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authorDavid Runge <>2017-06-21 17:14:06 +0200
committerDavid Runge <>2017-06-21 17:14:06 +0200
commit8bf68a16c40274fd464dbcb96fc9523fb8b0e6e8 (patch)
parent2f8d86703c0ab1c964cada13ef0b7a9a410df7dc (diff)
thesis/thesis.tex: Adding subsubsection about workflow examples. Improving table captions. Various small fixes.
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/thesis/thesis.tex b/thesis/thesis.tex
index b3cf61b..20ec079 100644
--- a/thesis/thesis.tex
+++ b/thesis/thesis.tex
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ parskip=never]{paper}
{\huge\bfseries A Networking Extension for the SoundScape Renderer\par}
{\Large\itshape David Runge\par}
+ \vspace{1.5cm}
{\large (340592)}\\
@@ -627,7 +628,7 @@ parskip=never]{paper}
- \begin{minted}[fontsize=\footnotesize]{console}
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\footnotesize]{shell}
ssr-binaural -p “50002”
@@ -637,9 +638,10 @@ ssr-binaural -p “50002”
Once started, the client instance waits to receive a poll message
- from a server instance (or an application, mimicing one), upon which
+ from a server instance (or an application, mimicking one), upon which
it will subscribe to it. Only then it is possible for the server
- application to control the client instance to the full extent.
+ application to control the client instance to the full extent via
+ \gls{osc}.
\paragraph{Server instance}
@@ -649,10 +651,12 @@ ssr-binaural -p “50002”
\textbf{-C} is used to specify an initial client \gls{ip} and its
port (the flag actually accepts a comma-separated list of
\gls{ip}-port pairs).\\
+ The \textbf{-p} flag, for setting a specific port is also available,
+ when starting a server instance.
- \begin{minted}[fontsize=\footnotesize]{console}
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\footnotesize]{shell}
ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
@@ -667,9 +671,11 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\textbf{-C} flag are considered instantly active.\\
Additionally it's possible for clients (\gls{ssr} client instances,
or \gls{osc} capable applications) to subscribe to the server
- instance, or be subscribed to it by another client.
+ instance, or be subscribed to it by another client, using a message
+ level system further explained in \nameref{subsubsec:message_levels}.
Every valid \gls{osc} message sent to the server instance will be
- delegated to all of its clients upon evaluation.
+ delegated to all of its clients upon evaluation, again according to
+ the aforementioned message level system.
@@ -841,8 +847,10 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\gls{osc} interface conceived in the course of this work.\\
The \textit{enumeration class} MessageLevel (see
Listing~\ref{lst:ssr_global.h}) defines the four types \textit{CLIENT},
- \textit{GUI\_CLIENT}, \textit{SERVER}, \textit{GUI\_SERVER}, (in
- ascending order).\\
+ \textit{GUI\_CLIENT}, \textit{SERVER}, \textit{GUI\_SERVER}, which are
+ represented as non-negative integers (in ascending order), starting
+ from 0.\\
\inputminted[numbers=left, firstline=54, lastline=60,
@@ -851,6 +859,7 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{src/ssr\_global.h: enum class MessageLevel}
\gls{ssr} client instances subscribe to (\gls{ssr}) server instances
with the \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{CLIENT} by default. Server
instances get the \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{SERVER} assigned
@@ -897,9 +906,6 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{2cm} | p{1cm} | p{3.5cm} | p{3cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} &
@@ -924,7 +930,10 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for subscribing and setting of
message levels for clients.\\
- \caption*{Understood by server.}
+ \caption*{Understood by server.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
+ }
@@ -932,9 +941,6 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{2cm} | p{1cm} | p{3.5cm} | p{3cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} &
@@ -946,7 +952,10 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for polling and setting of
message levels for servers subscribed to.\\
- Understood by clients.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by client.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
@@ -955,9 +964,6 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{3cm} | p{1.2cm} | p{3.5cm} | p{3cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} &
@@ -979,17 +985,18 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for processing, tracker and
(\gls{jack}) transport related settings.\\
- Understood by server and clients.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by server and client.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{4.3cm} | p{1cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4.4cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} &
@@ -1006,10 +1013,14 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for reference management.\\
- Understood by server and clients.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by server and client.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
@@ -1047,17 +1058,18 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\texttt{[/scene/volume, 0.23]}\\
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for scene management.\\
- Understood by server and clients.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by server and client.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{3.5cm} | p{1.5cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4.3cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} &
\textbf{Example} \\
@@ -1066,9 +1078,9 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\texttt{[/source/delete, 1]}\\
\texttt{/source/file\_channel} & ii & Set a source's file channel &
\texttt{[/source/file\_channel, 1, 2]}\\
- \texttt{/source/file\_name\_or\_port\_number} & is & Set a source's
+ \texttt{/source/file\_name\_ or\_port\_number} & is & Set a source's
file name or port number &
- \texttt{[/source/file\_name\_or\_port\_number, 1, “1”]}\\
+ \texttt{[/source/file\_name\_ or\_port\_number, 1, “1”]}\\
\texttt{/source/port\_name } & is & Set a source's \gls{jack} input
port name & \texttt{[/source/port\_name, 1, “system:capture\_2”]}\\
\texttt{/source/gain} & if & Set a source's gain &
@@ -1107,17 +1119,18 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages relevant for source management.\\
- Understood by server and clients.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by server and client.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
- \caption*{(Data types and their acronyms are listed in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.)
