diff options
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 465 deletions
diff --git a/.zsh.before/custom_prompt_path.zsh b/.zsh.before/custom_prompt_path.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e68b9..0000000
--- a/.zsh.before/custom_prompt_path.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#Load themes from yadr and from user's custom prompts (themes) in ~/.zsh.prompts
-autoload promptinit
-fpath=($HOME/.zsh.prompts $fpath)
diff --git a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_agnoster_setup b/.zsh.prompts/prompt_agnoster_setup
deleted file mode 100644
index 16d18c9..0000000
--- a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_agnoster_setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-# vim:ft=zsh ts=2 sw=2 sts=2
-# agnoster's Theme - https://gist.github.com/3712874
-# A Powerline-inspired theme for ZSH
-# In order for this theme to render correctly, you will need a
-# [Powerline-patched font](https://gist.github.com/1595572).
-# In addition, I recommend the
-# [Solarized theme](https://github.com/altercation/solarized/) and, if you're
-# using it on Mac OS X, [iTerm 2](http://www.iterm2.com/) over Terminal.app -
-# it has significantly better color fidelity.
-# # Goals
-# The aim of this theme is to only show you *relevant* information. Like most
-# prompts, it will only show git information when in a git working directory.
-# However, it goes a step further: everything from the current user and
-# hostname to whether the last call exited with an error to whether background
-# jobs are running in this shell will all be displayed automatically when
-# appropriate.
-### Segment drawing
-# A few utility functions to make it easy and re-usable to draw segmented prompts
-# Customizations
-# Checks if working tree is dirty
-# From robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
-parse_git_dirty() {
- local GIT_STATUS=''
- local CLEAN_MESSAGE='nothing to commit (working directory clean)'
- if [[ "$(command git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then
- if [[ $POST_1_7_2_GIT -gt 0 ]]; then
- SUBMODULE_SYNTAX="--ignore-submodules=dirty"
- fi
- if [[ "$DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY" == "true" ]]; then
- GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} -uno 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
- else
- GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
- fi
- if [[ -n $GIT_STATUS ]]; then
- else
- fi
- else
- fi
-# Takes two arguments, background and foreground. Both can be omitted,
-# rendering default background/foreground.
-prompt_segment() {
- local bg fg
- [[ -n $1 ]] && bg="%K{$1}" || bg="%k"
- [[ -n $2 ]] && fg="%F{$2}" || fg="%f"
- if [[ $CURRENT_BG != 'NONE' && $1 != $CURRENT_BG ]]; then
- echo -n " %{$bg%F{$CURRENT_BG}%}$SEGMENT_SEPARATOR%{$fg%} "
- else
- echo -n "%{$bg%}%{$fg%} "
- fi
- [[ -n $3 ]] && echo -n $3
-# End the prompt, closing any open segments
-prompt_end() {
- if [[ -n $CURRENT_BG ]]; then
- echo -n " %{%k%F{$CURRENT_BG}%}$SEGMENT_SEPARATOR"
- else
- echo -n "%{%k%}"
- fi
- echo -n "%{%f%}"
-### Prompt components
-# Each component will draw itself, and hide itself if no information needs to be shown
-# Context: user@hostname (who am I and where am I)
-prompt_context() {
- local user=`whoami`
- if [[ "$user" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
- prompt_segment black default "%(!.%{%F{yellow}%}.)$user@%m"
- fi
-# Git: branch/detached head, dirty status
-prompt_git() {
- local ref dirty
- if $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1); then
- dirty=$(parse_git_dirty)
- ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || ref="➦ $(git show-ref --head -s --abbrev |head -n1 2> /dev/null)"
- if [[ -n $dirty ]]; then
- prompt_segment yellow black
- else
- prompt_segment green black
- fi
- echo -n "${ref/refs\/heads\//⭠ }$dirty"
- fi
-# Dir: current working directory
-prompt_dir() {
- prompt_segment blue black '%~'
-# Status:
-# - was there an error
-# - am I root
-# - are there background jobs?
