path: root/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-19 21:12:21 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2016-07-19 21:12:21 +0200
commitfec5ca525a99c87794070990e84abd891f44fb3a (patch)
tree12698332c0ef06067b1a4e25a54acd520aefcb1d /classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
parent94f11724534098ac0f08bb6d084d35979f673e5a (diff)
classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc: Moving channel controls to respective groups for their functionality and making them available with a Button. Cleaning up the creation of EZText and EZSlider elements.0.9
Diffstat (limited to 'classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
index fd20cab..ff55d4b 100644
--- a/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
+++ b/classes/BowelyzerGUI.sc
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
headViewHeight = 30,
headViewWidth = 300,
controlsViewWidth = 246,
- controlsViewHeight = 700
+ controlsViewHeight = 700,
+ controlGroups = #["general", "amplitude", "pitch", "hf"],
+ sliderWidth = 238,
+ sliderHeight = 40
@@ -164,14 +167,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
synthServerView.name = "synthServer";
StaticText(synthServerView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("synthServer").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(synthServerView, "address", config.at(\synthServerAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{
- item.align_(\left);
- });
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{
- item.align_(\right);
- });
- });
+ this.setupEZText(synthServerView, "address", config.at(\synthServerAddress));
this.setupEZNumber(synthServerView, "port", config.at(\synthServerPort)).children.do({|item|
@@ -196,14 +192,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
hubView.name = "hub";
StaticText(hubView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("hub").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(hubView, "address", config.at(\hubAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{
- item.align_(\left);
- });
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{
- item.align_(\right);
- });
- });
+ this.setupEZText(hubView, "address", config.at(\hubAddress));
this.setupEZNumber(hubView, "port", config.at(\hubPort)).children.do({|item|
@@ -228,14 +217,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
forwardView.name = "forward";
StaticText(forwardView, Rect(0, 0, 140@buttonHeight)).string_("forward").align_(\center);
- this.setupEZText(forwardView, "address", config.at(\forwardAddress)).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{
- item.align_(\left);
- });
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{
- item.align_(\right);
- });
- });
+ this.setupEZText(forwardView, "address", config.at(\forwardAddress));
this.setupEZNumber(forwardView, "port", config.at(\forwardPort)).children.do({|item|
@@ -315,7 +297,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// setup a single channel View by name
arg name, config;
- var channelView, headView, controlMeterContainerView, meterView, controlsView, controlsFromConfig, levelIndicator;
+ var channelView, headView, controlMeterContainerView, meterView, controlsView, controlsSelectorView, levelIndicator;
channelContainerView.asView.bounds_(Rect(0, 0, (channelViewWidth*config.at(\inputs).size)+buttonWidth, channelViewHeight));
@@ -337,18 +319,10 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
headView.layout.spacing = 4;
headView.layout.margins = [4,0,4,0];
- Routine{
- 0.5.wait;
- this.setupEZText(headView, "name", name.asString).children.do({|item|
- if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
- if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
- });
- this.setupEZPopUpMenu(headView, "input", Server.default.options.numInputBusChannels, config.at(\inputs).at(name));
- this.setupChannelCloseButton(headView, name);
- }.play(AppClock);
controlMeterContainerView = View(channelView.asView, Rect(0, 0, controlMeterContainerViewWidth, controlMeterContainerViewHeight));
controlMeterContainerView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#DDDDEF");
+ controlMeterContainerView.asView.background = Color.red;
controlMeterContainerView.name = "meterAndControls";
controlMeterContainerView.layout = HLayout();
controlMeterContainerView.layout.spacing = 0;
