path: root/BowelyzerGUI.sc
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-03 16:34:58 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-03 16:34:58 +0200
commit8c45cbc006d751df91eb637032190ff4a33fc78e (patch)
tree998a16b254a51a1b0318b8cc789eace82829b57e /BowelyzerGUI.sc
parent966fa72f9676643b1b56c0d41046055b50b03a41 (diff)
classes/*.sc: Moving all classes to the proper subfolder classes.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'BowelyzerGUI.sc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/BowelyzerGUI.sc b/BowelyzerGUI.sc
deleted file mode 100644
index e26798e..0000000
--- a/BowelyzerGUI.sc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
- var mainView, <settingsView, <channelContainerView,
- <channels,
- <indicators,
- //TODO: move to BowelyzerConfig
- fadeOutTime = 0.3,
- fadeOutSteps = 20,
- minWidth=1280,
- minHeight=720,
- channelViewHeight = 700,
- channelViewWidth = 300,
- channelViewSize,
- controlMeterContainerViewHeight = 700,
- controlMeterContainerViewWidth = 300,
- controlMeterContainerViewSize,
- buttonHeight = 20,
- buttonWidth = 48,
- settingsSubViewMargins = #[2,2,2,2],
- settingsSubViewSize,
- settingsViewSize,
- configViewSize,
- meterViewWidth = 54,
- meterViewHeight = 700,
- headViewHeight = 24,
- headViewWidth = 300,
- controlsViewWidth = 246,
- controlsViewHeight = 700
- ;
- *new{
- arg config;
- ^super.new.init(config)
- }
- init{
- arg config;
- postln("Launching GUI.");
- settingsViewSize = 496@64;
- settingsSubViewSize = 144@64;
- configViewSize = 64@64;
- controlMeterContainerViewSize = controlMeterContainerViewWidth@controlMeterContainerViewHeight;
- channelViewSize = channelViewWidth@channelViewHeight;
- channels = Set.new(config.at(\inputs).size);
- indicators = Dictionary.new(config.at(\inputs).size);
- this.setupMainView(config);
- this.setupChannelViews(config);
- }
- //setup the main view, in which all other views reside
- setupMainView{
- arg config;
- var channelScrollView, forwardView, hubView, synthServerView, configView, layout;
- mainView = PageLayout.new("Bowelyzer");
- mainView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DBDBDB");
- layout = mainView.asView.addFlowLayout(0@0, 0@0);
- settingsView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, settingsViewSize.x, settingsViewSize.y));
- settingsView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#99EF99");
- settingsView.layout = HLayout();
- settingsView.layout.spacing = 0;
- settingsView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
- //config
- configView = View(settingsView.asView);
- configView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
- configView.layout = VLayout();
- configView.layout.spacing = 0;
- configView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
- configView.name = "config";
- configView.maxSize_(configViewSize);
- this.setupSaveButton(configView);
- this.setupSaveAsButton(configView);
- this.setupLoadButton(configView);
- //synthServer
- synthServerView = View(settingsView.asView);
- synthServerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
- synthServerView.layout = VLayout();
- synthServerView.layout.spacing = 0;
- synthServerView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
- synthServerView.name = "synthServer";
- synthServerView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
- StaticText(synthServerView, Rect(0, 0, 140@20)).string_("synthServer").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(synthServerView, "address", config.at(\synthServerAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- this.setupEZNumber(synthServerView, "port", config.at(\synthServerPort)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- //hub
- hubView = View(settingsView.asView);
- hubView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
- hubView.layout = VLayout();
- hubView.layout.spacing = 0;
- hubView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
- hubView.name = "hub";
- hubView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
- StaticText(hubView, Rect(0, 0, 140@20)).string_("hub").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(hubView, "address", config.at(\hubAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- this.setupEZNumber(hubView, "port", config.at(\hubPort)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- //forward
- forwardView = View(settingsView.asView);
- forwardView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
- forwardView.layout = VLayout();
- forwardView.layout.spacing = 0;
- forwardView.layout.margins = settingsSubViewMargins;
- forwardView.name = "forward";
- forwardView.maxSize_(settingsSubViewSize);
- StaticText(forwardView, Rect(0, 0, 140@20)).string_("forward").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(forwardView, "address", config.at(\forwardAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- this.setupEZNumber(forwardView, "port", config.at(\forwardPort)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- // go to next line in layout
- layout.nextLine;
- channelScrollView = ScrollView(mainView.asView, Rect(0,0,mainView.bounds.width, mainView.bounds.height-settingsView.bounds.height)).autohidesScrollers_(false).hasBorder_(true);
- // container for channelViews
- channelContainerView = View(parent: channelScrollView, bounds: Rect(0, 0, channelViewWidth*config.at(\inputs).size, channelViewHeight));
- channelContainerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#FEFEFE");
- channelContainerView.layout = HLayout();
- channelContainerView.layout.spacing = 0;
- channelContainerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
- channelContainerView.maxSize_((channelViewWidth*config.at(\inputs).size)@channelViewHeight);
- }
- //setup channel views
- setupChannelViews{
- arg config;
- var channelView, headView, controlMeterContainerView, meterView, controlsView, controlsFromConfig, levelIndicator;
- config.at(\inputs).keysValuesDo({|name, input|
- //channelView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, mainView.bounds.width/config.at(\inputs).size, mainView.bounds.height));
- channelView = View(mainView.asView, Rect(0, 0, channelViewWidth, channelViewHeight));
- channelView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#FEEFEF");
- channelView.name = name;
- channelView.layout = VLayout();
- channelView.layout.spacing = 0;
- channelView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- channelView.maxSize_(300@700);
- // adding name textfield of input
- headView = View(channelView.asView, Rect(0, 0, headViewWidth, headViewHeight));
- headView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDEFDD");
- headView.name = \inputs;
- headView.layout = HLayout();
- headView.layout.spacing = 0;
- headView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- headView.maxHeight_(buttonHeight);
- this.setupEZText(headView, "name", name.asString).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- this.setupEZNumber(headView, "input", config.at(\inputs).at(name)).children.do({|item|
- item.postln; if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- item.postln; if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- controlMeterContainerView = View(channelView.asView, Rect(0, 0, controlMeterContainerViewWidth, controlMeterContainerViewHeight));
- controlMeterContainerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
- controlMeterContainerView.name = \meterAndControls;
- controlMeterContainerView.layout = HLayout();
- controlMeterContainerView.layout.spacing = 0;
- controlMeterContainerView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
- meterView = View(controlMeterContainerView.asView, Rect(0,0, meterViewWidth, meterViewHeight));
- meterView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE");
- meterView.name = \meterView;
- meterView.layout = VLayout();
- meterView.maxWidth = meterViewWidth;
- meterView.layout.spacing = 0;
- meterView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- //setup a toggle button for each channel
- this.setupPauseButton(meterView);
- // setup a small View as indicator for incoming/outgoing OSC messages for each input
- this.setupOSCIndicator(meterView);
- this.addOSCIndicatorFadeOutTask(name);
- // setup LevelIndicator for each input
- this.setupLevelIndicator(meterView);
- controlsView = View(controlMeterContainerView.asView, Rect(0,0, controlsViewWidth, controlsViewHeight));
- controlsView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE");
- controlsView.name = \controls;
- controlsView.maxWidth = controlsViewWidth;
- controlsView.layout = VLayout();
- controlsView.layout.spacing = 0;
- controlsView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- //TODO: add ranger for amplitude and pitch threshold/region
- //TODO: rearrange sliders/rangers/knobs in groups (maybe even tabs)
- config.at(\controls).at(name).order.do({|control, i|
- var unit;
- var value = config.at(\controls).at(name).at(control), controlIs = BowelyzerConfig.controlContainedIn(control);
- switch(
- controlIs.asSymbol,
- \knob, {this.setupEZKnob(controlsView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})},
- \slider, {this.setupEZSlider(controlsView, control, value).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})},
- \ranger, {this.setupEZRanger(controlsView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})}
- );
- });
- // add channelView to the container and the global Dictionary for better access
- channelContainerView.layout.add(channelView);
- channels.add(channelView);
- });
- }
- // setup a OSC indicator view (one on each channel)
- setupOSCIndicator{
- arg parent;
- ^View(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
- .name_(\OSCIndicator)
- .background_(Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE"))
- .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
- .visible_(true)
- ;
- }
- // setup tasks for changing the OSC indicator color (on receiving a message)
- addOSCIndicatorFadeOutTask{
- arg name;
- indicators.put(
- name.asSymbol,
- Task({
- channels.do({|channel|
- if(channel.name.asSymbol == name,{
- channel.children.do({|channelChild|
- if(channelChild.name.asSymbol == \meterAndControls,{
- channelChild.children.do({|meterAndControls|
- if(meterAndControls.name.asSymbol == \meterView, {
- meterAndControls.children.do({|meterView|
- if(meterView.isKindOf(View) && meterView.name.asSymbol == \OSCIndicator, {
- meterView.background_(Color.fromHexString("#99FF99"));
- fadeOutSteps.do({|item,i|
- meterView.background_(meterView.background.blend(Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE"), (fadeOutTime/fadeOutSteps)));
- (fadeOutTime/fadeOutSteps).wait;
- });
- meterView.background_(Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE"));
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- })
- );
- }
