path: root/.tmux.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.tmux.conf')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..546fda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tmux.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Ring the bell if any background window rang a bell
+set -g bell-action any
+set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
+# split windows like vim
+# vim's definition of a horizontal/vertical split is reversed from tmux's
+bind s split-window -v
+bind v split-window -h
+# move around panes with hjkl, as one would in vim after pressing ctrl-w
+bind h select-pane -L
+bind j select-pane -D
+bind k select-pane -U
+bind l select-pane -R
+# Create splits and vertical splits
+bind-key v split-window -h
+bind-key s split-window
+# Pane resize in all four directions using HJKL
+bind-key -r H resize-pane -L
+bind-key -r J resize-pane -D
+bind-key -r K resize-pane -U
+bind-key -r L resize-pane -R
+# Fix ctrl + L/R
+bind-key -n C-Right send-keys w
+bind-key -n C-Left send-keys b
+# setting titles on
+set -g set-titles on
+set -g set-titles-string "#T"
+set-option -g allow-rename on
+set -g history-limit 10000
+# set mouse mode on
+set -g mouse on
+# Wheel scroll in pane
+unbind -T root WheelUpPane
+unbind -T root WheelDownPane
+bind -T root WheelUpPane if -Ft= '#{mouse_any_flag}' 'send-keys -M' 'if -Ft= "#{pane_in_mode}" "send-keys -M" "copy-mode -u"'
+# Wheel scroll in pane WHILE in copy-mode
+bind -tvi-copy WheelUpPane halfpage-up
+bind -tvi-copy WheelDownPane halfpage-down
+# Logout with Ctrl+D
+bind-key ^D detach-client
+# Use vi keybindings for tmux commandline input.
+# Note that to get command mode you need to hit ESC twice...
+set -g status-keys vi
+# Use vi keybindings in copy and choice modes
+setw -g mode-keys vi
+# v and y like vi in copy-mode
+bind-key -t vi-copy 'v' begin-selection
+bind-key -t vi-copy 'y' copy-selection
+# clipboard settings
+set -s set-clipboard on
+bind-key C-p run "xclip -o | tmux load-buffer - ; tmux paste-buffer"
+bind-key C-y run "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i"
+# set first window to index 1 (not 0) to map more to the keyboard layout...
+set -g base-index 1
+# color scheme (styled as vim-powerline)
+set -g status-left-length 52
+set -g status-right-length 451
+set -g status-fg white
+set -g status-bg colour234
+set -g pane-border-fg colour245
+set -g pane-active-border-fg colour39
+set -g message-fg white
+set -g message-bg colour221
+set -g message-attr bold
+# set status-interval to 2 for tmux-mem-cpu-load
+set -g status-interval 1
+set -g status-left '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour252,bold] #(hostname) #[fg=colour245,bg=colour238,bold] #(whoami) (#S) '
+set -g status-right '#[fg=colour23,bg=colour234]|>#[fg=white,bg=colour234] CPU:#{cpu_percentage}, Battery: #{battery_percentage} #[fg=colour23,bg=colour234]<||>#[fg=white,bg=colour234] %H:%M:%S #[fg=colour23,bg=colour234]<|'
+set -g window-status-format '#[fg=colour235,bg=colour252,bold] #I: #W '
+set -g window-status-current-format '#[fg=black,bg=colour23,noreverse,bold] #I: #W '
+# No escape time for vi mode
+set -sg escape-time 0
+# next/prev window
+bind-key -n M-k next-window
+bind-key -n M-j previous-window
+# select windows
+bind-key -n M-1 select-window -t 1
+bind-key -n M-2 select-window -t 2
+bind-key -n M-3 select-window -t 3
+bind-key -n M-4 select-window -t 4
+bind-key -n M-5 select-window -t 5
+bind-key -n M-6 select-window -t 6
+bind-key -n M-7 select-window -t 7
+bind-key -n M-8 select-window -t 8
+bind-key -n M-9 select-window -t 9
+bind-key -n M-0 select-window -t 0
+# Reload config
+bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
+# Swap windows
+bind-key m command-prompt -p "move window to:" "swap-window -t '%%'"
+# List of plugins
+# Supports `github_username/repo` or full git repo URLs
+set -g @tpm_plugins ' \
+ tmux-plugins/tpm \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-yank \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-open \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-battery \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-logging \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-online-status \
+ tmux-plugins/tmux-sidebar \
+ '
+# Other examples:
+# github_username/plugin_name \
+# git@github.com/user/plugin \
+# git@bitbucket.com/user/plugin \
+# Initializes TMUX plugin manager.
+# Keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf.
+run-shell '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'