path: root/.config/zsh/includes/aliases.zsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.config/zsh/includes/aliases.zsh')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/zsh/includes/aliases.zsh b/.config/zsh/includes/aliases.zsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a055f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/zsh/includes/aliases.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# suffix aliases
+alias -s pdf='mupdf'
+alias -s ps='mupdf'
+alias -s jpg='feh'
+alias -s png='feh'
+alias -s gif='viewnior'
+alias -s gz='tar xvfz'
+alias -s tgz='tar xvfz'
+alias -s bz2='tar xvfj'
+alias -s tbz='tar xvfj'
+alias -s tlz='tar --lzma -xvf'
+alias -s rar='unrar x'
+alias -s tex='mkpdf'
+# global aliases
+alias -g ...='../..'
+alias -g ....='../../..'
+alias -g .....='../../../..'
+alias -g C='| wc -l'
+alias -g H='| head'
+alias -g L="| less"
+alias -g N="| /dev/null"
+alias -g S='| sort'
+alias -g G='| grep'
+# ls
+alias ls='ls --group-directories-first --color=auto'
+alias ll="ls -lh"
+alias la="ls -a"
+alias lal="ls -alhv"
+alias lt='ls -tr'
+alias ll='ls -l'
+alias llh='ls -lh'
+alias llt='ls -ltr'
+alias la='ls -A'
+alias lla='ls -lA'
+alias lsfw='ls -lah /dev|grep fw'
+alias lsvid='ls -lah /dev|grep video'
+# Lists the ten most used commands.
+alias history-stat="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
+alias d='dirs -v'
+for index ({1..9}) alias "$index"="cd +${index}"; unset index
+alias mplayer='mplayer -ao jack,pulse,alsa'
+if pgrep Xwayland > /dev/null; then
+ alias mpv='mpv --audio-channels=stereo --gpu-context=wayland -ao=jack,pulse,alsa --sub-auto=fuzzy --jack-port="minimixer:in1_*"'
+ alias mpv='mpv --audio-channels=stereo -ao=jack,pulse,alsa --sub-auto=fuzzy --jack-port="minimixer:in1_*"'
+if [[ "$VENDOR" == "apple" ]]; then
+ alias mpv='mpv --sub-auto=fuzzy'
+alias du1='du -hd1'
+alias feh='feh -Z -g 1920x1200 -b "black" -S "filename"'
+alias gsi='git submodule update --init --recursive'
+alias gsu='git submodule update --recursive'
+alias tree='tree -aC'
+#grep aliases (with excluded directories)
+alias grepdot='grep -rI --exclude-dir=".steam" --exclude-dir=".local" --exclude-dir=".thunderbird" --exclude-dir=".mozilla" --exclude-dir="git" --exclude-dir=".rvm" --exclude-dir=".log" --exclude-dir=".dropbox-dist" --exclude-dir=".config" '
+alias psc='ps xawf -eo pid,user,cgroup,args'
+alias treeg='tree -d /cgroup/systemd/'
+alias sdptree='tree -aC /usr/lib/systemd/'
+alias sdstree='tree -aC /etc/systemd/'
+alias sdutree='tree -aC $HOME/.config/systemd/'
+alias sdsj='sudo journalctl --system -a' #show the entire system journal
+alias sdsjf='sudo journalctl --system -af' #follow all system messages
+alias sdsjb='sudo journalctl --system -ab' #Show system messages from specific boot
+alias sdsjbf='sudo journalctl --system -ab -f' #follow only messages from this boot
+alias sdsju='sudo journalctl --system -af -u' #follow messages of only the specified unit
+alias sdsjk='journalctl -k' #show dmesg
+alias sdsjkb='journalctl -kb' #show dmesg from specific boot
+alias sdsjkf='journalctl -kf' #follow current dmesg
+alias sdsjlb='journalctl --list-boots' #list all boots
+alias sdsjp='sudo journalctl --system _PID=' #show all messages of specified system process (PID)
+alias sdjgrep='sudo journalctl -an1000 |grep ' #Use a grep command to search through journal
+alias sduj='journalctl --user -a'
+alias sdujf='journalctl --user -af'
+alias sdujb='journalctl --user -ab'
+alias sdujbf='journalctl --user -afb'
+alias sdujb='journalctl --user -ab'
+alias sdujp='journalctl --user _PID=' #show all messages of specified user process (PID)
+#systemd system services
+alias sdsedit='sudo systemctl edit'
+alias sdsstart='sudo systemctl start'
+alias sdsstop='sudo systemctl stop'
