diff options
authorDavid Runge <david.runge@frqrec.com>2014-04-08 19:05:43 +0200
committerDavid Runge <david.runge@frqrec.com>2014-04-08 19:05:43 +0200
commit93ab8f810452ee45ec8fc76e308ddc03cae6607c (patch)
parent27a4a1174a7ca7a58dda2be7e32921853a3c7c75 (diff)
Removing supercollider.vim
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/bin/supercollider.vim b/bin/supercollider.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b2512..0000000
--- a/bin/supercollider.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-"SuperCollider/Vim interaction scripts
-"Copyright 2007 Alex Norman
-"This file is part of SCVIM.
-"SCVIM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-"the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-"(at your option) any later version.
-"SCVIM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-"GNU General Public License for more details.
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-"along with SCVIM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"au VimLeave
-"if exists("$SCVIM_DIR") == 0
-" echo "$SCVIM_DIR must be defined for SCVIM to work"
-" finish
-"source the syntax file as it can change
-"so $SCVIM_DIR/syntax/supercollider.vim
-runtime! syntax/supercollider.vim
-if exists("loaded_scvim") || &cp
- finish
-let loaded_scvim = 1
-"first if SCVIM_CACHE_DIR is defined, use that,
-"otherwise use ~/.scvim
-if exists("$SCVIM_CACHE_DIR")
- let s:scvim_cache_dir = $SCVIM_CACHE_DIR
- let s:scvim_cache_dir = $HOME . "/.scvim"
- let $SCVIM_CACHE_DIR = s:scvim_cache_dir
-"source the scvimrc file if it exists
-if filereadable($HOME . "/.scvimrc")
- source $HOME/.scvimrc
-"add the cache dir to
-set runtimepath+=$SCVIM_CACHE_DIR
-if exists("g:sclangKillOnExit")
- let s:sclangKillOnExit = g:sclangKillOnExit
- let s:sclangKillOnExit = 1
-if exists("g:sclangPipeLoc")
- let s:sclangPipeLoc = g:sclangPipeLoc
- let s:sclangPipeLoc = "/tmp/sclang-pipe"
-let $SCVIM_PIPE_LOC = s:sclangPipeLoc
-if exists("g:sclangPipeAppPidLoc")
- let s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc = g:sclangPipeAppPidLoc
- let s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc = "/tmp/sclangpipe_app-pid"
-let $SCVIM_PIPE_PID_LOC = s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc
-if exists("g:sclangTerm")
- let s:sclangTerm = g:sclangTerm
- let s:sclangTerm = "xterm -e"
-if exists("g:sclangPipeApp")
- let s:sclangPipeApp = g:sclangPipeApp
- let s:sclangPipeApp = "sclangpipe_app"
-"function SClangRunning()
-" if s:sclang_pid != 0 && `pidof "#{$sclangsclangPipeApp_no_quotes}"`.chomp != ""
-" return true
-" else
-" $sclang_pid = 0
-" return false
-" end
-function! FindOuterMostBlock()
- "search backwards for parens dont wrap
- let l:search_expression_up = "call searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW'," .
- \"'synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scComment\" || " .
- \"synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scString\" || " .
- \"synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scSymbol\"')"
- "search forward for parens, don't wrap
- let l:search_expression_down = "call searchpair('(', '', ')', 'W'," .
- \"'synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scComment\" || " .
- \"synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scString\" || " .
- \"synIDattr(synID(line(\".\"), col(\".\"), 0), \"name\") =~? \"scSymbol\"')"
- "save our current cursor position
- let l:returnline = line(".")
- let l:returncol = col(".")
- "if we're on an opening paren then we should actually go to the closing one to start the search
- "if buf[l:returnline][l:returncol-1,1] == "("
- if strpart(getline(line(".")),col(".") - 1,1) == "("
- exe l:search_expression_down
- endif
- let l:origline = line(".")
- let l:origcol = col(".")
