path: root/.config/conky
diff options
authorDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-25 16:29:07 +0100
committerDavid Runge <dave@sleepmap.de>2015-03-25 16:29:07 +0100
commit32e8f95bb412d6f61afdd18836976061635378e5 (patch)
treec0e6e65d7c5aa46ce942001051b0c35e97391283 /.config/conky
parent6867bda2d82e01c1daf81ee4b39443ecc6609694 (diff)
parenta0ef42e0a70ac6264835ba77936d1ba5bf2294fe (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of /home/git/repositories/dotfiles
* 'master' of /home/git/repositories/dotfiles: (60 commits) .config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/*: Deleting all user services. Not good to have them started as root. export.zsh: Don't use /run/user/ directory for roots TMUX_TMPDIR. .irssi: Removing irssi as gitmodule, adding it to .gitignore (so it can be added again, without being a gitmodule). .gitignore: Adding some now unneeded stuff that will popup from time to time. .zprezto: Updating to c34098af20cafdf016f68f3e7f612ed60ca93aa1 .irssi: Updating .irssi submodule to latest commit. .vim/addons-settings.vim: Removing powerline support and replacing ugly stuff with ascii characters. .vdirsyncer/config: Encapsulating paths with ~ in double quotes, as vdirsyncer creates a weird ~ folder in your home otherwise. termite/config: Switching to Inconsolata (made available through powerline-fonts-git). pavucontrol.ini: Removing, as it's going to be rewritten each call anyways. .tmux.conf: Updating colours, incorporating tpm, removing powerline stuff. .compton.conf: Adding MPlayer to comptons exclude lists. Updating irssi settings. .autorandr/*: Clean slate for all autorandr profiles. .password-store: Updating password store to latest commits. .gitignore: Removing some unneeded stuff that has been added to the repo. fonts.conf: Updating to a correct path structure. .fonts: Removing top level configuration. .fonts.conf: Adding a custom fontconfig cache dir, so .cache can be a tmpfs and won't need a symlink to the fontconfig directory. .fonts.conf: Adding a custom fontconfig cache dir, so .cache can be a tmpfs and won't need a symlink to the fontconfig directory. ...
Diffstat (limited to '.config/conky')
3 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/conky/bottom b/.config/conky/bottom
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa2f13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/bottom
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+use_xft yes
+xftfont 123:size=8
+xftalpha 0.1
+background true
+update_interval 0.1
+total_run_times 0
+own_window yes
+own_window_type override
+own_window_argb_visual true
+own_window_argb_value 100
+own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
+double_buffer yes
+draw_shades no
+draw_outline no
+draw_borders no
+draw_graph_borders no
+default_color white
+default_shade_color 222222
+default_outline_color green
+alignment bottom_left
+minimum_size 1920 30
+#maximum_width 160
+gap_x 0
+gap_y -10
+no_buffers yes
+uppercase no
+cpu_avg_samples 1
+net_avg_samples 1
+override_utf8_locale yes
+use_spacer left
+color1 EAEAEA
+color2 00FF66
+color3 11EAEA
+color4 EAEAEA
+color5 FFA300
+color6 22FFFF
+color7 FF8888
+text_buffer_size 256
+pad_percents 0
+short_units yes
+format_human_readable yes
+default_bar_size 100 6
+if_up_strictness link
+draw_shades yes
+${font Terminus:pixelsize=14}${color1} CPU: ${color3}${cpu cpu0}% ${goto 110}${color1}Memory: ${color3}[$memmax] $mem / $buffers / $cached ${goto 440}${color1}HD: ${color3}$diskio ${goto 540}${color1}Network: ${color3}${downspeedf wlp3s0} KB / ${upspeedf wlp3s0} KB ${goto 1750}${color5} ${time %H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y}
diff --git a/.config/conky/right b/.config/conky/right
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ae0e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/right
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+use_xft yes
+xftfont 123:size=8
+xftalpha 0.1
+background true
+total_run_times 0
+own_window yes
+own_window_type override
+update_interval 1
+own_window_argb_visual true
+own_window_argb_value 100
+own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
+double_buffer yes
+draw_shades no
+draw_outline no
+draw_borders no
+draw_graph_borders no
+default_color white
+default_shade_color 222222
+default_outline_color green
+alignment top_right
+minimum_size 100 1020
+#maximum_width 160
+gap_x 0
+gap_y 30
+no_buffers yes
+uppercase no
+cpu_avg_samples 1
+net_avg_samples 1
+override_utf8_locale yes
