path: root/README.md
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-18 23:00:51 +0100
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-18 23:00:51 +0100
commite172c23373454ddd78ba4217402b66dcd01f2245 (patch)
tree1792374d5ff95566b6ba5b598c1822f8f0fd3fb3 /README.md
parent6d2530f255e0bdc37e096b3b0f8c23ece3ee234f (diff)
README.md: Make code blocks, further specify/clarify features.
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 326d44a..e39025c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,24 +5,25 @@ Supercollider classes for interacting with data sets from http://opensnp.org (pa
This is a prototype! It's quite slow and eats a lot of RAM. I've only tested it on Linux with JACK. So be aware of that, when using it!
## Features
-- Parse 23andme files, write them to a different format.
-- Loading both of those files into a dictionary.//this will eat so much RAM, cookie monster is a 'lil puppet compared (get ready for 5,7Gb (parsing) and 4,7Gb (reading)
-- Playing positions (or rather: bases/base pairs on a chromosome at a position) of up to 25 chromosomes from those dictionaries on 2,4,6 & 8 channels (there's no real limit to that though, but your hardware)
+- Parse 23andme files, write them to a different - self-invented and faster readable - format.
+- Loading the contents of both types of files (parsed and read) into a SuperCollider Dictionary. This will require *a lot of* RAM (get ready for ~5,7Gb (**parsing**) and ~4,7Gb (**reading**)!
+- Rendering sound from positions (or rather: bases/base pairs at a position on a chromosome) of up to 25 chromosomes at the same time.
+- Possible audio setups are: *2*, *4*, *6*, *8* and *12* speakers
## Installation
Clone this repository to somewhere sclang will pick it up on recompiling its class library:
- cd ~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/local
- git clone git://sleepmap.de/thesoundofpeople.git
+ cd ~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/local
+ git clone git://sleepmap.de/thesoundofpeople.git
If the local folder doesn't exist, create it, otherwise you can also directly clone into the Extensions folder (the folder and all of its children will get picked up on recompile).
Symlinking is fine, too!
- cd ~/some/other/directory
- git clone git://sleepmap.de/thesoundofpeople.git
- cd ./local/share/SuperCollider/Extensios/local/
- ln -s ~/some/other/directory/thesoundofpeople .
+ cd ~/some/other/directory
+ git clone git://sleepmap.de/thesoundofpeople.git
+ cd ./local/share/SuperCollider/Extensios/local/
+ ln -s ~/some/other/directory/thesoundofpeople .
- flesh out SNP.sc (a million instances eat too much RAM on filling a SNPDict), that comes with a lot of looking around what has to be changed in the other classes to make this work.