- "these numbers will define our range, first init them to illegal values
- let l:range_e = [-1, -1]
- let l:range_s = [-1, -1]
- "this is the last line in our search
- let l:lastline = line(".")
- let l:lastcol = col(".")
- exe l:search_expression_up
- while line(".") != l:lastline || (line(".") == l:lastline && col(".") != l:lastcol)
- "keep track of the last line/col we were on
- let l:lastline = line(".")
- let l:lastcol = col(".")
- "go to the matching paren
- exe l:search_expression_down
- "if there isn't a match print an error
- if l:lastline == line(".") && l:lastcol == col(".")
- call cursor(l:returnline,l:returncol)
- throw "UnmachedParen at line:" . l:lastline . ", col: " . l:lastcol
- endif
- "if this is equal to or later than our original cursor position
- if line(".") > l:origline || (line(".") == l:origline && col(".") >= l:origcol)
- let l:range_e = [line("."), col(".")]
- "go back to opening paren
- exe l:search_expression_up
- let l:range_s = [line("."), col(".")]
- else
- "go back to opening paren
- exe l:search_expression_up
- endif
- "find next paren (if there is one)
- exe l:search_expression_up
- endwhile
- "restore the settings
- call cursor(l:returnline,l:returncol)
- if l:range_s[0] == -1 || l:range_s[1] == -1
- throw "OutsideOfParens"
- endif
- "return the ranges
- return [l:range_s, l:range_e]
-"this causes the sclang pipe / terminal app to be killed when you exit vim, if you don't
-"want that to happen then just comment this out
-if !exists("loaded_kill_sclang")
- if s:sclangKillOnExit
- au VimLeave * call SClangKill()
- endif
- let loaded_kill_sclang = 1
-"the vim version of SendToSC
-function SendToSC(text)
- let l:text = substitute(a:text, '\', '\\\\', 'g')
- let l:text = substitute(l:text, '"', '\\"', 'g')
- let l:cmd = system('echo "' . l:text . '" >> ' . s:sclangPipeLoc)
- "let l:cmd = system('echo "' . l:text . '" >> /tmp/test')
-function SendLineToSC(linenum)
- let cmd = a:linenum . "w! >> " . s:sclangPipeLoc
- silent exe cmd
- "let cmd = a:linenum . "w! >> /tmp/test"
- "silent exe cmd
-function! SClang_send()
- let cmd = ".w! >> " . s:sclangPipeLoc
- exe cmd
- if line(".") == a:lastline
- call SendToSC(' ')
- "redraw!
- endif
-function SClangStart()
- if !filewritable(s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc)
- call system("tmux splitw -h -p 25; tmux send-keys " . s:sclangPipeApp . " C-m; tmux selectp -L; sleep 1; tmux renamew scvim")
- else
- throw s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc . " exists, is " . s:sclangPipeApp . " running? If not try deleting " . s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc
- endif
-function SClangKill()
- if filewritable(s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc)
- call system("tmux selectp -R; tmux send-keys C-c; tmux killp -t scvim.1")
- call SendToSC("Server.quitAll; ")
- :sleep 10m
- call system("kill `cat " . s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc . "` && rm " . s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc . " && rm " . s:sclangPipeLoc)
- end
-function SClangRestart()
- if filewritable(s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc)
- call system("kill -HUP `cat " . s:sclangPipeAppPidLoc . "`")
- else
- call SClangStart()
- end
-function SClang_free(server)
- call SendToSC('s.freeAll; ')
- redraw!
-function SClang_thisProcess_stop()
- call SendToSC('thisProcess.stop; ')
- redraw!
-function SClang_TempoClock_clear()
- call SendToSC('TempoClock.default.clear; ')
- redraw!
-function! SClang_block()
- let [blkstart,blkend] = FindOuterMostBlock()
- "blkstart[0],blkend[0] call SClang_send()
- "these next lines are just a hack, how can i do the above??
- let cmd = blkstart[0] . "," . blkend[0] . " call SClang_send()"
- let l:origline = line(".")
- let l:origcol = col(".")
