diff options
author | David Runge <david.runge@frqrec.com> | 2014-10-31 18:12:14 +0100 |
committer | David Runge <david.runge@frqrec.com> | 2014-10-31 18:12:14 +0100 |
commit | bb21c0b6b5a89eff0722641123982d34a2b6f395 (patch) | |
tree | 5060ede28e03963e3d1eac3f0063ff8686cc4089 | |
parent | d33721a35f7f61b89acaacc3e53368ae8d99d750 (diff) | |
download | dotfiles-bb21c0b6b5a89eff0722641123982d34a2b6f395.tar.gz dotfiles-bb21c0b6b5a89eff0722641123982d34a2b6f395.tar.bz2 dotfiles-bb21c0b6b5a89eff0722641123982d34a2b6f395.tar.xz dotfiles-bb21c0b6b5a89eff0722641123982d34a2b6f395.zip |
vim: Switching from yadr to VAM. Includes all modifications for vimrc, the loading of plugins and their customization.
-rw-r--r-- | .gitignore | 7 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .vim/addons-settings.vim | 181 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .vim/addons.vim | 56 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .vim/custom-functions.vim | 37 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .vim/custom-settings.vim | 240 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | .vimrc | 118 |
6 files changed, 636 insertions, 3 deletions
@@ -332,12 +332,13 @@ svn/ .tuxguitar-1.2/ .unescaped_colors.rb .vdirsyncer/status -.vim +.vim/backups/ +.vim/sessions/ +.vim/vim-addons/ .viminfo .vimperator/ .vimpressrc -.vimrc -.viminf* +.viminfo .vmoviedb/ .wine .wireshark/ diff --git a/.vim/addons-settings.vim b/.vim/addons-settings.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77a36aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.vim/addons-settings.vim @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +" ================ CTRLP settings ================ +if exists("g:ctrlp_user_command") + unlet g:ctrlp_user_command +endif +if executable('ag') + " Use ag in CtrlP for listing files. Lightning fast and respects .gitignore + let g:ctrlp_user_command = + \ 'ag %s --files-with-matches -g "" --ignore "\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$"' + + " ag is fast enough that CtrlP doesn't need to cache + let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 0 +else + " Fall back to using git ls-files if Ag is not available + let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\.git$\|\.hg$\|\.svn$' + let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files . --cached --exclude-standard --others'] +endif + +" Default to filename searches - so that appctrl will find application +" controller +let g:ctrlp_by_filename = 1 + +" Don't jump to already open window. This is annoying if you are maintaining +" several Tab workspaces and want to open two windows into the same file. +let g:ctrlp_switch_buffer = 0 + +" We don't want to use Ctrl-p as the mapping because +" it interferes with YankRing (paste, then hit ctrl-p) +let g:ctrlp_map = ',t' +nnoremap <silent> ,t :CtrlP<CR> + +" Additional mapping for buffer search +nnoremap <silent> ,b :CtrlPBuffer<cr> + +" Cmd-Shift-P to clear the cache +nnoremap <silent> <D-P> :ClearCtrlPCache<cr> + +" Idea from : http://www.charlietanksley.net/blog/blog/2011/10/18/vim-navigation-with-lustyexplorer-and-lustyjuggler/ +" Open CtrlP starting from a particular path, making it much +" more likely to find the correct thing first. mnemonic 'jump to [something]' +map ,ja :CtrlP app/assets<CR> +map ,jm :CtrlP app/models<CR> +map ,jc :CtrlP app/controllers<CR> +map ,jv :CtrlP app/views<CR> +map ,jh :CtrlP app/helpers<CR> +map ,jl :CtrlP lib<CR> +map ,jp :CtrlP public<CR> +map ,js :CtrlP spec<CR> +map ,jf :CtrlP fast_spec<CR> +map ,jd :CtrlP db<CR> +map ,jC :CtrlP config<CR> +map ,jV :CtrlP vendor<CR> +map ,jF :CtrlP factories<CR> +map ,jT :CtrlP test<CR> + +"Cmd-Shift-(M)ethod - jump to a method (tag in current file) +"Ctrl-m is not good - it overrides behavior of Enter +nnoremap <silent> <D-M> :CtrlPBufTag<CR> + +" ================ fugitive settings ================ +" For fugitive.git, dp means :diffput. Define dg to mean :diffget +nnoremap <silent> ,dg :diffget<CR> +nnoremap <silent> ,dp :diffput<CR> +" The tree buffer makes it easy to drill down through the directories of your +" git repository, but it’s not obvious how you could go up a level to the +" parent directory. Here’s a mapping of .. to the above command, but +" only for buffers containing a git blob or tree +autocmd User fugitive + \ if fugitive#buffer().type() =~# '^\%(tree\|blob\)$' | + \ nnoremap <buffer> .. :edit %:h<CR> | + \ endif + +" Every time you open a git object using fugitive it creates a new buffer. +" This means that your buffer listing can quickly become swamped with +" fugitive buffers. This prevents this from becomming an issue: + +autocmd BufReadPost fugitive://* set bufhidden=delete + +" ================ jquery settings ================ +autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.js set ft=javascript syntax=jquery + +" ================ lightline settings ================ +let g:lightline = { + \ 'colorscheme': 'wombat', + \ 'active': { + \ 'left': [ [ 'mode' ], + \ [ 'fugitive', 'readonly', 'filename', 'modified' ] ] + \ }, + \ 'component': { + \ 'readonly': '%{&readonly?"⭤":""}', + \ 'fugitive': '%{exists("*fugitive#head")?fugitive#head():""}' + \ }, + \ 'component_visible_condition': { + \ 'fugitive': '(exists("*fugitive#head") && ""!=fugitive#head())' + \ }, + \ 'separator': { 'left': '⮀', 'right': '⮂' }, + \ 'subseparator': { 'left': '⮁', 'right': '⮃' } + \ } + +set laststatus=2 + +" ================ nerdtree-tabs settings ================ +" Auto open nerd tree on startup +let g:nerdtree_tabs_open_on_gui_startup = 0 +" Focus in the main content window +let g:nerdtree_tabs_focus_on_files = 1 + +" ================ nerdtree settings ================ +" Make nerdtree look nice +let NERDTreeMinimalUI = 1 +let NERDTreeDirArrows = 1 +let g:NERDTreeWinSize = 30 + +" ================ persistent-undo settings ================ +" persistent undos - undo after you re-open the file +" but this gives warnings under command line vim +" use only in macvim +if v:version > '702' + set undodir=~/.vim/backups + set undofile +endif + +" ================ showmarks settings ================ +" Tell showmarks to not include the various brace marks (),{}, etc +let g:showmarks_include = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY" + +" ================ syntastic settings ================ +"mark syntax errors with :signs +let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1 +"automatically jump to the error when saving the file +let g:syntastic_auto_jump=0 +"show the error list automatically +let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1 +"don't care about warnings +let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = {'level': 'warnings'} + +" ================ tComment settings ================ +" tComment maps 'gcc' to comment current line +" this adds 'gcp' comment current paragraph (block) +" using tComment's built in <c-_>p mapping +nmap <silent> gcp <c-_>p + +" ================ tidy settings ================ +:vmap ,gt :!tidy -q -i --show-errors 0<CR> + +" ================ vim-indent-guides settings ================ +let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 1 +let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2 +let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 + +" ================ vim-session settings ================ +" Prevent vim-session from asking us to load the session. +" If you want to load the session, use :SaveSession and :OpenSession +let g:session_autosave = 'no' +let g:session_autoload = 'no' + +" ================ tabular settings ================ +" Hit Cmd-Shift-A then type a character you want to align by +nmap <D-A> :Tabularize / +vmap <D-A> :Tabularize / + +" ================ sudo settings ================ +" w!! to write a file as sudo +" stolen from Steve Losh +cmap w!