path: root/SNPDict.sc
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-30 02:31:09 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-30 02:31:09 +0200
commit1799c985d6062ef0e151597965e856f62c0fa5ea (patch)
treeecf394987d11c749c3ccd39d4999ac88f9f3e404 /SNPDict.sc
parent42519292ff9f4c23ca9b1b63d76c39997e10123a (diff)
SNPDict.sc: Retabbing document.
Diffstat (limited to 'SNPDict.sc')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/SNPDict.sc b/SNPDict.sc
index 155dad7..0e4566f 100644
--- a/SNPDict.sc
+++ b/SNPDict.sc
@@ -1,223 +1,223 @@
- const <emptyBasePair = #[\none,\none];
- const <emptyBase = #[\none];
- var <snpDict;
- var <snpArr;
- var <positionLookup;
- var <unknownLookup;
- var <unknownArr;
- var <unknownToDelete;
- var <>length;
- var <positions = 0;
- var <unknowns = 0;
- var <userID;
+ const <emptyBasePair = #[\none,\none];
+ const <emptyBase = #[\none];
+ var <snpDict;
+ var <snpArr;
+ var <positionLookup;
+ var <unknownLookup;
+ var <unknownArr;
+ var <unknownToDelete;
+ var <>length;
+ var <positions = 0;
+ var <unknowns = 0;
+ var <userID;
- *new{
- arg aLength, aUserID = 0;
- ^super.new.init(aLength, aUserID);
- }
+ *new{
+ arg aLength, aUserID = 0;
+ ^super.new.init(aLength, aUserID);
+ }
- init{
- arg aLength, aUserID;
- userID = aUserID.asInt;
- length = aLength.asInt;
- snpDict = Dictionary.new(length);
- //snpArr = Array.new(length);
- positionLookup = Dictionary.new(length);
- unknownLookup = Dictionary.new(length);
- //unknownArr = Array.new(length);
- }
- updatePositionLookup{//sort the dictionary's position lookup table when updating a new position
- arg position, positionAdd;
- if(positionAdd,{//add or remove a position in the lookup table
- positionLookup.add(position.asFloat -> true);
- },{
- positionLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat);
- });
- }
+ init{
+ arg aLength, aUserID;
+ userID = aUserID.asInt;
+ length = aLength.asInt;
+ snpDict = Dictionary.new(length);
+ //snpArr = Array.new(length);
+ positionLookup = Dictionary.new(length);
+ unknownLookup = Dictionary.new(length);
+ //unknownArr = Array.new(length);
+ }
- updateUnknownLookup{//sort the dictionary's unknown lookup table when updating a SNP with unknown resolver
- arg position, positionAdd;
- if(positionAdd,{
- unknownLookup.add(position.asFloat -> true);
- },{
- unknownLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat);
- });
- }
+ updatePositionLookup{//sort the dictionary's position lookup table when updating a new position
+ arg position, positionAdd;
+ if(positionAdd,{//add or remove a position in the lookup table
+ positionLookup.add(position.asFloat -> true);
+ },{
+ positionLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat);
+ });
+ }
- orderLookup{//order the lookup tables (position and unknown) and store them to Arrays (for sequential access)
- arg table;
- switch(table,
- 0,{
- snpArr = positionLookup.order;
- ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
- ^true;
- },
- 1,{
- unknownArr = unknownLookup.order;
- ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
- ^true;
- },
- 2,{
- snpArr = positionLookup.order;
- ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
- unknownArr = unknownLookup.order;
- ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
- unknownLookup = nil;
- positionLookup = nil;
- ^true;
- },{
- ("Unknown operation on sorting lookup tables: "++table.asString).postln;
- ^false;
- }
- );
- }
+ updateUnknownLookup{//sort the dictionary's unknown lookup table when updating a SNP with unknown resolver
+ arg position, positionAdd;
+ if(positionAdd,{
+ unknownLookup.add(position.asFloat -> true);
+ },{
+ unknownLookup.removeAt(position.asFloat);
+ });
+ }
- storeSNP{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from opensnp.org -file
- arg snp, position;
- var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict
- if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it
- snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
- new = -1;
- },{//else create the first one in this slot
- positionHolder = Dictionary.new(25);
- positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
- snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder);
- this.updatePositionLookup(position, true);
- new = 1;
- positions = positions+1;
- });
- if(snp.hasResolver.not,{//if the SNP has no resolver, update the unknown lookup table
- this.updateUnknownLookup(position, true);
- });
- ^new;
- }
+ orderLookup{//order the lookup tables (position and unknown) and store them to Arrays (for sequential access)
+ arg table;
+ switch(table,
+ 0,{
+ snpArr = positionLookup.order;
+ ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