- exe cmd
- call cursor(l:origline,l:origcol)
- ""if the range is just one line
- "if blkstart[0] == blkend[0]
- " "XXX call SendToSC(strpart(getline(blkstart[0]),blkstart[1] - 1, (blkend[1] - blkstart[1] + 1)))
- " call SendLineToSC(blkstart[0])
- "else
- " let linen = blkstart[0] - 1
- " "send the first line as it might not be a full line
- " "XXX let line = getline(linen)
- " "XXX call SendToSC(strpart(line, blkstart[1] - 1))
- " call SendLineToSC(linen)
- " let linen += 1
- " let endlinen = blkend[0]
- " while linen < endlinen
- " "XXX call SendToSC(getline(linen))
- " call SendLineToSC(linen)
- " let linen += 1
- " endwhile
- " "send the last line as it might not be a full line
- " "XXX let line = getline(endlinen)
- " "XXX call SendToSC(strpart(line,0,blkend[1]))
- " call SendLineToSC(endlinen)
- "endif
- "call SendToSC(' ')
-function SCdef(subject)
- let l:tagfile = s:scvim_cache_dir . "/TAGS_SCDEF"
- let l:tagdest = s:scvim_cache_dir . "/doc/tags"
- if !filereadable(l:tagfile)
- echo "definition tag cache does not exist, you must run SCVim.updateCaches in supercollider"
- let l:dontcare = system("echo 'SC:SCVim SCVim.scd /^' > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SC:SCVim"
- else
- let l:dontcare = system("grep SCdef:" . a:subject . " " . l:tagfile . " > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SCdef:" . a:subject
- end
-function SChelp(subject)
- let l:tagfile = s:scvim_cache_dir . "/doc/TAGS_HELP"
- let l:tagdest = s:scvim_cache_dir . "/doc/tags"
- if !filereadable(l:tagfile)
- echo "help tag cache does not exist, you must run SCVim.updateHelpCache in supercollider in order have help docs"
- let l:dontcare = system("echo 'SC:SCVim SCVim.scd /^' > $SCVIM_CACHE_DIR/doc/tags")
- exe "help SC:SCVim"
- return
- end
- "the keybindings won't find * but will find ** for some reason
- if a:subject == ""
- let l:dontcare = system("grep \"SC:Help\" " . l:tagfile . " > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SC:Help"
- elseif a:subject == "*"
- let l:dontcare = system("grep \"SC:\\*\" " . l:tagfile . " > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SC:\*" . a:subject
- elseif a:subject == "**"
- let l:dontcare = system("grep \"SC:\\*\\*\" " . l:tagfile . " > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SC:\*\*" . a:subject
- else
- let l:dontcare = system("grep SC:\"" . a:subject . "\" " . l:tagfile . " > " . l:tagdest)
- exe "help SC:" . a:subject
- endif
-" search help files for word under the cursor
-" or open the HelpBrowser front page
-function! HelpBrowser(subject)
- if strlen(a:subject) > 0 && a:subject!~" " && a:subject!~"\t"
- let string= "HelpBrowser.openHelpFor"
- let format= "(\"" . a:subject . "\"); "
- let string= string . format
- call SendToSC(string)
- else
- call SendToSC('Help.gui; ')
- endif
-function ListSCObjects(A,L,P)
- return system("cat $SCVIM_CACHE_DIR/sc_object_completion")
-function ListSCHelpItems(A,L,P)
- return system("cat $SCVIM_CACHE_DIR/doc/sc_help_completion")
-"custom commands (SChelp,SCdef,SClangfree)
-com -complete=custom,ListSCHelpItems -nargs=? SChelp call SChelp("<args>")
-com -complete=custom,ListSCObjects -nargs=1 SCdef call SCdef("<args>")
-com -nargs=1 SClangfree call SClang_free("<args>")
-com -nargs=0 SClangStart call SClangStart()
-com -nargs=0 SClangKill call SClangKill()
-com -nargs=0 SClangRestart call SClangRestart()
-" end supercollider.vim