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null + +" ================ YankRing settings ============== + +let g:yankring_history_dir = '$HOME/.vim' +"let g:yankring_history_file = '.yankring-history' +nnoremap ,yr :YRShow<CR> +nnoremap <C-y> :YRShow<CR> + +" ================ vim-processing settings ============== +let g:processing_doc_style='local' +let g:processing_doc_path='~/.vim/bundle/vim-processing/syntax/processing.vim' + +" ================ vim-colors-solarized ============== +let g:solarized_termcolors=256 +let g:solarized_termtrans=1 +"set background=black +"colorscheme solarized diff --git a/.vim/addons.vim b/.vim/addons.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..470014c --- /dev/null +++ b/.vim/addons.vim @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +" git +VAMActivate fugitive +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-git +" appearance +VAMActivate showmarks +VAMActivate github:itchyny/lightline.vim +VAMActivate github:skwp/vim-colors-solarized +" languages +VAMActivate iptables +VAMActivate github:pangloss/vim-javascript +VAMActivate github:itspriddle/vim-jquery +VAMActivate github:scrooloose/syntastic.git +VAMActivate github:honza/vim-snippets +VAMActivate github:garbas/vim-snipmate +VAMActivate github:gerw/vim-latex-suite +VAMActivate github:sudar/vim-arduino-syntax +VAMActivate github:sudar/vim-arduino-snippets +VAMActivate github:sophacles/vim-processing +VAMActivate github:Matt-Stevens/vim-systemd-syntax +VAMActivate github:klen/python-mode.git +VAMActivate github:sjas/octave.vim +VAMActivate github:wannesm/wmgraphviz.vim.git +" project +VAMActivate github:scrooloose/nerdtree.git +VAMActivate github:jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs.git +VAMActivate github:xolox/vim-misc +VAMActivate github:xolox/vim-session +VAMActivate github:kien/ctrlp.vim +" textobjects +VAMActivate github:coderifous/textobj-word-column.vim +VAMActivate github:kana/vim-textobj-datetime +VAMActivate github:kana/vim-textobj-entire +VAMActivate github:kana/vim-textobj-function +VAMActivate github:kana/vim-textobj-user +VAMActivate github:lucapette/vim-textobj-underscore +VAMActivate github:nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides +VAMActivate github:thinca/vim-textobj-function-javascript +VAMActivate github:vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim +VAMActivate github:austintaylor/vim-indentobject +" improvements +VAMActivate sudo +VAMActivate tmux +VAMActivate YankRing +VAMActivate netrw +VAMActivate tComment +VAMActivate VimRepress +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-abolish +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-endwise.git +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-ragtag +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-repeat.git +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-surround.git +VAMActivate github:tpope/vim-unimpaired +VAMActivate github:goldfeld/ctrlr.vim +VAMActivate github:jamessan/vim-gnupg +VAMActivate github:Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git +VAMActivate github:godlygeek/tabular diff --git a/.vim/custom-functions.vim b/.vim/custom-functions.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecf92bd --- /dev/null +++ b/.vim/custom-functions.vim @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +" ================ strip trailing whitespaces ================ +" via: http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/60-remove-trailing-whitespace +" Strip trailing whitespace +function! <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces() + " Preparation: save last search, and cursor position. + let _s=@/ + let l = line(".") + let c = col(".") + " Do the business: + %s/\s\+$//e + " Clean up: restore previous search history, and cursor position + let @/=_s + call cursor(l, c) +endfunction +command! StripTrailingWhitespaces call <SID>StripTrailingWhitespaces() +nmap ,w :StripTrailingWhitespaces<CR> +" ================ text wrapping ================ +" http://vimcasts.org/episodes/soft-wrapping-text/ +function! SetupWrapping() + set wrap linebreak nolist + set showbreak=… +endfunction + +" TODO: this should happen automatically for certain file types (e.g. markdown) +command! -nargs=* Wrap :call SetupWrapping()<CR> + +vmap <D-j> gj +vmap <D-k> gk +vmap <D-$> g$ +vmap <D-^> g^ +vmap <D-0> g^ +nmap <D-j> gj +nmap <D-k> gk +nmap <D-$> g$ +nmap <D-^> g^ +nmap <D-0> g^ + diff --git a/.vim/custom-settings.vim b/.vim/custom-settings.