.. title: About .. slug: about .. date: 2015-08-04 23:30 UTC+02:00 .. modified: 2016-09-25 18:00 UTC+02:00 .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text Maintainer ---------- | David Runge | Köpenicker Straße 163 | 10997 Berlin Contact ------- | E-Mail: dave @ thisdomain (`0xF5A1A949 <../cert/dave@sleepmap.de.asc>`_) | IRC: dvzrv @ {`libera `_, `hackint `_, `oftc `_} | Matrix: @dvzrv:matrix.org | XMPP: dvzrv @ thisdomain | Mobile: +4917647373363 Disclosure ---------- | This website is a personal website written and edited by me. For questions about this website, please contact me through the mail address above. | This website does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. I write for my own purposes. However, I may be influenced by my background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience. | I will never receive compensation in any way from this website. | I am not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this website are purely mine. If I claim or appear to be expert on a certain topic or product or service area, I will only endorse products or services that I believe, based on my expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Privacy ------- | This website does not track its visitors, nor does it collect their personal information. | However, for its standard operation and for security monitoring, the webserver logs the access of the visiting devices for a short period of time. This data contains information, that might identify visitors (e.g. by browser or by IP), but it is not shared with any third-party and solely used for the operation of this website. | External content is made available through links. However, I am not responsible for the contents of those links (or the changing of their destinations). For German visitors, there is the `Impressum <../impressum/>`_.