- freeOSCIndicatorFadeOutTask{
- }
- setupLevelIndicator{
- arg parent;
- ^LevelIndicator(
- parent
- ).maxSize_(buttonWidth@600)
- .style_(\led)
- .drawsPeak_(true);
- }
- // create a load button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- setupLoadButton{
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
- .states_([
- ["load", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
- ])
- .action_({
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/load";
- FileDialog.new(
- okFunc: {|path|
- postln("Sending: ["++type++", "++path++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, path.asString);
- },
- cancelFunc: {},
- fileMode: 1,
- acceptMode: 0,
- stripResult: true
- );
- })
- .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- setupSaveButton{
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
- .states_([
- ["save", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")],
- ])
- .action_({
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/save";
- postln("Sending: ["++type++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type);
- })
- .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // create a save button, that launches a FileDialog on press
- setupSaveAsButton{
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
- .states_([
- ["save as", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")],
- ])
- .action_({
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/saveas";
- FileDialog.new(
- okFunc: {|path|
- postln("Sending: ["++type++", "++path++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, path.asString);
- },
- cancelFunc: {},
- fileMode: 1,
- acceptMode: 1,
- stripResult: true
- );
- })
- .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // setup a button to pause the Synth for a channel
- setupPauseButton{
- arg parent;
- ^Button(parent, Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
- .states_([
- ["on", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")],
- ["off", Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#FF9999")]
- ])
- .action_({
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/toggle",
- name = controlUnit.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlValue);
- })
- .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // setup a StaticText and a TextField
- setupEZText{
- arg parent, control, value;
- var bounds = 144@buttonHeight,
- labelWidth= 48,
- textWidth = 96;
- // resize, depending on surrounding
- if(control == "address",{
- bounds = 140@buttonHeight;
- labelWidth = 60;
- textWidth = 80;
- });
- ^EZText(
- parent: parent,
- bounds: bounds,
- label: control,
- action: {
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- if((type == "/synthServer") || (type == "/hub") || (type == "/forward"), {
- type = (type++"Address").replace("/","").asSymbol;
- name = "/"++controlName;
- postln("Sending: "++"["++name++", "++type++", "++controlValue++"]");
- address.sendMsg(name, type, controlValue);
- },{
- postln("Sending: "++"["++type++", "++name++", "++controlName++", "++controlValue++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
- });
- },
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- textWidth: textWidth,
- initVal:value.asString,
- layout: \horz,
- margin: nil
- )
- .view.maxHeight_(buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // setup a StaticText and a NumberBox
- setupEZNumber{
- arg parent, control, value;
- var bounds = 144@buttonHeight,
- labelWidth = 48,
- numberWidth = 96;
- // resize, depending on surrounding
- if(control == "port",{
- bounds = 140@buttonHeight;
- labelWidth = 70;
- numberWidth = 70;
- });
- ^EZNumber(
- parent: parent,
- bounds: bounds,
- label: control,
- controlSpec: control.asSymbol,
- action: {
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- if((type == "/synthServer") || (type == "/hub") || (type == "/forward"), {
- type = (type++"Port").replace("/", "").asSymbol;
- name = "/"++controlName;
- postln("Sending: "++"["++name++", "++type++", "++controlValue++"]");
- address.sendMsg(name, type, controlValue);
- },{
- postln("Sending: "++"["++type++", "++name++", "++controlName++", "++controlValue++"]");
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
- });
- },
- initVal:value,
- labelWidth: labelWidth,
- numberWidth: numberWidth,
- layout: \horz,
- margin: nil
- )
- .view.maxHeight_(buttonHeight)
- ;
- }
- // setup a Slider, a StaticText and a NumberBox for a Synth setting
- setupEZSlider{
- arg parent, control, value;
- ^EZSlider(
- parent: parent,
- bounds: 236@40,
- label: control,
- controlSpec: control.asSymbol,
- action: {
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
- },
- numberWidth: 70,
- layout: \line2,
- margin: nil
- );
- }
- setupEZRanger{
- arg parent, control, value;
- ^EZRanger(
- parent: parent,
- bounds: 300@16,
- label: control,
- controlSpec: control,
- action: {
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
- },
- labelWidth: 120,
- unitWidth:30
- );
- }
- setupEZKnob{
- arg parent, control, value, type, name;
- ^EZKnob(
- parent: parent,
- bounds: 300@16,
- label: control,
- controlSpec: \freq,
- action: {
- arg controlUnit;
- var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
- controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
- controlValue = controlUnit.value;
- address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
- },
- labelWidth: 120,
- unitWidth:30
- );
- }