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9233b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/.vim/custom-settings.vim @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +" ================ keymap settings ================ +" ======================================== +" General vim sanity improvements +" ======================================== +" +" +" alias yw to yank the entire word 'yank inner word' +" even if the cursor is halfway inside the word +" FIXME: will not properly repeat when you use a dot (tie into repeat.vim) +nnoremap ,yw yiww + +" ,ow = 'overwrite word', replace a word with what's in the yank buffer +" FIXME: will not properly repeat when you use a dot (tie into repeat.vim) +nnoremap ,ow "_diwhp + +"make Y consistent with C and D +nnoremap Y y$ +function! YRRunAfterMaps() + nnoremap Y :<C-U>YRYankCount 'y$'<CR> +endfunction + +" Make 0 go to the first character rather than the beginning +" of the line. When we're programming, we're almost always +" interested in working with text rather than empty space. If +" you want the traditional beginning of line, use ^ +nnoremap 0 ^ +nnoremap ^ 0 + +" ======================================== +" RSI Prevention - keyboard remaps +" ======================================== +" Certain things we do every day as programmers stress +" out our hands. For example, typing underscores and +" dashes are very common, and in position that require +" a lot of hand movement. Vim to the rescue +" +" Now using the middle finger of either hand you can type +" underscores with apple-k or apple-d, and add Shift +" to type dashes +imap <silent> <D-k> _ +imap <silent> <D-d> _ +imap <silent> <D-K> - +imap <silent> <D-D> - + +" ,# Surround a word with #{ruby interpolation} +map ,# ysiw# +vmap ,# c#{<C-R>"}<ESC> + +" ," Surround a word with "quotes" +map ," ysiw" +vmap ," c"<C-R>""<ESC> + +" ,' Surround a word with 'single quotes' +map ,' ysiw' +vmap ,' c'<C-R>"'<ESC> + +" ,) or ,( Surround a word with (parens) +" The difference is in whether a space is put in +map ,( ysiw( +map ,) ysiw) +vmap ,( c( <C-R>" )<ESC> +vmap ,) c(<C-R>")<ESC> + +" ,[ Surround a word with [brackets] +map ,] ysiw] +map ,[ ysiw[ +vmap ,[ c[ <C-R>" ]<ESC> +vmap ,] c[<C-R>"]<ESC> + +" ,{ Surround a word with {braces} +map ,} ysiw} +map ,{ ysiw{ +vmap ,} c{ <C-R>" }<ESC> +vmap ,{ c{<C-R>"}<ESC> + +map ,` ysiw` + +" gary bernhardt's hashrocket +imap <c-l> <space>=><space> + +" Change inside various enclosures with Cmd-" and Cmd-' +" The f makes it find the enclosure so you don't have +" to be standing inside it +nnoremap <D-'> f'ci' +nnoremap <D-"> f"ci" +nnoremap <D-(> f(ci( +nnoremap <D-)> f)ci) +nnoremap <D-[> f[ci[ +nnoremap <D-]> f]ci] + +"Go to last edit location with ,. +nnoremap ,. '. + +"When typing a string, your quotes auto complete. Move past the quote +"while still in insert mode by hitting Ctrl-a. Example: +" +" type 'foo<c-a> +" +" the first quote will autoclose so you'll get 'foo' and hitting <c-a> will +" put the cursor right after the quote +imap <C-a> <esc>wa + +" ==== NERD tree +" Cmd-Shift-N for nerd tree +nmap <D-N> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> +" Open the project tree and expose current file in the nerdtree with Ctrl-\ +nnoremap <silent> <C-\> :NERDTreeFind<CR>:vertical res 30<CR> + +" ,q to toggle quickfix window (where you have stuff like Ag) +" ,oq to open it back up (rare) +nmap <silent> ,qc :cclose<CR> +nmap <silent> ,qo :copen<CR> + +" move up/down quickly by using Cmd-j, Cmd-k +" which