diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-14 02:55:00 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-14 02:55:00 +0200
commit5190b245ff3461b1fe1618ad61890b14f4843c36 (patch)
parentfd532a95f547e752184dbfa5d9fed8f9b16f89fc (diff)
classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc: Refactoring setupAddressesAndPorts into setupSynthServerView, setupHubView and setupForwardView. Dropping removeConfigView and removeAddressesandPorts in favor of the unifying removeSettingsView, that can remove a settingsView by name. Setting up all Buttons and EZViews by adding them to the layout of their parent. This is also true for the children of settingsView, which makes their distribution and resizing much easier (by additionally introducing a variable width stretching object). Factoring the sending of the /load message out of the load Button, to also be able to use it in the 'Current configuration' list, which is setup using setupConfigFilePathView and updated by setupCurrentConfigFilePath. The ScrollView holding the channelViews was added to lowerView, to make room for a higher level Button View on the left side of the screen. Removing useless additional colors and resetting some margins.0.8
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/classes/Bowelyzer.sc b/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
index e1fba76..35aa0c3 100644
--- a/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
+++ b/classes/Bowelyzer.sc
@@ -193,9 +193,19 @@ Bowelyzer{
key: \saveas,
func: {|msg, time, addr, recvPort|
var name = msg[0],
- fileName = msg[1];
+ fileName = msg[1],
+ dict;
postln("Received: "++msg);
- config.writeConfigurationFile(fileName);
+ if(config.writeConfigurationFile(fileName), {
+ if((gui.configFilePathView.items.size == 0), {
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(fileName);
+ },{
+ dict = Dictionary.with(*gui.configFilePathView.items);
+ if(dict.includesKey(fileName.asSymbol).not,{
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(fileName);
+ });
+ });
+ });
path: "/saveas",
srcID: hub.local
@@ -225,8 +235,13 @@ Bowelyzer{
// reload the addresses and ports Views
- gui.removeAddressesAndPorts;
- gui.setupAddressesAndPorts(config.config);
+ gui.removeSettingsView("synthServer");
+ gui.removeSettingsView("hub");
+ gui.removeSettingsView("forward");
+ gui.setupSynthServerView(config.config);
+ gui.setupHubView(config.config);
+ gui.setupForwardView(config.config);
+ gui.setCurrentConfigFilePath(config.configFilePath);
("Configuration could not be read: "++fileName).error;
diff --git a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
index 48b1688..31dea20 100644
--- a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
+++ b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- var mainView, <settingsView, <channelContainerView,
+ var mainView, <settingsView, <channelContainerView, lowerView, <configFilePathView,
fadeOutTime = 0.3,
@@ -43,36 +43,54 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
channels = Set.new(config.config.at(\inputs).size);
indicators = Dictionary.new(config.config.at(\inputs).size);
this.setupMainView(config.config, config.configFilePath);
- this.setupChannelAddButton(channelContainerView);
//setup the main view, in which all other views reside
- arg config, configFilePath;
+ arg config, configFilePath, buttonView;
var channelScrollView, layout;
mainView = PageLayout.new("Bowelyzer");
mainView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DBDBDB");
layout = mainView.asView.addFlowLayout(0@0, 0@0);
+ //TODO: close everything depending on choice
- settingsView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, settingsViewSize.x, settingsViewSize.y));
- settingsView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#99EF99");
+ settingsView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, mainView.bounds.width, settingsViewSize.y));
settingsView.layout = HLayout();
- settingsView.layout.spacing = 0;
+ settingsView.layout.spacing = 4;
settingsView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
- this.setupAddressesAndPorts(config);
+ this.setupConfigFilePathView(configFilePath);
+ this.setupSettingsSpacer;
+ this.setupSynthServerView(config);
+ this.setupHubView(config);
+ this.setupForwardView(config);
// go to next line in layout
+ lowerView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height));
+ lowerView.layout = HLayout();
+ lowerView.layout.spacing = 0;
+ lowerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
+ buttonView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth+8, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height));
+ buttonView.layout = VLayout();
+ buttonView.layout.spacing = 4;
+ buttonView.layout.margins = [4,4,4,4];
+ buttonView.layout.insert(this.setupChannelAddButton, 0);
+ buttonView.layout.insert(nil, 1);
+ lowerView.layout.insert(buttonView, 0);
// scrollview for channels
- channelScrollView = ScrollView(mainView.asView, Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height)).autohidesScrollers_(false).hasBorder_(true);
+ channelScrollView = ScrollView(bounds: Rect(0 , 0, mainView.bounds.width-buttonWidth, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height))
+ .autohidesScrollers_(false)
+ .hasBorder_(true);
// container for channelViews
channelContainerView = View(parent: channelScrollView, bounds: Rect(0, 0, (channelViewWidth*config.at(\inputs).size)+buttonWidth, channelViewHeight));
channelContainerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#FEFEFE");
@@ -80,44 +98,68 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
channelContainerView.layout.spacing = 0;
channelContainerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
channelContainerView.name = \channelContainerView;
+ lowerView.layout.insert(channelScrollView, 1);
+ }
+ // setup View for displaying current configuration file
+ setupConfigFilePathView{
+ arg configFilePath;
+ var listView;
+ {
+ listView = View();
+ listView.minSize_((settingsSubViewSize.x*2)@settingsSubViewSize.y);
+ listView.addFlowLayout(0@0, 0@0);
+ listView.name = "configFilePath";
+ configFilePathView = EZListView.new(
+ listView,
+ bounds: (settingsSubViewSize.x*2)@settingsSubViewSize.y,