+use_spacer left
+color1 EAEAEA
+color2 00FF66
+color3 11EAEA
+color4 EAEAEA
+color5 FFA300
+color6 22FFFF
+color7 FF8888
+text_buffer_size 512
+pad_percents 0
+short_units yes
+format_human_readable yes
+default_bar_size 115 5
+if_up_strictness link
+draw_shades yes
+${font Inconsolata:pixelsize=15}${color5} ${kernel}
+${color1} ${loadavg}
+${color5} ${time %H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y}
+${color5} CPU: ${color3}${freq} Mhz
+${color5} total: ${color3}${cpubar cpu0}
+${color1} 1: ${color3}${cpubar cpu1}
+${color1} 2: ${color3}${cpubar cpu2}
+${color1} 3: ${color3}${cpubar cpu3}
+${color1} 4: ${color3}${cpubar cpu4}
+${color1} 5: ${color3}${cpubar cpu5}
+${color1} 6: ${color3}${cpubar cpu6}
+${color1} 7: ${color3}${cpubar cpu7}
+${color1} 8: ${color3}${cpubar cpu8}
+${color5} Memory: ${color3}$memmax
+${color1} in use: ${color3}$mem
+${color1} buffer: ${color3}$buffers
+${color1} cached: ${color3}$cached
+${color5} HD:
+${color1}/dev/sda: ${color3}${diskio /dev/sda}
+${color1}/dev/sdb: ${color3}${diskio /dev/sdb}
+${color5} Network:
+${if_up wlp3s0}
+${color1} net: ${color3}${exec iwgetid | cut -d ":" -f2}
+${color1} wlp3s0: ${color3}${addr wlp3s0}
+${color1} ext: ${color3}${exec dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com}
+${color1} gway: ${color3}${exec route -n | grep wlp3s0 | grep UG | awk '{print $2}'}
+${color1} dns: ${color3}${exec grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'}
+${color1} speed: ${color3}${exec iwconfig wlp3s0 | grep "Bit Rate" | cut -d"=" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1} Mb/s
+${color1} frq: ${color3}${exec iwconfig wlp3s0 | grep "Frequency" | cut -d":" -f3 | cut -d " " -f1} GHz
+${color1} qual: ${color3}${exec iwconfig wlp3s0 | grep "Quality" | cut -d"=" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1 }
+${color1} level: ${color3}${exec iwconfig wlp3s0 | grep "Signal" | cut -d"=" -f3 }
+${color1} rate: ${color3}${downspeed wlp3s0} / ${upspeed wlp3s0}
+${if_up enp0s25}
+${color1}enp0s25: ${color3}${addr enp0s25}
+${color1} ext: ${color3}${exec dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com}
+${color1} gway: ${color3}${exec route -n | grep enp0s25 | grep UG |awk '{print $2}'}
+${color1} dns: ${color3}${exec grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'}
+${color1} rate: ${color3}${downspeed enp0s25} / ${upspeed enp0s25}
+${color5} Process:
+${color1}${execi 1 ps ax -o pcpu,comm,%mem --sort=-c | head -n 12 | tail -n 14}
+${color5} Connections:
+${color1}${execpi 1 netstat --protocol=inet 2>/dev/null | grep -v localhost | grep ESTABLISHED | head -n 9 | sed -n "s/tcp.*\:.*\ \(.*\)\:\([^ ]*\)\ \(.*\)/ \$\{color2\}\2:\$\{color1\}\1/p" | sort | uniq }
diff --git a/.config/conky/top b/.config/conky/top
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..257be2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/conky/top
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+use_xft yes
+xftfont 123:size=8
+xftalpha 0.1
+background true
+update_interval 0.1
+total_run_times 0
+own_window yes
+own_window_type override
+own_window_argb_visual true
+own_window_argb_value 100
+own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
+double_buffer yes
+draw_shades no
+draw_outline no
+draw_borders no
+draw_graph_borders no
+default_color white
+default_shade_color 222222
+default_outline_color green
+alignment top_left
+minimum_size 1920 15
+#maximum_width 160
+gap_x 0
+gap_y 5
+no_buffers yes
+uppercase no
+cpu_avg_samples 1
+net_avg_samples 1
+override_utf8_locale yes
+use_spacer left
+color1 EAEAEA
+color2 00FF66
+color3 11EAEA
+color4 EAEAEA
+color5 FFA300
+color6 22FFFF
+color7 FF8888
+text_buffer_size 256
+pad_percents 0
+short_units yes
+format_human_readable yes
+default_bar_size 40 6
+if_up_strictness link
+draw_shades yes
+${font Terminus:pixelsize=14}${color2}[ ${color3}${exec ~/ownCloud/sys-pref/conky-helpers/get-tag.sh} ${color5}${exec ~/ownCloud/sys-pref/conky-helpers/get-layout.sh}${color2} ]${color1} ${goto 500}Music: ${color1}[ ${color5}${mpd_elapsed}${color1} / ${color5}${mpd_length}${color1} ] ${color2}${mpd_status} ${color3}${if_match "${mpd_artist}" == ""}${mpd_file}${endif}${if_match "${mpd_artist}" != ""}${mpd_artist}${color1} - ${color3}${mpd_title}${endif}${image ~/ownCloud/sys-pref/conky-icons/volume.png -s 12x12 -n -p 1584,1}${goto 1605}${color3}${execbar pamixer --get-volume} ${image ~/ownCloud/sys-pref/conky-icons/brightness.png -s 12x12 -n -p 1657,1}${goto 1680}${color3}${execbar xbacklight}