain death. | I feel that each time I really want to work out something, another dream has got to die and the need to choose makes me unhappy and unfree. They are too many and sometimes it's like a curse having strong ones. I wish it was only two personas, like Hesse describes his fragmentation in "Steppenwolf", but it's not as easy as that (as he states correctly at the end of the book). Still you want to preserve your ability to smile. | So, I walk the streets. Flooded with even more dreams. Strong ones, weak ones. Some that make you laugh, some that make you cry and I feel free again. Not because I found a solution, but because I can see that it's not just me. Long lost dreams reemerge into what I want to be. New ones might not seem as clear as they used to be. It's good to let them rest, but not for too long. They will be coming back after all, as a long awaited epiphany or to haunt me. | I want to be more than the thriving. I want to be a cluster of stars bridging the gap. For me, for others. In the end, you and me are interchangeable.