+ ^true;
+ },
+ 1,{
+ unknownArr = unknownLookup.order;
+ ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
+ ^true;
+ },
+ 2,{
+ snpArr = positionLookup.order;
+ ("Done sorting position lookup table. Positions: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
+ unknownArr = unknownLookup.order;
+ ("Done sorting unknown lookup table. Unknowns: "++snpArr.size.asString).postln;
+ unknownLookup = nil;
+ positionLookup = nil;
+ ^true;
+ },{
+ ("Unknown operation on sorting lookup tables: "++table.asString).postln;
+ ^false;
+ }
+ );
+ }
- storeSNPFromFile{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from own file
- arg snp, position;
- var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict
- if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it
- snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
- },{//else create the first one in this slot
- positionHolder = Dictionary.new(25);
- positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
- snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder);
- });
- }
- initLookupFromFile{//init lookup table from file with size given
- arg posLookup, unLookup;
- snpArr = Array.new(posLookup);
- unknownArr = Array.new(unLookup);
- }
+ storeSNP{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from opensnp.org -file
+ arg snp, position;
+ var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict
+ if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it
+ snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
+ new = -1;
+ },{//else create the first one in this slot
+ positionHolder = Dictionary.new(25);
+ positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
+ snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder);
+ this.updatePositionLookup(position, true);
+ new = 1;
+ positions = positions+1;
+ });
+ if(snp.hasResolver.not,{//if the SNP has no resolver, update the unknown lookup table
+ this.updateUnknownLookup(position, true);
+ });
+ ^new;
+ }
- addPositionLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file
- arg posArr, posSNP;
- snpArr.add(posSNP);
- }
+ storeSNPFromFile{//store a combo to the snpDict and the lookup tables when reading from own file
+ arg snp, position;
+ var positionHolder, new = 0;//the SNP holder in snpDict
+ if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol), {//if there is an entry already, add this one after it
+ snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
+ },{//else create the first one in this slot
+ positionHolder = Dictionary.new(25);
+ positionHolder.add(snp.chromosome -> snp);
+ snpDict.put(position.asSymbol, positionHolder);
+ });
+ }
- addUnknownLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file
- arg posArr, posSNP;
- unknownArr.add(posSNP);
- }
- updateResolver{//update a SNP resolver at a given position
- arg position, id, resolver;
- var resolverLeft;
- if(resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBasePair && resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBase,{//if the resolver is none, don't do anything
- snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).do({
- arg snpItem;
- if(id==snpItem.id, {
- snpItem.resolver_(resolver);
- ("Resolver updated.").postln;
- ^true;
- });
- });
-// resolverLeft = this.noneResolverAtPosition(position);
-// if(resolverLeft == false,{//if there are no unknowns left, delete position from lookup table
-// unknownArr.removeAt(unknownArr.indexOf(position.asFloat));
-// });
-// resolverLeft = nil;
- },{
- ("Not updating position "++position++". Resolver is none.").postln;
- ^false;
- });
- }
+ initLookupFromFile{//init lookup table from file with size given
+ arg posLookup, unLookup;
+ snpArr = Array.new(posLookup);
+ unknownArr = Array.new(unLookup);
+ }
- deleteSNP{//delete a SNP at a given position
- arg snp, position;
- var snpCounter = 0, deleted = false;
- snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).do({
- arg snpItem, i;
-// if(snpItem.notNil, {
- snpCounter = snpCounter + 1;
- if(snp.id == snpItem.id{
- snpItem.removeAt(position.asSymbol);
- snpCounter = snpCounter - 1;
- deleted = true;
- });
-// });
- });
- if(snpCounter < 1,{//delete the complete position if there is no SNP left
- snpDict.removeAt(position.asSymbol);
- this.sortPositionLookup(-1, position);
- this.sortUnknownLookup(-1, position);
- });
- ^deleted;
- }
+ addPositionLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file
+ arg posArr, posSNP;
+ snpArr.add(posSNP);
+ }
- noneResolverAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of Chromosome -> SNP pairs that don't have a resolver or false if none found
- arg position;
- var noneResolver = Dictionary.new(25), noneResolverCount = 0;
