Title: uenv Authors: David Runge **uenv** - as in *"useful environments"* - is a collection of scripts, systemd service and timer units and configuration that go along with it. A couple of them might only be useful, when using window managers like [Awesome](http://awesome.naquadah.org/), that stem from a minimalistic approach... Some of the functionalities implemented here can be found in desktop environments like [KDE](https://www.kde.org/) or [Gnome](https://www.gnome.org/). # Development All development takes place in my [private git](https://git.sleepmap.de) repository. However you can ask for your SSH key to be included to be able to push to this repository. For readonly access, just clone: git clone git://sleepmap.de/uenv.git * [About uenv in git repository](https://git.sleepmap.de/uenv.git/about/) # Packages * Archlinux (AUR): [uenv-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/uenv-git/)