path: root/SNPFile.sc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SNPFile.sc')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SNPFile.sc b/SNPFile.sc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a811d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SNPFile.sc
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ var <snpDict;
+ var <file;
+ var <fileLength;
+ var <userID;
+ var <testSet = inf;
+ *new{
+ arg aFile, aTestSet = inf;
+ ^super.new.init(aFile, aTestSet);
+ }
+ init{
+ arg aFile, aTestSet;
+ this.setFileAndUser(aFile);
+ testSet = aTestSet;
+ }
+ setFileAndUser{//set the file (again) to be parsed
+ arg aFile;
+ var allSlash, allDot;
+ file = aFile;
+ allSlash = file.findAll("/");
+ allDot = file.findAll(".");
+ if(allSlash.notNil,{//if there is no slash in the filename
+ userID = file[allSlash[allSlash.size-1]+1..allDot[allDot.size-2]-1].asInt;
+ },{
+ userID = file[0..allDot[allDot.size-2]-1].asInt;
+ });
+ }
+ readFile{//read a SNPDict from file
+ var snpFile = File(file, "r"), line = "", counter = 0, procCounter = Array.new(9), tmp, key, sizeOf, snp, res, keyCount = 0.0, unknown, unknownCount = 0.0;
+ fileLength = (("wc -l "++file.shellQuote).unixCmdGetStdOut).delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});
+ 9.do({|item,i| procCounter.add(round((fileLength[0].asFloat/100)*(i+1)*10, 1).asInt)});//calculating procentuals for a simple progression output
+ ("Now reading: "++file++" ("++fileLength[0]++" lines).").postln;
+ ("==========").postln;
+ if(snpFile.isOpen,{
+ protect{
+ while{(line = snpFile.getLine).notNil }{
+ switch(line[0].asString,
+ "*",{//info line
+ sizeOf = line.delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});//delimit by space and/or tab
+ snpDict = SNPDict.new(sizeOf[1].asFloat, sizeOf[3].asInt);//init new SNPDict
+ snpDict.initLookupFromFile(sizeOf[1].asFloat, sizeOf[2].asFloat);
+ },
+ ";",{//key line
+ key = line.delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});//delimit by space and/or tab
+ snpDict.addPositionLookupFromFile(keyCount, key[1].asFloat);//store to lookup table!
+ keyCount = keyCount + 1.0;
+ },
+ "+",{//SNP line
+ tmp = line.delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});//delimit by space and/or tab
+ if(tmp[6].isNil,{
+ res = [tmp[5].asSymbol];
+ },{
+ res = [tmp[5].asSymbol, tmp[6].asSymbol];
+ });
+ snp = SNP.new(tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], res);
+ snpDict.storeSNP(snp, key[1]);
+ },
+ "|",{//unknown line
+ unknown = line.delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});//delimit by space and/or tab
+ snpDict.addUnknownLookupFromFile(unknownCount, unknown[1].asFloat);
+ unknownCount = unknownCount + 1.0;
+ }
+ );
+ counter = counter + 1;
+ switch(counter,
+ procCounter[0],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[1],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[2],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[3],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[4],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[5],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[6],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[7],{"=".post;},
+ procCounter[8],{"=".post;}
+ );
+ };
+ "=".postln;
+ "Done reading file to RAM.".postln;
+ }{
+ snpFile.close;
+ };
+ },{
+ ("Couldn't open file for reading: "++file).warn;
+ });
+ ^snpDict;
+ }
+ writeFile{//write a SNPDict to file
+ arg snpDict;
+ var snpFile = File(file, "w"), line = "", counter = 0, tmp, snp, newSameCounter = 0;
+ ("Attempting to write SNPDict to file: "++file).postln;
+ if(snpFile.isOpen, {
+ protect{
+ snpFile.write("*\t"++snpDict.snpArr.size.asString++"\t"++snpDict.unknownArr.size.asString++"\t"++snpDict.userID++"\n");//write length of snpArr and unknownArr
+ snpDict.snpArr.do({
+ arg item;
+ snpFile.write(";\t"++item.asString++"\n");
+ snpDict.snpAtPosition(item).do({//write all SNPs
+ arg snp;
+ var res;
+ if(snp.resolver.size==2,{
+ res = (snp.resolver[0]++"\t"++snp.resolver[1]).asString;
+ },{
+ res = snp.resolver[0].asString;
+ });
+ snpFile.write("+\t"++snp.chromosome.asString++"\t"++snp.position.asString++"\t"++snp.id.asString++"\t"++snp.base.asString++"\t"++res++"\n");//write SNP to file
+ });
+ });
+ snpDict.unknownArr.do({//write all unknown positions
+ arg item;
+ snpFile.write("|\t"++item.asString++"\n");
+ });
+ }{
+ snpFile.close;
+ ("Done writing to file.").postln;
+ ^true;
+ };
+ },{
+ ("Couldn't open file for writing: "++file).postln;
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }
+ writeUnknownIDToFile{//write the rsids of all unknown SNPs to file
+ arg snpDict;
+ var snpFile = File("/media/Data/tmp/1/1.unknown.snp", "w");
+ ("Attempting to write unknowns to file: "++file).postln;
+ if(snpFile.isOpen, {
+ protect{
+ snpDict.unknownArr.do({
+ arg item,i;
+ snpDict.noneResolverAtPosition(item).do({
+ arg snp,i;
+ snpFile.write(snp.id++"\n");
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ },{
+ ("Couldn't open file for writing: "++file).postln;
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }
+ readUnknownIDFromFile{
+ arg unknowns;
+ var snpFile = File(unknowns, "r"), fileLength, line ="", outArr, counter = 0;
+ fileLength = (("wc -l "++unknowns.shellQuote).unixCmdGetStdOut).delimit({|ch| ch.isSpace});
+ fileLength.postln;
+ outArr = Array.new(fileLength[0].asInt);
+ if(snpFile.isOpen, {
+ protect{
+ while{(line = snpFile.getLine).notNil }{
+ outArr.add(line.asSymbol);
+ counter = counter + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ^outArr;
+ },{
+ ("Couldn't open file for writing: "++file).postln;
+ ^false;
+ });
+ }