diff options
authorDavid Runge <>2018-02-02 21:02:41 +0100
committerDavid Runge <>2018-02-02 21:02:41 +0100
commit277292e7d7ea7c2275ea35ea40510b16c144593d (patch)
classes: Adding first draft of USBMIDIIsm, allowing setting up and connecting of devices.
Mappings for Korg nanoKONTROL2 and ICON Platform M+ are included in the respective classes. serves as the common parent for all further specific implementations.
4 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/classes/ b/classes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e7f2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ var <name,
+ <uid,
+ <inPortNum,
+ <outPortNum,
+ <verbose,
+ <inPort,
+ <outPort,
+ <faders,
+ <potis,
+ <buttons,
+ <jogwheels,
+ <touchpads,
+ <passThroughs;
+ *new{
+ arg name, uid, inPortNum, outPortNum, verbose=false, faderSize=0, potiSize=0, buttonSize=0, jogwheelSize=0, touchpadSize=0;
+ ^super.newCopyArgs(name, uid, inPortNum, outPortNum, verbose).initDevice(faderSize, potiSize, buttonSize, jogwheelSize, touchpadSize);
+ }
+ initDevice{
+ arg faderSize, potiSize, buttonSize, jogwheelSize, touchpadSize;
+ faders = Array.newClear(indexedSize: faderSize);
+ potis = Array.newClear(indexedSize: potiSize);
+ buttons = Array.newClear(indexedSize: buttonSize);
+ jogwheels = Array.newClear(indexedSize: jogwheelSize);
+ touchpads = Array.newClear(indexedSize: touchpadSize);
+ passThroughs = Dictionary();
+ this.connectPorts();
+ postln("Device '"++name++"' initialized.");
+ }
+ addSpec{
+ arg name, type, channel, minVal=0, maxVal=127, step=1, default=0, units="";
+ ^Dictionary.with(*[
+ \name->name,
+ \type->type,
+ \channel->channel,
+ \spec->
+ minval: minVal,
+ maxval: maxVal,
+ step: step,
+ default: default,
+ units: units
+ )
+ ]);
+ }
+ connectPorts{
+ if(inPortNum.notNil,{
+ this.connectInPort(inPortNum);
+ });
+ if(outPortNum.notNil,{
+ this.connectOutPort(outPortNum);
+ });
+ }
+ connectInPort{
+ arg inPortNum;
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Connecting MIDIIn for "++name);
+ });
+ inPort =;
+ MIDIIn.connect(inPortNum, inPortNum);
+ }
+ connectOutPort{
+ arg outPortNum;
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Connecting MIDIOut for "++name);
+ });
+ outPort =;
+ outPort.latency=0;
+ outPort.connect(outPortNum, outPortNum);
+ }
+ disconnectPorts{
+ this.disconnectInPort();
+ this.disconnectOutPort();
+ }
+ disconnectInPort{
+ if(inPort.notNil, {
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Disconnecting MIDIIn for "++name);
+ });
+ try{
+ MIDIIn.disconnect(inPortNum, inPortNum);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ disconnectOutPort{
+ if(outPort.notNil, {
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Disconnecting MIDIOut for "++name);
+ });
+ try{
+ outPort.disconnect(outPortNum, outPortNum);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ connectPassThroughs{
+ if(passThroughs.notNil,{
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Setting up passthroughs for "++name);
+ });
+ passThroughs.keysValuesDo({|channel, type|
+ key: ("passThrough_"++uid++"_"++channel).asSymbol,
+ func: {arg ...args;
+ if(verbose,{
+ ("passThrough_"++uid++"_"++channel++": "++args).postln;
+ });
+ case
+ {type==\control}{outPort.control(chan: channel, val: args[0])}
+ {type==\bend}{outPort.bend(chan: channel, val: args[0])}
+ {type==\midiClock}{outPort.midiClock}
+ {type==\bend}{outPort.bend(chan: channel, veloc: args[0])}
+ {type==\noteOn}{outPort.noteOn(chan: channel, note: args[1], veloc: args[0])}
+ {type==\noteOff}{outPort.noteOn(chan: channel, note: args[1], veloc: args[0])}
+ {type==\polyTouch}{outPort.polyTouch(chan: channel, note: args[1], val: args[0])}
+ {type==\program}{outPort.program(chan: channel, num: args[0])}
+ {type==\touch}{outPort.touch(chan: channel, val: args[0])}
+ {type==\start}{outPort.start}
+ {type==\stop}{outPort.stop}
+ {type==\continue}{outPort.continue};
+ },
+ chan: channel,
+ msgType: type,
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ disconnectPassThroughs{
+ if(passThroughs.notNil,{
+ if(verbose,{
+ postln("Cleaning up passthroughs for "++name);
+ });
+ passThroughs.keysValuesDo({|channel, type|
+ MIDIdef(("passThrough_"++uid++"_"++channel).asSymbol).free;
+ });
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/classes/ b/classes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f79c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+NanoKontrol2 : MIDIDevice{
+ *new{
+ arg name, uid, inPort, outPort, verbose;
+ var faderSize = 8,
+ potiSize = 8,
+ buttonSize = 36;
+ ^, uid, inPort, outPort, verbose, faderSize, potiSize, buttonSize).init;
+ }
+ init{
+ this.addFaders();
+ this.addPotis();
+ this.addButtons();
+ }
+ cleanup{
+ super.disconnectPorts();
+ }
+ addButtons{
+ buttons.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1Select, \control, 32, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2Select, \control, 33, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3Select, \control, 34, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4Select, \control, 35, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5Select, \control, 36, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6Select, \control, 37, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7Select, \control, 38, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8Select, \control, 39, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(8,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1Mute, \control, 48, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(9,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2Mute, \control, 49, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(10,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3Mute, \control, 50, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(11,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4Mute, \control, 51, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(12,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5Mute, \control, 52, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(13,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6Mute, \control, 53, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(14,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7Mute, \control, 54, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(15,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8Mute, \control, 55, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(16,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1Record, \control, 64, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(17,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2Record, \control, 65, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(18,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3Record, \control, 66, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(19,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4Record, \control, 67, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(20,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5Record, \control, 68, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(21,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6Record, \control, 69, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(22,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7Record, \control, 70, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(23,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8Record, \control, 71, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(24,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8Record, \control, 71, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(25,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\trackDown, \control, 58, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(26,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\trackUp, \control, 59, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(27,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\cycle, \control, 46, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(28,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\backwards, \control, 43, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(29,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\forwards, \control, 44, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(30,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\set, \control, 60, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(31,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\markerDown, \control, 61, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(32,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\markerUp, \control, 62, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(33,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\stop, \control, 42, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(34,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\play, \control, 41, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(35,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\record, \control, 45, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ }
+ addPotis{
+ potis.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti1, \control, 16, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti2, \control, 17, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti3, \control, 18, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti4, \control, 19, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti5, \control, 20, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti6, \control, 21, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti7, \control, 22, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ potis.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti8, \control, 23, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ }
+ addFaders{
+ faders.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader1, \control, 0, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader2, \control, 1, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader3, \control, 2, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader4, \control, 3, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader5, \control, 4, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader6, \control, 5, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader7, \control, 6, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ faders.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader8, \control, 7, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/classes/ b/classes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc10aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+PlatformMPlus : MIDIDevice{
+ *new{
+ arg name, uid, inPort, outPort, verbose;
+ var faderSize = 9,
+ potiSize = 8,
+ buttonSize = 48,
+ jogwheelSize = 1;
+ ^, uid, inPort, outPort, verbose, faderSize, potiSize, buttonSize, jogwheelSize).init;
+ }
+ init{
+ this.addFaders();
+ this.addPotis();
+ this.addJogwheels();
+ this.addButtons();
+ this.addPassThroughs();
+ super.connectPassThroughs();
+ }
+ cleanup{
+ super.disconnectPorts();
+ super.disconnectPassThroughs();
+ }
+ addPassThroughs{
+ passThroughs.add(0->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(1->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(2->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(3->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(4->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(5->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(6->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(7->\bend);
+ passThroughs.add(8->\bend);
+ }
+ addButtons{
+ buttons.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 0, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel1RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 0, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 1, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel2RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 1, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 2, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel3RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 2, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 3, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel4RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 3, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 4, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel5RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 4, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 5, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel6RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 5, 0, 127127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 6, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel7RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 6, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8RecNoteOn, \noteOn, 7, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel8RecNoteOff, \noteOff, 7, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(8,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 8, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel1SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 8, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(9,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 9, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel2SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 9, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(10,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 10, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel3SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 10, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(11,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 11, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel4SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 11, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(12,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 12, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel5SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 12, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(13,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 13, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel6SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 13, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(14,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 14, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel7SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 14, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(15,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SoloNoteOn, \noteOn, 15, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SoloNoteOff, \noteOff, 15, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(16,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 16, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel1MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 16, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(17,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 17, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel2MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 17, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(18,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 18, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel3MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 18, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(19,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 19, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel4MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 19, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(20,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 20, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel5MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 20, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(21,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 21, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel6MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 21, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(22,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 22, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel7MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 22, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(23,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8MuteNoteOn, \noteOn, 23, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel8MuteNoteOff, \noteOff, 23, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(24,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel1SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 24, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel1SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 24, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(25,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel2SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 25, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel2SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 25, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(26,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel3SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 26, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel3SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 26, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(27,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel4SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 27, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel4SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 27, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(28,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel5SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 28, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel5SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 28, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(29,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel6SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 29, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel6SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 29, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(30,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel7SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 30, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel7SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 30, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(31,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 31, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 31, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(32,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SelectNoteOn, \noteOn, 31, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\channel8SelectNoteOff, \noteOff, 31, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(33,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\flipBankDownNoteOn, \noteOn, 46, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\flipBankDownNoteOff, \noteOff, 46, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(34,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\flipBankUpNoteOn, \noteOn, 47, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\flipBankUpNoteOff, \noteOff, 47, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(35,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanDownNoteOn, \noteOn, 48, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanDownNoteOff, \noteOff, 48, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(36,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanUpNoteOn, \noteOn, 49, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanUpNoteOff, \noteOff, 49, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(37,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanUpNoteOn, \noteOn, 49, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\flipChanUpNoteOff, \noteOff, 49, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(38,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\readNoteOn, \noteOn, 74, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\readNoteOff, \noteOff, 74, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(39,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\writeNoteOn, \noteOn, 75, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\writeNoteOff, \noteOff, 75, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(40,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\mixerNoteOn, \noteOn, 78, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\mixerNoteOff, \noteOff, 78, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(41,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\rewindNoteOn, \noteOn, 86, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\rewindNoteOff, \noteOff, 86, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(42,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\transDownNoteOn, \noteOn, 91, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\transDownNoteOff, \noteOff, 91, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(43,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\transUpNoteOn, \noteOn, 92, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\transUpNoteOff, \noteOff, 92, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(44,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\stopNoteOn, \noteOn, 93, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\stopNoteOff, \noteOff, 93, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(45,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\playNoteOn, \noteOn, 94, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\playNoteOff, \noteOff, 94, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(46,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\recordNoteOn, \noteOn, 95, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\recordNoteOff, \noteOff, 95, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ buttons.put(47,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\zoomNoteOn, \noteOn, 100, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\zoomNoteOff, \noteOff, 100, 0, 127),
+ ]);
+ );
+ }
+ addJogwheels{
+ jogwheels.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\jogwheel1Control, \control, 60, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\jogwheel1NoteOn, \noteOn, 101, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\jogwheel1NoteOff, \noteOff, 101, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ }
+ addPotis{
+ potis.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti1Control, \control, 16, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti1NoteOn, \noteOn, 32, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti1NoteOff, \noteOff, 32, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti2Control, \control, 17, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti2NoteOn, \noteOn, 33, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti2NoteOff, \noteOff, 33, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti3Control, \control, 18, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti3NoteOn, \noteOn, 34, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti3NoteOff, \noteOff, 34, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti4Control, \control, 19, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti4NoteOn, \noteOn, 35, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti4NoteOff, \noteOff, 35, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti5Control, \control, 20, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti5NoteOn, \noteOn, 36, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti5NoteOff, \noteOff, 36, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti6Control, \control, 21, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti6NoteOn, \noteOn, 37, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti6NoteOff, \noteOff, 37, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti7Control, \control, 22, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti7NoteOn, \noteOn, 38, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti7NoteOff, \noteOff, 38, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ potis.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\poti8Control, \control, 23, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti8NoteOn, \noteOn, 39, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\poti8NoteOff, \noteOff, 39, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ }
+ addFaders{
+ faders.put(0,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader1, \bend, 0, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader1NoteOn, \noteOn, 104, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader1NoteOff, \noteOff, 104, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(1,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader2, \bend, 1, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader2NoteOn, \noteOn, 105, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader2NoteOff, \noteOff, 105, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(2,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader3, \bend, 2, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader3NoteOn, \noteOn, 106, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader3NoteOff, \noteOff, 106, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(3,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader4, \bend, 3, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader4NoteOn, \noteOn, 107, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader4NoteOff, \noteOff, 107, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(4,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader5, \bend, 4, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader5NoteOn, \noteOn, 108, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader5NoteOff, \noteOff, 108, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(5,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader6, \bend, 5, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader6NoteOn, \noteOn, 109, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader6NoteOff, \noteOff, 109, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(6,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader7, \bend, 6, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader7NoteOn, \noteOn, 110, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader7NoteOff, \noteOff, 110, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(7,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader8, \bend, 7, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader8NoteOn, \noteOn, 111, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader8NoteOff, \noteOff, 111, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ faders.put(8,
+ List.newUsing([
+ super.addSpec(\fader9, \bend, 8, 0, 16383),
+ super.addSpec(\fader9NoteOn, \noteOn, 112, 0, 127),
+ super.addSpec(\fader9NoteOff, \noteOff, 112, 0, 127)
+ ])
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/classes/ b/classes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7518a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ var <devices, verbose;
+ *new{
+ arg setVerbose=false;
+ ^;
+ }
+ init{
+ arg setVerbose;
+ devices = Array();
+ verbose = setVerbose;
+ this.discoverDevices();
+ }
+ discoverDevices{
+ if(MIDIClient.initialized.not,{
+ postln("Initializing MIDIClient...");
+ MIDIClient.init(verbose: verbose);
+ },{
+ if(devices.size > 0, {
+ postln("Resetting list of MIDI input devices.");
+ if(device.inPortNum.notNil || device.outPortNum.notNil,{
+ device.cleanup();
+ });
+ });
+ devices = Array();
+ });
+ postln("Restarting MIDIClient...");
+ MIDIClient.disposeClient;
+ MIDIClient.init(verbose: verbose);
+ });
+ postln("Scanning for MIDI devices...");
+ //TODO: find way to select in/out-only devices
+{ |inEndPoint, inPortNum|
+ if((inEndPoint.device.contains("SuperCollider") ||
+ inEndPoint.device.contains("Midi Through") ||
+ inEndPoint.device.contains("Timer") ||
+ inEndPoint.device.contains("Announce")).not, {
+ // correlate with output devices
+{|outEndPoint, outPortNum|
+ if((inEndPoint.device == outEndPoint.device &&
+ inEndPoint.uid == outEndPoint.uid), {
+ // available devices
+ case
+ {inEndPoint.device.contains("Platform M+")} {
+ devices = devices.add(
+ inEndPoint.device,
+ uid: inEndPoint.uid.asSymbol,
+ inPort: inPortNum,
+ outPort: outPortNum,
+ verbose: verbose
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ {inEndPoint.device.contains("nanoKONTROL2")} {
+ devices = devices.add(
+ inEndPoint.device,
+ uid: inEndPoint.uid.asSymbol,
+ inPort: inPortNum,
+ outPort: outPortNum,
+ verbose: verbose
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ listDevices{
+ postln("Name, uid, in, out");
+ postln(", "++device.uid++", "++device.inPortNum++", "++device.outPortNum);
+ });
+ }
+ listen{
+ arg listen = true;
+ if(listen, {
+\listen_cc, {arg ...args; ("control : "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.noteOn(\listen_noteOn, {arg ...args; ("noteOn : "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.noteOff(\listen_noteOff, {arg ...args; ("noteOff : "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.polytouch(\listen_polytouch, {arg ...args; ("polyTouch: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.touch(\listen_touch, {arg ...args; ("touch: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.bend(\listen_bend, {arg ...args; ("bend: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.program(\listen_program, {arg ...args; ("program: "++args).postln});
+ // TODO: find something for sysex (too noisy)
+ // MIDIdef.sysex(\listen_sysex, {arg ...args; ("sysex: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.smpte(\listen_smpte, {arg ...args; ("smpte: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.songPosition(\listen_songPosition, {arg ...args; ("songPosition: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.songSelect(\listen_songSelect, {arg ...args; ("songSelect: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.tuneRequest(\listen_tuneRequest, {arg ...args; ("tuneRequest: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.midiClock(\listen_midiClock, {arg ...args; ("midiClock: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.sysrt(\listen_sysrt, {arg ...args; ("sysrt: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.tick(\listen_tick, {arg ...args; ("tick: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.start(\listen_start, {arg ...args; ("start: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.stop(\listen_stop, {arg ...args; ("stop: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.continue(\listen_continue, {arg ...args; ("continue: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.reset(\listen_reset, {arg ...args; ("reset: "++args).postln});
+ MIDIdef.activeSense(\listen_activeSense, {arg ...args; ("activeSense: "++args).postln});
+ }, {
+ MIDIdef(\listen_cc).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_noteOn).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_noteOff).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_polytouch).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_touch).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_bend).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_program).free;
+// MIDIdef(\listen_sysex).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_smpte).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_songPosition).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_songSelect).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_tuneRequest).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_midiClock).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_sysrt).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_tick).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_start).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_stop).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_continue).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_reset).free;
+ MIDIdef(\listen_activeSense).free;
+ });
+ }