-prompt_status() {
- local symbols
- symbols=()
- [[ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{red}%}✘"
- [[ $UID -eq 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{yellow}%}⚡"
- [[ $(jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && symbols+="%{%F{cyan}%}⚙"
- [[ -n "$symbols" ]] && prompt_segment black default "$symbols"
-## Main prompt
-build_prompt() {
- prompt_status
- prompt_context
- prompt_dir
- prompt_git
- prompt_end
-PROMPT='%{%f%b%k%}$(build_prompt) '
diff --git a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_dvzrv_setup b/.zsh.prompts/prompt_dvzrv_setup
deleted file mode 100644
index c4093b7..0000000
--- a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_dvzrv_setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# A theme based on Steve Losh's Extravagant Prompt with vcs_info integration.
-# Authors:
-# Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
-# Bart Trojanowski <bart@jukie.net>
-# Brian Carper <brian@carper.ca>
-# steeef_simplified <steeef_simplified@gmail.com>
-# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
-# Screenshots:
-# http://i.imgur.com/HyRvv.png
-function prompt_steeef_simplified_precmd {
- # Check for untracked files or updated submodules since vcs_info does not.
- if [[ -n $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard 2> /dev/null) ]]; then
- branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[4]}●%f)"
- else
- branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c)"
- fi
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${branch_format}"
- vcs_info 'prompt'
- if (( $+functions[python-info] )); then
- python-info
- fi
- # Get ruby information
-# if (( $+functions[ruby-info] )); then
-# ruby-info
-# fi
-# Check if this shell is run through ssh
-function ssh_connection {
- if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then
- echo "[%F{red}ssh%f] "
- fi
-function prompt_steeef_simplified_setup {
- prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
- # Load required functions.
- autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
- autoload -Uz vcs_info
- # Add hook for calling vcs_info before each command.
- add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_steeef_simplified_precmd
- _prompt_steeef_simplified_colors=(
- "%F{cyan}"
- "%F{yellow}"
- "%F{magenta}"
- "%F{red}"
- "%F{green}"
- )
- # Formats:
- # %b - branchname
- # %u - unstagedstr (see below)
- # %c - stagedstr (see below)
- # %a - action (e.g. rebase-i)
- # %R - repository path
- # %S - path in the repository
- local branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c)"
- local action_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}%a%f)"
- local unstaged_format="${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[2]}●%f"
- local staged_format="${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}●%f"
- # Set vcs_info parameters.
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable bzr git hg svn
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' check-for-changes true
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' unstagedstr "${unstaged_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' stagedstr "${staged_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' actionformats "${branch_format}${action_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${branch_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' nvcsformats ""
- # Define prompts.
- PROMPT="$(ssh_connection)${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[3]}%n%f@${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[2]}%m%f ${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}%~%f "'${vcs_info_msg_0_}'"$ "
- RPROMPT="%(?..[%F{red}%?%f] )"
-prompt_steeef_simplified_setup "$@"
diff --git a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_kylewest_setup b/.zsh.prompts/prompt_kylewest_setup
deleted file mode 100644
index c67b5e4..0000000
--- a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_kylewest_setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# A theme based on sorin theme
-# * ruby info shown on the right
-# * git info on the left
-# * editor mode as $> or <#
-# * single line prompt
-# Authors:
-# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
-# Kyle West <kswest@gmail.com>
-function prompt_kylewest_precmd {
- # Get Git repository information.
- if (( $+functions[git-info] )); then
- git-info on
- git-info
- fi
- # Get ruby information
- if (( $+functions[ruby-info] )); then
- ruby-info
- fi
-function prompt_kylewest_setup {
- prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
- # Load required functions.
- autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
- # Add hook for calling git-info before each command.
