path: root/.config/SuperCollider
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2017-04-29 18:39:54 +0200
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2017-04-29 18:39:54 +0200
commit856e6b21b558b7fb0d9fe40f50cefabf7ed889bc (patch)
tree7c989701dcc44b2fab4a071327c0e7143b9e3d8c /.config/SuperCollider
parent3500ea7a48bb4efc60402c5be2130d088c07fdd0 (diff)
.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/: Removing old unneeded, unused clutter.
Diffstat (limited to '.config/SuperCollider')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/shared.scd b/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/shared.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f6cfc3..0000000
--- a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/shared.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// change the standard archive path to a custom one:
-"Applying shared system settings.".postln;
-MP3.lamepath = "/usr/bin/lame";
-MP3.oggdecpath = "/usr/bin/oggdec";
-Archive.archiveDir = "~/Dropbox/software/SuperCollider".standardizePath;
diff --git a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupMotu.scd b/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupMotu.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index c3626f7..0000000
--- a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupMotu.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Server.local.options.numOutputBusChannels = 8; // change number of input and output channels
-Server.local.options.numInputBusChannels = 0;//8;
-//Server.local.options.device = "MOTU Traveler";
-//Server.local.options.device = "firewire_pcm";
-//Server.local.options.device = nil; // use the system default soundcard
-Server.local.options.blockSize = 128; //256; // increase block size (default is 64)
-Server.local.options.sampleRate = 48000; //96000; // increase sampling rate (if your hardware supports it)
-Server.local.options.memSize = 6291456;//2097152; // 1048576;
-//Server.local.options.maxNodes = 65536;
-//Server.local.options.maxSynthDefs = 16384;
-// hook up jack ports to audio channels
diff --git a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupSystem.scd b/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupSystem.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c4009..0000000
--- a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startupSystem.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-"Starting with internal system settings.".postln;
-Server.local.options.sampleRate = 48000.0;
-Server.local.options.blockSize = 128;
-//Server.local.options.numOutputBusChannels = 4;
-Server.local.options.numOutputBusChannels = 2;
-Server.local.options.numInputBusChannels = 2;
-Server.local.options.maxNodes = 65536;
-Server.local.options.memSize = 2097152; // 1048576
-Server.local.options.maxSynthDefs = 16384;
-// hook up jack ports to audio channels
diff --git a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_customize.scd b/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_customize.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bd342e..0000000
--- a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_customize.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-"startup example - customising Menus.".postln;
- // choose which server to use,
- // e.g. for teaching, take internal, so scope works
-Server.default = s = Server.internal;
-{ try { Server.local.window.close } }.defer(0.5);
- .numAudioBusChannels_(1024) // lots of busses for JITLib
- .zeroConf_(false) // don't wait for zeroconf when booting server
-// .device_() // maybe set a specific device ?
-// .numInputBusChannels_() // with a specific number of ins
-// .numOutputBusChannels() // ... and outs - default is 8.
- .memSize_(8192 * 32) // memSize is in kB, so 8 * 32 = 256 MB for soundfiles, buffers
- ;
- // JIT preparation
-q = q ? (); // make a global dictionary for everything
-p = ProxySpace.push(s); // make a proxyspace and push it.
