======== SleepMap ======== This is the source code repository for https://sleepmap.de |nikola| is used to generate the static content from this source code repository. Have a look at its |handbook| for more information. Installing nikola ################# To install nikola, either use your distributions package manager: .. code:: bash # Arch Linux example pacman -S nikola # Ubuntu/Debian example apt-get install nikola Alternatively, you can install it via pip3: .. code:: bash pip3 install --user nikola If installing through pip, make sure to add *~/.local/bin* to your **$PATH** afterwards (if that's not already the case): .. code:: bash # ~/.bash_profile export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}" Working with the code base ########################## Build the website: .. code:: bash nikola build To run the website locally: .. code:: bash nikola serve To deploy the website to its webserver destination: .. code:: bash nikola deploy | You need to have a valid ssh key on the remote host machine. | Please make sure to add the latest deploy and push it to the repository: .. code:: bash git add state_data.json git commit -m "state_data.json: Deployed website." git push .. |nikola| raw:: html Nikola .. |handbook| raw:: html handbook