+alias sdsrestart='sudo systemctl restart'
+alias sdsreload='sudo systemctl reload'
+alias sdsenable='sudo systemctl enable'
+alias sdsdisable='sudo systemctl disable'
+alias sdsreenable='sudo systemctl reenable'
+alias sdsisactive='sudo systemctl is-active'
+alias sdsisenabled='sudo systemctl is-enabled'
+alias sdsstat='sudo systemctl status -a -l'
+alias sdswants='sudo systemctl show -p "Wants"'
+alias sdswantedby='sudo systemctl show -p "WantedBy"'
+alias sdsrequires='sudo systemctl show -p "Requires"'
+alias sdsrequiredby='sudo systemctl show -p "RequiredBy"'
+alias sdsconflicts='sudo systemctl show -p "Conflicts"'
+alias sdsconflictedby='sudo systemctl show -p "ConflictedBy"'
+alias sdsbefore='sudo systemctl show -p "Before"'
+alias sdsafter='sudo systemctl show -p "After"'
+alias sdst='sudo systemctl --system list-timers'
+alias sdss='sudo systemctl --system list-sockets'
+alias sdsu='sudo systemctl --system list-units'
+alias sdsuf='sudo systemctl --system list-unit-files'
+alias sdsdep='sudo systemctl --system list-dependencies'
+alias sdscat='systemctl --system cat'
+alias sdsreload='sudo systemctl daemon-reload'
+alias sds='sudo systemctl -a'
+alias sdsfail='sudo systemctl -a -l --no-legend --state=failed'
+alias sdsmask='sudo systemctl mask'
+alias sdsunmask='sudo systemctl unmask'
+#systemd user services
+alias sduedit='systemctl --user edit'
+alias sdustart='systemctl --user start'
+alias sdustop='systemctl --user stop'
+alias sdurestart='systemctl --user restart'
+alias sdureload='systemctl --user reload'
+alias sduenable='systemctl --user enable'
+alias sdudisable='systemctl --user disable'
+alias sdureenable='systemctl --user reenable'
+alias sduisactive='systemctl --user is-active'
+alias sduisenabled='systemctl --user is-enabled'
+alias sdustat='systemctl --user status -a -l'
+alias sduwants='systemctl --user show -p "Wants"'
+alias sduwantedby='systemctl --user show -p "WantedBy"'
+alias sdurequires='systemctl --user show -p "Requires"'
+alias sdurequiredby='systemctl --user show -p "RequiredBy"'
+alias sduconflicts='systemctl --user show -p "Conflicts"'
+alias sduconflictedby='systemctl --user show -p "ConflictedBy"'
+alias sdubefore='systemctl --user show -p "Before"'
+alias sduafter='systemctl --user show -p "After"'
+alias sdut='systemctl --user list-timers'
+alias sdus='systemctl --user list-sockets'
+alias sduu='systemctl --user list-units'
+alias sdudep='systemctl --user list-dependencies'
+alias sducat='systemctl --user cat'
+alias sdureload='systemctl --user daemon-reload'
+#alias sdu='systemctl --user'
+alias sdufail='systemctl --user -a -l --no-legend --state=failed'
+alias sdumask='systemctl --user mask'
+alias sduunmask='systemctl --user unmask'
+alias sdiso='sudo systemctl isolate '
+alias sdreboot='sudo systemctl reboot'
+alias sdpoweroff='sudo systemctl poweroff'
+alias sdsuspend='sudo systemctl suspend'
+#systemd bootchart
+alias sda='systemd-analyze'
+alias sdab='systemd-analyze blame'
+if [ -x /usr/bin/xsvg ]; then
+ alias sdap='xsvg $HOME/cloud/photos/systemd/sdap-$HOST.svg'
+alias paclid="sudo pacman -Qi | sed '/^Depends On/,/^Required By/{ s/^Required By.*$//; H; d }; /^Name/!d; /^Name/{ n;x;}'| sed '/^$/s//==================================================================================/'"
+alias pacsize="pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/ {pkg=\$3} /Size/ {print \$4\$5,pkg}' | sort -n" #Show all packages by size
+alias pacall="sudo pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/ {pkg=\$3} /Version/ {ver=\$3} /Size/ {size=\$4\$5} {print pkg,ver,size}' | uniq" #All packages uniquely with name, version, size
+alias pacup='sudo pacman -Syu' #Synchronize with repositories before upgrading packages that are out of date on the local system.
