Longevity of a HTC One S using Cyanogenmod ########################################## :date: 2016-04-02 20:00 :modified: 2016-04-03 20:00 :tags: cyanogenmod, android, lollipop, apps, f-droid, htc one s :category: mobile :slug: longevity-of-a-htc-one-s-using-cyanogenmod :authors: David Runge :summary: Or howto setup Cyanogenmod on a HTC One S and live with F-Droid happily ever after The mobile __________ | I own a quite old - at least by today's standards of planned obsolescence for every consumer device - |htc_one_s| (2012), that won't be receiving any more Android upgrades (|htc_one_s_last_update|: version 4.0.4) or support by its manufacturer directly or any distributor for that matter. | It's quite a nice, small and lightweight phone, that by now has seen the world and besides a self-administered chassis change hasn't yielded any serious problems. | The phone doesn't have much RAM or much space. Neither does it have a microSD card slot, NFC or other fancy new stuff that people seem to need. | CyanogenMod ___________ | The alternative firmware for some mobile devices |cyanogenmod| is available for free and offers a community driven development branch of the Android kernel, without the Google and mobile vendor bloat. | Have a look: Maybe your phone is amongst the |cyanogenmod_supported_devices|? | Not all vendors allow flashing other firmwares though. Some prevent this completely (watch |28c3_doctorow| for commentary on this), others let you do it by voiding your warranty, yet others just let you do it, because they are awesome. | All |cyanogenmod| capable devices have development codenames. For the |htc_one_s| this is "|cyanogenmod_ville|". | Each device offers a |cyanogenmod_ville_release_channel| (with stable releases) and a |cyanogenmod_ville_development_channel| (with nightly builds for the adventurous and daring). | An |cyanogenmod_ville_install| explains how to get |cyanogenmod| on your device. | F-Droid _______ | |f-droid| is an alternative app store to |google_play|. It only offers free software. This is pretty awesome. | Some useful apps I like, use or have used: * AFWall+ * AntennaPod * Ardroid * CAdroid * ChatSecure * ConnectBot * DAVdroid * F-Droid * Plumble * Firefox * Irssi ConnectBot * K-9 Mail * OwnCloud * ownCloud News Reader * MyOwnNotes * oandbackup * OpenKeychain * OpenVPN for Android * OsmAnd~ * Orbot * Orweb * Password Store * Twidere * XBMC Remote Conclusion __________ Yay! * I don't need to buy a new phone each year, because my battery got eaten by malicious apps that I can't disable. * I can use an Android device without Google * I can use an Android device without vendor bloat * I can use an Android device as root and modify it the way I want it * I can choose to only install free apps .. |cyanogenmod_ville_install| raw:: html install section .. |cyanogenmod_ville_development_channel| raw:: html development channel .. |cyanogenmod_ville_release_channel| raw:: html release channel .. |htc_one_s_last_update| raw:: html last update .. |htc_one_s| raw:: html HTC One S .. |cyanogenmod_ville| raw:: html ville .. |f-droid| raw:: html F-Droid .. |google_play| raw:: html Google Play .. |28c3_doctorow| raw:: html Cory Doctorow at 28C3 .. |cyanogenmod| raw:: html CyanogenMod .. |cyanogenmod_supported_devices| raw:: html supported devices