SSH tunnel with single hop, using systemd-networkd and autossh ############################################################## :date: 2015-02-01 20:00 :modified: 2015-02-01 20:00 :tags: archlinux, autossh, ssh, tunnel, systemd,, postfix, TUN :category: admin :slug: ssh-tunnel-with-single-hop-using-systemd-networkd-and-autossh :summary: HOWTO on setting up a SSH tunnel with the help of a systemd-networkd between two machines, with no direct access to each other and modifying Postfix to use that tunnel. :authors: David Runge | Recently I had the pleasure of setting up a :abbr:`SSH (Secure Shell)` tunnel between two virtual machines that share no route and are located in two different subnets. | They can however reach each other via SSH, hopping their host. | Let's assume the following setup: * **client1** (Arch Linux) has ** * **client2** (Arch Linux) has ** * **host** (Debian) is ** to **client1** and ** to **client2** | As I needed the two clients to be able to send mail to each other and reach each others' services, I did some digging and opted for a SSH connection using :abbr:`TUN (network TUNnel (virtual-network kernel devices))` devices (aka. "poor man's :abbr:`VPN (Virtual Private Network)`"). | The following is needed to set this up: * root access on both virtual machines (**client1** & **client2**) * a user account on the **host** system * SSH (|openssh| assumed) installed on all three machines Connect the clients ___________________ Change sshd_config ------------------ | The following two settings have to be made in each clients */etc/ssh/sshd_config* (to allow root login and the creation of TUN devices): .. code:: apache PermitRootLogin yes PermitTunnel yes | I hope it is needless to say, that permitting root access via SSH has its caveats. You should make sure to set a very secure password, or only allow SSH keys for login. | Generate and exchange keys -------------------------- | Generate SSH keys on **client1** (you can of course use other key types, if your OpenSSH installation allows and supports it): .. code:: bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$(whoami)@$(hostname)-$(date -I)" | Here you can choose between setting a password for the key (to unlock the key with *ssh-add* yourself) or not setting one (to be able to use the key on system boot with an automated service). | Add them to your user at **host** like this: .. code:: bash ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa user@host | Also add it to */root/.ssh/authorized_keys* on **client2**. | Use ProxyCommand to connect --------------------------- | To make a first connection between the clients, one can use the following settings in */root/.ssh/config* of **client1** to hop **host** and connect to **client2**: .. code:: apache Host client2 ProxyCommand ssh user@ -W ForwardAgent yes User root ServerAliveInterval 120 Compression yes ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/socket-%r@%h:%p | The *ForwardAgent yes* setting here is especially interesting, as it forwards the SSH key of **client1** to **client2**. | On **client1** a simple .. code:: bash ssh client2 -v | should now directly connect to **client2** by hopping **host**. | Tunneling _________ Start the tunnel ---------------- | Now to the fun part: Creating the tunnel. | OpenSSH supports a feature similar to VPN, that creates a TUN device on both ends of the connection. As the "direct" (hopping **host**) connection between **client1** and **client2** has been setup already, let's try the tunnel: .. code:: bash ssh -w5:5 client2 -v | The *-w* switch will create a TUN device (*tun5* to be exact) on each client. | Now, to start the tunnel without executing a remote command (*-N*), compression of the data (*-C*) and disabling pseudo-tty allocation (*-T*), one can use the following: .. code:: bash ssh -NCTv -w5:5 client2 Setting up the TUN devices -------------------------- | A short .. code:: bash ip a s | on **client1** and **client2** shows, that the *tun5* devices have been created on both clients. However they don't feature a link yet. | This can be achieved by setting up a |systemd_network| with the help of |systemd-networkd|. By placing a *.network* file in */etc/systemd/network/*, the TUN device will be configured as soon as it shows up. | Here I chose the ** subnet, but you could use any other private subnet (that's still available in your setup). | On **client1** (*/etc/systemd/network/*): .. code:: ini [Match] Name=tun5 Host=client1 [Network] Address= [Address] Address= Peer= | On **client2** (*/etc/systemd/network/*): .. code:: ini [Match] Name=tun5 Host=client2 [Network] Address= [Address] Address= Peer= | After adding the files a restart of the **systemd-networkd** service on both machines is necessary. .. code:: bash systemctl restart systemd-networkd | Now starting the tunnel again should give a fully working point-to-point :abbr:`TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)` connection between the two (virtual) machines using the TUN devices. | If you need a more complex setup (i.e. to access the other clients' subnet), you will have to apply some routes (either using |netfilter| or |systemd-networkd|), depending on your individual setup. | Hosts _____ | To make both hosts know about each other by hostname (and domain, if any), too, those can be added to the clients' */etc/hosts* files. | On **client1** (*/etc/hosts*): .. code:: bash client2 | On **client2** (*/etc/hosts*): .. code:: bash client1 Postfix _______ | If using |postfix| as :abbr:`MTA (Message Transfer Agent)`, the service has to be configured to use */etc/hosts* before resolving to your networks DNS resolving. | On **client1** and **client2** (*/etc/postfix/*): .. code:: ini lmtp_host_lookup = native smtp_host_lookup = native ignore_mx_lookup_error = yes Autossh and system boot _______________________ | Wrapping it all up, it's usually intended to have a tunnel service be started on system boot. SSH tunnels are supposedly known for their poor connectivity. One way to get around this issue is to manage them with |autossh| . | A simple |systemd_service| file can then be used to manage this behavior. | On **client1** (*/etc/systemd/system/tunnel@.service*): .. code:: ini [Unit] Description=AutoSSH tunnel to a host [Service] Environment="AUTOSSH_GATETIME=0" ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -NCTv -o ServerAliveInterval=45 -o ServerAliveCountMax=2 -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -w 5:5 %I [Install] | Enable the service with .. code:: bash systemctl enable tunnel@client2 | Start the service with .. code:: bash systemctl start tunnel@client2 .. |openssh| raw:: html OpenSSH .. |systemd_network| raw:: html systemd network .. |systemd-networkd| raw:: html systemd-networkd .. |netfilter| raw:: html netfilter .. |systemd_service| raw:: html systemd service .. |autossh| raw:: html autossh .. |postfix| raw:: html postfix