@@ -362,41 +336,139 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
meterView.layout.spacing = 0;
meterView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- //setup a toggle button for each channel
- this.setupPauseButton(meterView, config.at(\controls).at(name).at(\active));
- // setup a small View as indicator for incoming/outgoing OSC messages for each input
- this.setupOSCIndicator(meterView);
- this.addOSCIndicatorFadeOutTask(name);
- // setup LevelIndicator for each input
- this.setupLevelIndicator(meterView);
+ // add a View for the controls of a channel
controlsView = View(controlMeterContainerView.asView, Rect(0,0, controlsViewWidth, controlsViewHeight));
controlsView.asView.background = Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE");
controlsView.name = "controls";
controlsView.layout = VLayout();
controlsView.layout.spacing = 0;
- controlsView.layout.margins = [2,0,2,0];
- //TODO: add ranger for amplitude and pitch threshold/region
- //TODO: rearrange sliders/rangers/knobs in groups (maybe even tabs)
- config.at(\controls).at(name).order.do({|control, i|
- var value = config.at(\controls).at(name).at(control),
- controlIs = BowelyzerConfig.controlContainedIn(control);
- switch(
- controlIs.asSymbol,
- \knob, {this.setupEZKnob(controlsView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})},
- \slider, {this.setupEZSlider(controlsView, control, value).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)}); if(item.isKindOf(Slider), {item.orientation_(\horizontal)});})},
- \ranger, {this.setupEZRanger(controlsView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})}
- );
- });
+ controlsView.layout.margins = [4,0,4,0];
+ // add a View for selecting subsets of the channel's controls
+ controlsSelectorView = View(controlsView.asView, Rect(0, 0, controlsViewWidth, 40));
+ controlsSelectorView.minSize_(controlsViewWidth@40);
+ controlsSelectorView.addFlowLayout(4@4, 2@2);
+ controlsSelectorView.name = "controlsSelector";
+ // add all controls to their parents
+ Routine{
+ 0.01.wait;
+ this.setupEZText(headView, "name", name.asString);
+ 0.01.wait;
+ this.setupEZPopUpMenu(headView, "input", Server.default.options.numInputBusChannels, config.at(\inputs).at(name));
+ 0.01.wait;
+ this.setupChannelCloseButton(headView, name);
+ 0.01.wait;
+ //setup a toggle button for each channel
+ this.setupPauseButton(meterView, config.at(\controls).at(name).at(\active));
+ 0.01.wait;
+ // setup a small View as indicator for incoming/outgoing OSC messages for each input
+ this.setupOSCIndicator(meterView);
+ this.addOSCIndicatorFadeOutTask(name);
+ 0.01.wait;
+ // setup LevelIndicator for each input
+ this.setupLevelIndicator(meterView);
+ 0.01.wait;
+ // add Buttons for each subset of controls
+ controlGroups.do({|group|
+ this.setupControlsGroupButton(group, controlsSelectorView);
+ });
+ 0.01.wait;
+ // add controls in groups
+ controlGroups.do({|group|
+ this.setupControlsGroup(group, name, config, controlsView);
+ 0.005.wait;
+ });
+ 0.01.wait;
+ // show only the general controls
+ this.showControlsByType(controlGroups[0], controlsSelectorView.children, controlsView);
+ }.play(AppClock);
// add channelView to the container and the global Dictionary for better access
+ // setup a Button for a control group by name
+ setupControlsGroupButton{
+ arg group, parent;
+ Button(parent: parent, bounds: Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth, buttonHeight))
+ .states_([
+ [group.asString, Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]
+ ])
+ .action_({
+ arg controlUnit;
+ this.showControlsByType(controlUnit.string, controlUnit.parent.children, controlUnit.parent.parent);
+ })
+ .maxSize_(buttonWidth@buttonHeight)
+ .name_(group.asString++"Button")
+ ;
+ }
+ // setup a View for a control group by name
+ setupControlsGroup{
+ arg group, name, config, parent;
+ var controlsSubView = View(
+ parent: parent
+ );
+ controlsSubView.name = group.asString++"Controls";
+ controlsSubView.layout = VLayout();
+ controlsSubView.layout.spacing = 4;
+ controlsSubView.layout.margins = [0,0,0,0];
+ controlsSubView.maxWidth_(controlsViewWidth-8);
+ config.at(\controls).at(name).order.do({|control, i|
+ var value = config.at(\controls).at(name).at(control),
+ controlIs = BowelyzerConfig.controlContainedIn(control);