will move us around by functions +nnoremap <silent> <D-j> } +nnoremap <silent> <D-k> { +autocmd FileType ruby map <buffer> <D-j> ]m +autocmd FileType ruby map <buffer> <D-k> [m +autocmd FileType rspec map <buffer> <D-j> } +autocmd FileType rspec map <buffer> <D-k> { +autocmd FileType javascript map <buffer> <D-k> } +autocmd FileType javascript map <buffer> <D-j> { + + +" Command-/ to toggle comments +map <D-/> :TComment<CR> +imap <D-/> <Esc>:TComment<CR>i + + +"Move back and forth through previous and next buffers +"with ,z and ,x +nnoremap <silent> ,z :bp<CR> +nnoremap <silent> ,x :bn<CR> + +" ============================== +" Window/Tab/Split Manipulation +" ============================== +" Move between split windows by using the four directions H, L, I, N +nnoremap <silent> <C-h> <C-w>h +nnoremap <silent> <C-l> <C-w>l +nnoremap <silent> <C-k> <C-w>k +nnoremap <silent> <C-j> <C-w>j + +" Make gf (go to file) create the file, if not existent +nnoremap gf :e<cfile><CR> +nnoremap <C-w>f :sp +e<cfile><CR> +nnoremap <C-w>gf :tabe<cfile><CR> + +" Zoom in +map <silent> ,gz <C-w>o + +" Use numbers to pick the tab you want (like iTerm) +map <silent> <D-1> :tabn 1<cr> +map <silent> <D-2> :tabn 2<cr> +map <silent> <D-3> :tabn 3<cr> +map <silent> <D-4> :tabn 4<cr> +map <silent> <D-5> :tabn 5<cr> +map <silent> <D-6> :tabn 6<cr> +map <silent> <D-7> :tabn 7<cr> +map <silent> <D-8> :tabn 8<cr> +map <silent> <D-9> :tabn 9<cr> + +" Create window splits easier. The default +" way is Ctrl-w,v and Ctrl-w,s. I remap +" this to vv and ss +nnoremap <silent> vv <C-w>v +nnoremap <silent> ss <C-w>s + +" Resize windows with arrow keys +nnoremap <D-Up> <C-w>+ +nnoremap <D-Down> <C-w>- +nnoremap <D-Left> <C-w>< +nnoremap <D-Right> <C-w>> + +" create <%= foo %> erb tags using Ctrl-k in edit mode +imap <silent> <C-K> <%= %><Esc>3hi + +" create <%= foo %> erb tags using Ctrl-j in edit mode +imap <silent> <C-J> <% %><Esc>2hi + +" ============================ +" Shortcuts for everyday tasks +" ============================ + +" copy current filename into system clipboard - mnemonic: (c)urrent(f)ilename +" this is helpful to paste someone the path you're looking at +nnoremap <silent> ,cf :let @* = expand("%:~")<CR> +nnoremap <silent> ,cn :let @* = expand("%:t")<CR> + +"Clear current search highlight by double tapping // +nmap <silent> // :nohlsearch<CR> + +"(v)im (c)ommand - execute current line as a vim command +nmap <silent> ,vc yy:<C-f>p<C-c><CR> + +"(v)im (r)eload +nmap <silent> ,vr :so %<CR> + +" Type ,hl to toggle highlighting on/off, and show current value. +noremap ,hl :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR> + +" These are very similar keys. Typing 'a will jump to the line in the current +" file marked with ma. However, `a will jump to the line and column marked +" with ma. It’s more useful in any case I can imagine, but it’s located way +" off in the corner of the keyboard. The best way to handle this is just to +" swap them: http://items.sjbach.com/319/configuring-vim-right +nnoremap ' ` +nnoremap ` ' + +" ============================ +" Tabularize - alignment +" ============================ +" Hit Cmd-Shift-A then type a character you want to align by +nmap <D-A> :Tabularize / +vmap <D-A> :Tabularize / + +" ============================ +" SplitJoin plugin +" ============================ +nmap sj :SplitjoinSplit<cr> +nmap sk :SplitjoinJoin<cr> + +" Get the current highlight group. Useful for then remapping the color +map ,hi :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<' . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" . " FG:" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"fg#")<CR> + +" Source current file Cmd-% (good for vim development) +map <D-%> :so %<CR> + +" ,hp = html preview +map <silent> ,hp :!open -a Safari %<CR><CR> +" ================ search settings ================ +" ================ Search Settings ================= + +set incsearch " Find the next match as we type the search +set hlsearch " Hilight searches by default +set viminfo='100,f1 " Save up to 100 marks, enable capital marks +set ignorecase " Ignore case when searching... +set smartcase " ...unless we type a capital + @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +" Use Vim settings | +set nocompatible | filetype indent plugin on | syn on + +" ================ General Config ==================== + +set number "Line numbers are good +set backspace=indent,eol,start "Allow backspace in insert mode +set history=1000 "Store lots of :cmdline history +set showcmd "Show incomplete cmds down the bottom +set showmode "Show current mode down the bottom +set gcr=a:blinkon0 "Disable cursor blink +set visualbell "No sounds +set autoread "Reload files changed outside vim +set cursorline "Show cursorline + +" This makes vim act like all other editors, buffers can +" exist in the background without being in a window. +" http://items.sjbach.com/319/configuring-vim-right +set hidden + +"turn on syntax highlighting +syntax on + +" Change leader to a comma because the backslash is too far away +" That means all \x commands turn into ,x +" The mapleader has to be set before vundle starts loading all +" the plugins. +let mapleader="," + +" ================ Turn Off Swap Files ============== + +set noswapfile +set nobackup +set nowb + + +" ================ Persistent Undo ================== + +" Keep undo history across sessions, by storing in file. +" Only works all the time. +if has('persistent_undo') + silent !mkdir ~/.vim/backups > /dev/null 2>&1 + set undodir=~/.vim/backups + set undofile +endif + +" ================ Indentation ====================== + +set autoindent +set smartindent +set smarttab +set shiftwidth=2 +set softtabstop=2 +set tabstop=2 +set expandtab + +"filetype plugin on +"filetype indent on + +" Display tabs and trailing spaces visually +set list listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:· + +set nowrap "Don't wrap lines +set linebreak "Wrap lines at convenient points + +" ================ Folds ============================ + +set foldmethod=indent "fold based on indent +set foldnestmax=3 "deepest fold is 3 levels +set nofoldenable "dont fold by default + +" ================ Completion ======================= + +set wildmode=list:longest +set wildmenu "enable ctrl-n and ctrl-p to scroll thru matches +set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*~ "stuff to ignore when tab completing +set wildignore+=*vim/backups* +set wildignore+=*sass-cache* +set wildignore+=*DS_Store* +set wildignore+=vendor/rails/** +set wildignore+=vendor/cache/** +set wildignore+=*.gem +set wildignore+=log/** +set wildignore+=tmp/** +set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif + +" ================ Scrolling ======================== + +set scrolloff=8 "Start scrolling when we're 8 lines away from margins +set sidescrolloff=15 +set sidescroll=1 + +" ================ Vim-Addon-Manager ======================== + +fun! SetupVAM() + let c = get(g:, 'vim_addon_manager', {}) + let g:vim_addon_manager = c + let c.plugin_root_dir = expand('$HOME', 1) . '/.vim/vim-addons' + " most used options you may want to use: + " let c.log_to_buf = 1 + " let c.auto_install = 0 + let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?'':',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager' + if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload') + execute '!git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager ' + \ shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1) + endif + + " This provides the VAMActivate command, you could be passing plugin names, too + call vam#ActivateAddons([], {}) +endfun +call SetupVAM() + +" ================ Addons and their settings ======================== +so ~/.vim/addons.vim " addons +so ~/.vim/addons-settings.vim " addon settings +so ~/.vim/custom-settings.vim " custom settings +so ~/.vim/custom-functions.vim " custom functions + |