-q.numChans = 8; // number of channels of audio setup
- //text editor tweaks & Library Menu
-Platform.case(\osx, {
- // put the post window where you prefer
- Document.listener.bounds_(Rect(Window.screenBounds.width - 400, 2, 400, 300)); Document.listener.background_(Color.blue(0.2, 0.9)); // and color it. // .alwaysOnTop_(true);
- Document.listener.stringColor_(Color(1, 0.62, 0));
- Document.postColor_(Document.listener.stringColor);
- SkipJack.verbose = false; // reduce info posting
- // put things in the Library menu:
- // Custom Menu Items - OSX only - configure here
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["server meter"],{ Server.default.meter });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["server window"],{ Server.default.window });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["scope Ins"],{ q.scope = s.scope(q.numChans, index: s.options.numOutputBusChannels, zoom: 9) });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["scope Outs"],{ q.scope = s.scope(q.numChans, index: 0, zoom: 9) });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["FreqScope"],{ q.fscope = FreqScope.new });
- // an 8 chan test sound
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["TestSound8"],{
- p[\zztest] = { BPF.ar(Dust.ar(5 ! q.numChans, 50), { exprand(200, 2010) } ! q.numChans, 0.05)
- * GrayNoise.ar(0.1, 1) };
- p[\zztest].playN(vol: 0.25);
- });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["places", "recordings"],{ unixCmd("open" + quote(thisProcess.platform.recordingsDir)) });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["places", "~/scwork"],{ unixCmd("open ~/scwork") });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["places", "supportDirs"],{
- unixCmd("open " ++ Platform.userAppSupportDir.asCompileString);
- unixCmd("open " ++ Platform.systemAppSupportDir.asCompileString);
- });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["places", "extensionDirs"],{
- unixCmd("open " ++ Platform.userExtensionDir.asCompileString);
- unixCmd("open " ++ Platform.systemExtensionDir.asCompileString);
- });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["quarks", "Quarks.find"], { Window("find in Quarks folder dialog ...").front });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["quarks", "Quarks.listInstalled"], {
- var str = "/**** All currently installed quarks: ****/\n";
- Quarks.installed.do { |quark|
- str = str + ("\t" ++ quark.name.asCompileString ++ ".include;\n");
- };
- Document("All currently installed quarks", str);
- });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["quarks", "Quarks.gui"], { Quarks.gui; });
- CocoaMenuItem.add(["quarks", "Quarks.update"], { Quarks.checkoutAll; });
- // now really start the server, then load setup in doWhenBooted
-Task {
- 0.5.wait;
- s.quit; // sometimes the server must be quit first,
- 1.wait; // and waiting between steps can be helpful.
- // tell me the new server configuration when booting:
- s.boot; // now boot.
- s.sync; // wait for doWhenBooted before continuing
- 1.wait;
- // do whatever else belongs to setup: e.g. load some buffers,
-// q.bufs = "~/scwork/XYZ/sounds/*".pathMatch.do { |path| Buffer.read(s, path) };
-// s.sync; // wit till buffers are there
- // load some code files, wait between loads
-// 1.wait;
-// "~/scwork/XYZ/patches/*.rtf".pathMatch.collect { |path|
-// path.load; 0.5.wait;
-// };
- // s.scope(q.numChans, zoom: 9);
- "startup example with custom Menus done.".postln;
diff --git a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_simpleJIT.scd b/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_simpleJIT.scd
deleted file mode 100644
index 92664e0..0000000
--- a/.config/SuperCollider/startupfiles/startup_example_simpleJIT.scd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"simple JIT startup example.".postln;
- // choose which server to use,
- // e.g. for teaching, take internal, so scope works
-Server.default = s = Server.internal;
-{ try { Server.local.window.close } }.defer(0.5);
- .numAudioBusChannels_(1024)
- .zeroConf_(false) // don't wait for zeroconf when booting server
- .memSize_(8192 * 32) // memSize is in kB, so 8 * 32 = 256 MB for soundfiles, buffers
-// // keep several combinations of audio devices + numChannels
-// .device_("MicLineOut") // an aggregate device
-// .hardwareBufferSize_(512) // 512 is default
-// .numInputBusChannels_(8) // 8 is default
-// .numOutputBusChannels_(8) // 8 is default
- // comment out unused devices.
-// .device_("Fireface 400")
-// .hardwareBufferSize_(128)
-// .numInputBusChannels_(18)
-// .numOutputBusChannels_(18)
-q = q ? (); // make a global dictionary for everything
-p = Ndef.dictFor(s); // make a proxyspace for Ndefs on the default server
-p.push(s); // and push it - so Ndef(\asd) === ~asd now.
-s.quit; // in case the server is still running, quit it.
- // decide what should happen after server has booted:
- 1.wait;
- "server is booted - do further setup here...".postln;
- // make some JIT guis:
- try { q.pxmix.win.close }; q.pxmix = ProxyMixer(p, 16);
- try { q.tdg.win.close }; q.tdg = TdefAllGui(16); q.tdg.moveTo(210, 600);
- try { q.pdg.win.close }; q.pdg = PdefAllGui(16); q.pdg.moveTo(420, 600);
- 1.wait;
- Env.perc.test; // and play a test sound if you like
- "simple JIT setup done.".postln;
- 1.wait; // wait till quit has happened - make longer if needed.
- s.boot; // boot again