+ //TODO: move selection of correct control type to function
+ if(group == "general",{
+ if(control == \sendReplyFreq, {
+ switch(
+ controlIs.asSymbol,
+ //TODO: move special settings for EZGUI elements to functions
+ \knob, {this.setupEZKnob(controlsSubView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})},
+ \slider, {this.setupEZSlider(controlsSubView, control, value)},
+ \ranger, {this.setupEZRanger(controlsSubView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})}
+ );
+ });
+ },{
+ if(control.asString.beginsWith(group),{
+ switch(
+ controlIs.asSymbol,
+ \knob, {this.setupEZKnob(controlsSubView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})},
+ \slider, {this.setupEZSlider(controlsSubView, control, value)},
+ \ranger, {this.setupEZRanger(controlsSubView, control, value, \controls, name).view.children.do({|item| if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox),{item.align_(\right)})})}
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ controlsSubView.maxSize_((controlsViewWidth-8)@(controlsSubView.children.size*(sliderHeight+4)));
+ controlsSubView.minSize_((controlsViewWidth-8)@(controlsSubView.children.size*(sliderHeight+4)));
+ }
+ // show only the controls of a certain type
+ showControlsByType{
+ arg name, buttons, controls;
+ {
+ buttons.do({|button|
+ if(button.isKindOf(Button) && (button.name != (name++"Button")), {
+ button.states_([[button.string, Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#EEEFEE")]]);
+ },{
+ button.states_([[button.string, Color.black, Color.fromHexString("#99FF99")]]);
+ });
+ });
+ // unset visibility for all other controlSubViews but this one
+ controls.children.do({|control|
+ if(control.isKindOf(View) && (control.name == (name++"Controls")), {
+ control.visible_(true);
+ },{
+ if(control.name != "controlsSelector", {
+ control.visible_(false);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ controls.layout.insert(nil, -1);
+ }.defer;
+ }
// remove a channelView by name, resizing the enclosing channelContainerView to current amount of channels
arg name, channelSize;
@@ -695,12 +767,14 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// setup a StaticText and a TextField
arg parent, control, value;
var bounds = 144@buttonHeight,
labelWidth= 48,
- textWidth = 96;
+ textWidth = 96,
+ unit;
// resize, depending on surrounding
if(control == "address",{
bounds = 140@buttonHeight;
@@ -712,7 +786,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
labelWidth = 34;
textWidth = 106;
- ^EZText(
+ unit = EZText(
parent: parent,
bounds: bounds,
label: control,
@@ -738,10 +812,13 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
layout: \horz,
margin: nil
- )
- .view.maxHeight_(buttonHeight)
- .asView.name_(control)
- ;
+ );
+ unit.view.maxHeight_(buttonHeight);
+ unit.view.name_(control);
+ unit.view.children.do({|item|
+ if(item.isKindOf(StaticText),{item.align_(\left)});
+ if(item.isKindOf(TextField),{item.align_(\right)});
+ });
// setup a StaticText and a NumberBox
@@ -800,6 +877,7 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
labelWidth = 70;
numberWidth = 70;
+ // TODO: move special settings for children to this function
parent: parent,
bounds: bounds,
@@ -836,16 +914,17 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
// setup a Slider, a StaticText and a NumberBox for a Synth setting
arg parent, control, value;
- ^EZSlider(
+ var unit;
+ unit = EZSlider(
parent: parent,
- bounds: 236@40,
+ bounds: sliderWidth@sliderHeight,
label: control,
controlSpec: control.asSymbol,
action: {
arg controlUnit;
var address = NetAddr.new("", NetAddr.langPort),
- type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.name.asString,
- name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
+ type = "/"++controlUnit.view.parent.parent.name.asString,
+ name = controlUnit.view.parent.parent.parent.parent.name.asSymbol,
controlName = controlUnit.labelView.string.asSymbol,
controlValue = controlUnit.value;
address.sendMsg(type, name, controlName, controlValue);
@@ -853,8 +932,18 @@ BowelyzerGUI{
numberWidth: 70,
layout: \line2,
margin: nil
- )
- ;
+ );
+ unit.view.children.do({|item|
+ if(item.isKindOf(NumberBox), {
+ item.align_(\right);
+ });
+ if(item.isKindOf(Slider), {
+ item.orientation_(\horizontal);
+ item.minWidth_(sliderWidth);
+ item.maxHeight_(20);
+ item.minHeight_(20);
+ });
+ });