+alias pac='sudo pacman -S' #Install specific package(s) from the repositories
+alias pacu='sudo pacman -U' #Install specific package not from the repositories but from a file
+alias pacre='sudo pacman -R' #Remove the specified package(s), retaining its configuration(s) and required dependencies
+alias pacrem='sudo pacman -Rns' #Remove specified package(s), its configuration(s) and unneeded depends
+alias pacname="sudo pacman -Qi|grep Name|grep " #Search through names of packages by string
+alias pacri='pacman -Si' #Display information about a given package in the repositories
+alias pacrs='pacman -Ss' #Search for package(s) in the repositories
+alias pacli='pacman -Qi' #Display information about a given package in the local database
+alias pacls='pacman -Qs' #Search for package(s) in the local database
+alias pacorph='sudo pacman -Qdt' #Search for orphan packages
+alias paclal='pacman -Ql' #List installed files of a given package
+alias pacg='pacman -Sg' #List all groups or all packages in specified group
+alias pacclean='sudo pacman -Sc' #Remove all packages from local repository, not installed atm, remove all unused repos
+alias pacconf='sudo find /etc -type f \( -name "*.pacsave" -o -name "*.pacnew" \)' #Search for .pacnew and .pacsave files
+alias pacown='sudo pacman -Qo' # Find out what package a give file belongs to
+alias pacupd='sudo pacman -Sy && sudo abs' #Update and refresh the local package and ABS databases against repositories
+alias pacdep='sudo pacman -S --asdeps' #Install given package(s) as dependencies of another package
+alias pacmir='sudo pacman -Syy' #Force refresh of all package lists after updating /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+alias packup='comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq|sort) <(pacman -Qmq|sort) > $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/pkglist-$HOST' #Backup the current list of non-local packages
+alias pacret='sudo pacman -S $(< $HOME/Dropbox/sync/archlinux/pkglist-$HOST)' #Install from the backup list
+alias pacredown='sudo pacman -S $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq) <(pacman -Qmq))' #Redownload all installed packages (minus AUR)
+alias pacdis='sudo pacman-disowned > /tmp/$USERNAME/non-pkg-$HOST' #Getting a list of files not owned by any package
+alias packimp='sudo pacman-key -r ' #Import a key ID to the pacman keyring
+alias packsign='sudo pacman-key --lsign-key ' #Sign a key ID after importing it to the keyring
+alias packref='sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys' #Refresh the list of master keys
+alias yaup='yaourt -Syu --devel --aur' #Updates all locally installed repository, AUR and git packages
+alias yadb='yaourt -B $HOME/ownCloud/backup/settings/' #Backs up the yaourt database
+alias cpx="xclip -selection clipboard -display :0"
+alias cd.sds="cd /etc/systemd/system"
+alias cd.sdp="cd /usr/lib/systemd/system"
+alias cd.courses="cd $HOME/ownCloud/documents/university/tu-berlin/courses"
+alias cd.backup="cd $HOME/ownCloud/backup"
+alias cd.scpref="cd $HOME/.config/SuperCollider"
+#alias octave="octave --silent --braindead --force-gui"
+alias octave="octave --force-gui"
+alias matlabc="matlab -nodesktop -nosplash"
+alias nmup="sudo nmcli con up id"
+alias nmdown="sudo nmcli con down id"
+alias nmstat="sudo nmcli con show --active"
+alias nmlist="sudo nmcli con list"
+alias nmdev="sudo nmcli dev"
+alias ssh.add="ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_{rsa{,_tu},ed25519{,_aur,_github,_holoplot}}"
+alias ssh.new='ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$(whoami)@$(hostname)-$(date -I)"'
+if [ $VENDOR = "apple" ]; then
+ # apple's date is broken
+ alias ssh.new='ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$(whoami)@$(hostname)-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"'
+alias pool='ssh pool -Y'
+alias sshtunnel="ssh -ND 44350 -v -p 46399 dave@frqb.zapto.org" # tunnel through home
+alias frqtun="ssh -ND 44350 -v frq"
+alias scp=scp
+alias keyflush="keychain --clear && keychain -k mine"
+alias pak='pulseaudio --kill'
+alias pas='pulseaudio --start'
+alias paflush='pax11publish -r'
+alias bthp="pactl load-module module-bluetooth-device address='00:1B:66:01:6C:D1'" #load bluetooth headphone module for pulseaudio
+alias pyserv='python -m http.server' # start a python http server
+alias vsync="vdirsyncer sync"
+alias woldave_in='wol -i homey 00:15:f2:e0:e0:c6' #wake up homey
+alias woldave_ex='wol -p X -i frqb.zapto.org 00:15:f2:e0:e0:c6' #wake up homey via
+# Colorize grep output
+alias grep='grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.git'
+alias psgrep='ps aux | grep -v "grep"| grep $1'
+alias greptodo='grep -R "TODO" .'
+alias exit="clear; exit"
+alias du='du -h'
+alias .='source'
+## HELP
+alias helpdd='echo dd if=bla | pv -s 10M | dd of=blob'