path: root/README.rst
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diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
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+| Python scripts for harvesting entropy from a random number generator (with an
+ Americium 241 sample mounted over a webcam sensor as its source).
+| This repository also features an OSC enabled SuperCollider (|random241.scd|)
+ script that can interface with it and a rudimentary python script
+ (|read_gpio.py| - made for BeagleBone Black) that can be used to further
+ modify effects on the generated sounds in a live setup.
+For the entropy harvesting script (|random241.py|) you need the following
+packages and dependencies installed (names may vary depending on your
+- python2
+- python2-numpy
+- python2-pyliblo
+- opencv
+- liblo
+For |random241.scd| you need |supercollider| installed.
+For the remote_control (|read_gpio.py|) you need the following:
+- python2
+- python2-pyliblo
+- |adafruit_bbio|
+- liblo
+- Grabbing of bright areas (aka regions of interest in pixels) above a certain
+ threshold from a webcam
+- Calculation of mean x/y values from regions of interest and conversion to
+ float range
+- Sending of time, x and y values via OSC to predefined host and port
+- Receive OSC messages for the creation of SynthDefs with certain pitch,
+ amplitude, length and loop time, according to coordinates and time sent.
+- Receive OSC messages for manipulation of post processing SynthDefs (FreeVerb
+ for now).
+- Ignore OSC messages after a certain amount of SynthDefs created.
+- Release (all) SynthDefs after a certain amount of SynthDefs is reached.
+- Read GPIO data from BeagleBone Black (P9_39-42 for now)
+- Send sensor data as OSC message to predefined host and port
+Build instructions
+| As a showcase I'll demonstrate the creation of my device below.
+| You'll need a couple of things to build an |americium241| driven random number
+ generator (RNG). Read through **all of this** before starting!
+.. note::
+ |americium241| is NOT A TOY!
+ It's a transuranic radioactive chemical element. Respect working with it:
+ - Do not swallow it
+ - Don't wear it on your body
+ - Avoid touching it
+ - At best work in a safe environment (like a lab)
+ - Do not eat while working with it
+ - Keep in a closed steel or aluminium container, when not working with it
+ | This being said, **I am not** responsible for any harm inflicted on you
+ or your environment due to mal-handling of Americium 241!
+ | Don't be a fool, work responsibly!
+Americium 241
+If you're living in the US, you might still have an
+|americium241-ionization_detectors| around. For (mostly) everyone else, there's
+the possibility of ordering Americium on ebay!
+.. figure:: https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/sample.jpg
+ :alt: Americium 241 sample
+ A small sample of Americium 241 (4mm diameter in a steel casing).
+You can use any webcam for this project. There are some things to keep in mind
+- You will break it!
+- Don't use cameras below 2 megapixels (your resolution won't be of any use)
+- Make sure you'll be able to open it up and remove its lens!
+In my case a Mustek Gsmart Mini 3 has been used, because
+|github-gabriel_zoeller| wanted to get rid of his and it was broken in just a
+beautiful and fitting way (with the lens already removed):
+.. figure:: https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/gsmart_mini3.jpg
+ :alt: Gsmart Mini 3
+ Mustek Gsmart Mini 3 with lens removed.
+.. note::
+ | The Gsmart Mini 3 is not a webcam, although it can be used as one, if you
+ press a button on the backside of it, while connected via USB.
+ | As I don't want to open a box and press a button on a camera with an
+ Americium 241 sample in it, every time I want to use it, I had to solder a
+ push button switch to it.
+ | That turned out to be quite a messy job (because the button is very tiny
+ and so are its contacts on the board).
+ | If you end up with the same model of camera, do this first, before you
+ place the sample on top of the sensor chip!
+| Make sure you'll have a proper casing around for the sample to store in and
+ later for the camera and the sample to store (or build into for that matter).
+| I used a steel casing from an old 19" server rack power supply, that was
+ trashed at work:
+.. figure:: https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/casing.jpg
+ :alt: Casing
+ Casing sourced from old 19" rack server power supply.
+Building the RNG
+It is highly recommended to use nippers when handling the Americium 241 sample:
+.. figure:: \
+ https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/sample_on_steel.jpg
+ :alt: Americium 241 sample on steel
+ Americium 241 sample on steel.
+The lens mount has a certain diameter. To not have the sample fall on top of
+the camera chip, I drilled a hole into and cut out a piece of steel to be used
+as a curb for the sample.
+.. figure:: \
+ https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/sample_with_curb.jpg
+ :alt: Americium 241 sample with curb
+ Americium 241 sample with curb.
+Now the sample was put on top of the lens mount with the Americium pointing
+directly at the chip.
+.. figure:: \
+ https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/sample_over_chip.jpg
+ :alt: Americium 241 sample with curb over chip
+ Americium 241 sample with curb over chip.
+You might have to improvise a little - depending on your hardware - to make
+things work. |sugru| is your friend, fixing the sample over the camera chip. I
+know, it looks ugly, but it certainly gets the job done!
+.. figure:: \
+ https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/sample_fixed_over_chip.jpg
+ :alt: Americium 241 sample fixed over chip using sugru
+ Americium 241 sample fixed over chip using sugru.
+I was able to place the camera in the above mentioned casing, while leading the
+USB and push button switch cable out.
+.. figure:: \
+ https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/plain/images/camera_in_casing.jpg
+ :alt: Camera in casing
+ Camera in casing.
+| As you can see here, I had to use two additional steel panels to complete the
+ casing in front and back of the box.
+| The box is made from steel panels all around otherwise, but had some open
+ spaces in front and back (for air circulation in its previous
+ use-case-scenario).
+| This device is now USB pluggable and on/off switchable!
+- Externalization of settings for |read_gpio.py| and |random241.py|
+- Further settings and advancements in sound for |random241.scd|
+- Performance enhancements for |random241.py| using different search algorithm
+ (maybe switch to C++?)
+- Detection of false positives (pixel errors) on wacky
+ cameras
+.. |random241.scd| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/tree/SuperCollider/random241.scd" target="_blank">random241.scd</a>
+.. |read_gpio.py| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/tree/remote_control/read_gpio.py" target="_blank">read_gpio.py</a>
+.. |random241.py| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/random241.git/tree/entropy_harvester/random241.py" target="_blank">random241.py</a>
+.. |supercollider| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://supercollider.github.io" target="_blank">SuperCollider</a>
+.. |adafruit_bbio| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://github.com/adafruit/adafruit-beaglebone-io-python" target="_blank">AdaFruit_BBIO</a>
+.. |americium241| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americium" target="_blank">Americium 241</a>
+.. |americium241-ionization_detectors| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americium#Ionization_detectors" target="_blank">ionization smoke detectors</a>
+.. |github-gabriel_zoeller| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://github.com/fahrstuhl" target="_blank">Gabriel Zöller</a>
+.. |sugru| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://sugru.com" target="_blank">Sugru</a>