- }
\begin{tabular}{ p{6.5cm} | p{0.9cm} | p{4.3cm} }
\textbf{Path} & \textbf{Types} & \textbf{Description} \\
@@ -1185,15 +1198,69 @@ ssr-aap -N “server” -C “”
\caption{\gls{osc} messages for updating information on \gls{cpu} load,
processing, reference, scene, source, and transport of clients on a
- Understood by server.\\
No examples are given, as they are mostly analogous to the ones in
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-processing-tracker-transport},
- Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-scene} and Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-source}.
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-processing-tracker-transport}
+ ,~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-scene} and~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-source}.
+ }
+ \caption*{Understood by server.\\
+ Data types and their acronyms are listed in
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-data-type-acronyms}.
+ \subsubsection{Workflow Examples}
+ \label{subsubsec:workflow_examples}
+ Using any \gls{osc} capable programming language or application enables
+ for communication with the \gls{ssr}. The following examples illustrate
+ simple workflows using sclang (the SuperCollider programming language)
+ and should therefore be \gls{os} agnostic.\\
+ \begin{listing}[!htb]
+ \begin{mdframed}
+ \inputminted[numbers=left, firstline=3, lastline=29,
+ fontsize=\footnotesize]{supercollider}{../../../../ssr-tests.scd}
+ \end{mdframed}
+ \caption{supercollider/ssr-workflows.scd: sclang as client
+ controlling a \gls{ssr} server instance}
+ \label{lst:ssr-workflow-sclang-controls-server}
+ \end{listing}\\
+ As shown in Listing~\ref{lst:ssr-workflow-sclang-controls-server}, it
+ is necessary to subscribe to the server instance with a
+ \textit{MessageLevel} of \textit{SERVER} or higher.\\
+ After doing so, all non-update \gls{osc} messages (i.e.
+ Table~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-source},~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-scene}
+ ,~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-reference},~\ref{tab:ssr-osc-subscribe})
+ are evaluated when sent to the \gls{ssr}.\\
+ The server instance will relay all valid messages from a client with
+ \textit{MessageLevel} \textit{SERVER} to all of its active clients.
+ \begin{listing}[!htb]
+ \begin{mdframed}
+ \inputminted[numbers=left, firstline=31, lastline=61,
+ fontsize=\footnotesize]{supercollider}{../../../../ssr-tests.scd}
+ \end{mdframed}
+ \caption{supercollider/ssr-workflows.scd: sclang mimics server,
+ controlling a \gls{ssr} client instance}
+ \label{lst:ssr-workflow-sclang-is-server-controls-client}
+ \end{listing}\\
+ When mimicking a \gls{ssr} server instance in a server-less setup (e.g.
+ Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-shared-output} or
+ Figure~\ref{fig:ssr-external-clients-only-separate-output}), it is
+ necessary to send a poll message to the client instance to make it
+ subscribe (which sets the server's address and port up internally).\\
+ Afterwards again all non-update \gls{osc} messages are accepted by the
+ client instance, when coming from the server address and port.
+ An interesting concept here is to (temporarily) set a different
+ \textit{MessageLevel} for the application acting as a server (e.g.\ to
+ \textit{GUI\_SERVER}, to receive \gls{gui} relevant messages, as
+ explained in \nameref{subsubsec:message_interface}.\\
+ \cleardoublepage
\subsection{Stress testing the \gls{osc} interface}