- if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//if the position exists, check it
- snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).keysValuesDo({
- arg chromosome, snp;
- if(snp.hasResolver.not,{
- noneResolver.add(chromosome -> snp);
- noneResolverCount = noneResolverCount + 1;
- });
- });
- if(noneResolverCount>0,{
- ^noneResolver;
- },{
- ^false;
- });
- },{
- ^false;
- });
- }
+ addUnknownLookupFromFile{//put a position to the position lookup table when reading from own file
+ arg posArr, posSNP;
+ unknownArr.add(posSNP);
+ }
+ updateResolver{//update a SNP resolver at a given position
+ arg position, id, resolver;
+ var resolverLeft;
+ if(resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBasePair && resolver!=SNPInfo.emptyBase,{//if the resolver is none, don't do anything
+ snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).do({
+ arg snpItem;
+ if(id==snpItem.id, {
+ snpItem.resolver_(resolver);
+ ("Resolver updated.").postln;
+ ^true;
+ });
+ });
+// resolverLeft = this.noneResolverAtPosition(position);
+// if(resolverLeft == false,{//if there are no unknowns left, delete position from lookup table
+// unknownArr.removeAt(unknownArr.indexOf(position.asFloat));
+// });
+// resolverLeft = nil;
+ },{
+ ("Not updating position "++position++". Resolver is none.").postln;
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }
- snpAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of chromosome -> SNP pairs at a given position, or false if none available
- arg position;
- if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//check if the key is there
- ^snpDict.at(position.asSymbol);//return the Dictionary at position
- },{
- ^false;
- });
- }
- distanceToNextPosition{//calculate the distance from current position, to the one following
- arg position;
- var now;
- if(position==0.0,{//if it's the beginning, return first position later on
- now = -1;
- },{
- now = snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat);
- });
- switch(now,
- nil,{^position},
- snpArr.size-1,{^0},
- -1,{^snpArr[0]},
- {^snpArr[(snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat)+1)]-position;}
- );
- }
+ deleteSNP{//delete a SNP at a given position
+ arg snp, position;
+ var snpCounter = 0, deleted = false;
+ snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).do({
+ arg snpItem, i;
+// if(snpItem.notNil, {
+ snpCounter = snpCounter + 1;
+ if(snp.id == snpItem.id{
+ snpItem.removeAt(position.asSymbol);
+ snpCounter = snpCounter - 1;
+ deleted = true;
+ });
+// });
+ });
+ if(snpCounter < 1,{//delete the complete position if there is no SNP left
+ snpDict.removeAt(position.asSymbol);
+ this.sortPositionLookup(-1, position);
+ this.sortUnknownLookup(-1, position);
+ });
+ ^deleted;
+ }
- queryStatistics{//query statistics about this SNPDict
- //TODO: shortest/longest/mean distance between SNPs
- //TODO: unknown/total SNPs
- //TODO: number of SNPs per chromosome
- //TODO: unknown/total SNPs per chromosome
- //TODO: total positions
- }
+ noneResolverAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of Chromosome -> SNP pairs that don't have a resolver or false if none found
+ arg position;
+ var noneResolver = Dictionary.new(25), noneResolverCount = 0;
+ if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//if the position exists, check it
+ snpDict.at(position.asSymbol).keysValuesDo({
+ arg chromosome, snp;
+ if(snp.hasResolver.not,{
+ noneResolver.add(chromosome -> snp);
+ noneResolverCount = noneResolverCount + 1;
+ });
+ });
+ if(noneResolverCount>0,{
+ ^noneResolver;
+ },{
+ ^false;
+ });
+ },{
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }
+ snpAtPosition{//return a Dictionary of chromosome -> SNP pairs at a given position, or false if none available
+ arg position;
+ if(snpDict.includesKey(position.asSymbol),{//check if the key is there
+ ^snpDict.at(position.asSymbol);//return the Dictionary at position
+ },{
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }
+ distanceToNextPosition{//calculate the distance from current position, to the one following
+ arg position;
+ var now;
+ if(position==0.0,{//if it's the beginning, return first position later on
+ now = -1;
+ },{
+ now = snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat);
+ });
+ switch(now,
+ nil,{^position},
+ snpArr.size-1,{^0},
+ -1,{^snpArr[0]},
+ {^snpArr[(snpArr.indexOf(position.asFloat)+1)]-position;}
+ );
+ }
+ queryStatistics{//query statistics about this SNPDict
+ //TODO: shortest/longest/mean distance between SNPs
+ //TODO: unknown/total SNPs
+ //TODO: number of SNPs per chromosome
+ //TODO: unknown/total SNPs per chromosome
+ //TODO: total positions
+ }