+ label: "Current configuration:"
+ );
+ if(configFilePath.notNil && (configFilePath != ""), {
+ configFilePathView.addItem(configFilePath, {|unit| this.sendLoadMessage(unit.item)});
+ });
+ settingsView.layout.insert(listView, 1);
+ }.defer;
+ }
+ // insert a new config file path at the top of the list and set it to current
+ setCurrentConfigFilePath{
+ arg configFile;
+ {
+ configFilePathView.insertItem(0, configFile, {|unit| this.sendLoadMessage(unit.item)});
+ configFilePathView.value(0);
+ }.defer;
// setup the config View with Buttons to save and load configurations
+ {
var configView = View();
- configView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
configView.layout = VLayout();
- configView.layout.spacing = 0;
- configView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
+ configView.layout.spacing = 4;
+ configView.layout.margins = [4,4,4,4];
configView.name = "config";
- this.setupSaveButton(configView);
- this.setupSaveAsButton(configView);
- this.setupLoadButton(configView);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupSaveButton, 0);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupSaveAsButton, 1);
+ configView.layout.insert(this.setupLoadButton, 2);
+ configView.layout.insert(nil, 2);
settingsView.layout.insert(configView, 0);
+ }.defer;
- removeConfigView{
- settingsView.children.do({|setting, i|
- if(setting.isKindOf(View) && (setting.name == "config"),{
- setting.remove;
- });
- });
- }
- // setup Views for addresses and ports
- setupAddressesAndPorts{
+ // setup View for synthServer address and port
+ setupSynthServerView{
arg config;
- var forwardView, hubView, synthServerView;
+ var synthServerView;
- //synthServer
synthServerView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- synthServerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
synthServerView.layout = VLayout();
synthServerView.layout.spacing = 0;
synthServerView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
synthServerView.name = "synthServer";
- synthServerView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ synthServerView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(synthServerView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("synthServer").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(synthServerView, "address", config.at(\synthServerAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -135,16 +177,21 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(synthServerView, 1);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(synthServerView, 3);
+ }.defer;
+ }
- //hub
+ // setup View for hub address and port
+ setupHubView{
+ arg config;
+ var hubView;
+ {
hubView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- hubView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
hubView.layout = VLayout();
hubView.layout.spacing = 0;
hubView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
hubView.name = "hub";
- hubView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ hubView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(hubView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("hub").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(hubView, "address", config.at(\hubAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -162,16 +209,21 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(hubView, 2);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(hubView, 4);
+ }.defer;
+ }
- //forward
+ // setup View for forward address and port
+ setupForwardView{
+ arg config;
+ var forwardView;
+ {
forwardView = View(bounds: Rect(0, 0, settingsSubViewSize.x, settingsSubViewSize.y));
- forwardView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
forwardView.layout = VLayout();
forwardView.layout.spacing = 0;
forwardView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
forwardView.name = "forward";
- forwardView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
+ forwardView.minSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
StaticText(forwardView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("forward").align_(\center);
this.setupEZText(forwardView, "address", config.at(\forwardAddress)).children.do({|item|
@@ -189,15 +241,20 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
- settingsView.layout.insert(forwardView, 3);
+ settingsView.layout.insert(forwardView, 5);
+ }
+ setupSettingsSpacer{
+ settingsView.layout.insert(nil, 5);
// remove Views for addresses and ports
- removeAddressesAndPorts{
+ removeSettingsView{
+ arg name;
settingsView.children.do({|setting, i|
- if(setting.isKindOf(View) && ((setting.name == "hub") || (setting.name == "synthServer") || (setting.name == "forward")),{
+ if(setting.isKindOf(View) && (setting.name == name.asString), {
@@ -433,20 +490,14 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// create a load button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["load", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/load";
- okFunc: {|path|
- postln("Sending: ["++type++", "++path++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, path.asString);
- },
+ okFunc: {|path| this.sendLoadMessage(path)},
cancelFunc: {},
fileMode: 1,
acceptMode: 0,
@@ -457,10 +508,17 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
+ // send a message via OSC to load a configuration file by name
+ sendLoadMessage{
+ arg path;
+ var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
+ postln("Sending: [/load, "++path++"]");
+ address.sendMsg("/load", path.asString);
+ }
// create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["save", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
@@ -496,8 +554,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
["save as", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")],
@@ -550,8 +607,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// setup a button to add a channel
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonWidth))
+ ^Button(bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonWidth))
["+", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
@@ -562,6 +618,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
postln("Sending: ["++type++"]");
+ .minSize_(buttonWidth@buttonWidth)