- add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_kylewest_precmd
- # editor
- zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:completing' format '%B%F{red}...%f%b'
- zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary' format "%B%F{green}$>%f%b"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:alternate' format "%B%F{magenta}<#%f%b"
- # ruby info (rvm, rbenv)
- zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby:info:version' format '[ %v ]'
- # vcs
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:branch' format '%F{yellow}%b%f'
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:dirty' format '%B%F{red}!%f%b'
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format 'prompt' '- %b%D '
- # prompts
- PROMPT='%F{cyan}%c%f ${git_info[prompt]}${editor_info[keymap]} '
- RPROMPT='%F{blue}${ruby_info[version]}'
-prompt_kylewest_setup "$@"
diff --git a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_skwp_setup b/.zsh.prompts/prompt_skwp_setup
deleted file mode 100644
index c45eb8a..0000000
--- a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_skwp_setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# A theme based on steeef theme
-# * RVM/Rbenv info shown on the right
-# * Git branch info on the left
-# * Single line prompt
-# Authors:
-# Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
-# Bart Trojanowski <bart@jukie.net>
-# Brian Carper <brian@carper.ca>
-# steeef <steeef@gmail.com>
-# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
-# Yan Pritzker <yan@pritzker.ws>
-function prompt_skwp_precmd {
- # Get Git repository information.
- if (( $+functions[git-info] )); then
- git-info on
- git-info
- fi
- # Get ruby information
- if (( $+functions[ruby-info] )); then
- ruby-info
- fi
-function prompt_skwp_setup {
- prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
- autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
- add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_skwp_precmd
- # Use extended color pallete if available.
- if [[ $TERM = *256color* || $TERM = *rxvt* ]]; then
- "%F{81}" # turquoise
- "%F{166}" # orange
- "%F{135}" # purple
- "%F{161}" # hotpink
- "%F{118}" # limegreen
- )
- else
- "%F{cyan}"
- "%F{yellow}"
- "%F{magenta}"
- "%F{red}"
- "%F{green}"
- )
- fi
- # git
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:branch' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[1]}%b%f"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:added' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}●%f"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:deleted' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[2]}●%f"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:modified' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[4]}●%f"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:untracked' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[3]}●%f"
- zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format 'prompt' '(%b%d%a%m%u)'
- # ruby info (rvm, rbenv)
- zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby:info:version' format '[%v]'
- PROMPT="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[3]}%n%f@${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[2]}%m%f ${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}%~%f "'$git_info[prompt]'"$ "
- RPROMPT='%F{blue}${ruby_info[version]}'
-prompt_skwp_setup "$@"
diff --git a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_steeef_simplified_setup b/.zsh.prompts/prompt_steeef_simplified_setup
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b16da..0000000
--- a/.zsh.prompts/prompt_steeef_simplified_setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# A theme based on Steve Losh's Extravagant Prompt with vcs_info integration.
-# Authors:
-# Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
-# Bart Trojanowski <bart@jukie.net>
-# Brian Carper <brian@carper.ca>
-# steeef_simplified <steeef_simplified@gmail.com>
-# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
-# Screenshots:
-# http://i.imgur.com/HyRvv.png
-function prompt_steeef_simplified_precmd {
- # Check for untracked files or updated submodules since vcs_info does not.
- if [[ -n $(git ls-files --other --exclude-standard 2> /dev/null) ]]; then
- branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[4]}●%f)"
- else
- branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c)"
- fi
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${branch_format}"
- vcs_info 'prompt'
- if (( $+functions[python-info] )); then
- python-info
- fi
- # Get ruby information
- if (( $+functions[ruby-info] )); then
- ruby-info
- fi
-function prompt_steeef_simplified_setup {
- prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
- # Load required functions.
- autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
- autoload -Uz vcs_info
- # Add hook for calling vcs_info before each command.
- add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_steeef_simplified_precmd
- # Use extended color pallete if available.
- if [[ $TERM = *256color* || $TERM = *rxvt* ]]; then
- _prompt_steeef_simplified_colors=(
- "%F{81}" # Turquoise
- "%F{166}" # Orange
- "%F{135}" # Purple
- "%F{161}" # Hotpink
- "%F{118}" # Limegreen
- )
- else
- _prompt_steeef_simplified_colors=(
- "%F{cyan}"
- "%F{yellow}"
- "%F{magenta}"
- "%F{red}"
- "%F{green}"
- )
- fi
- # Formats:
- # %b - branchname
- # %u - unstagedstr (see below)
- # %c - stagedstr (see below)
- # %a - action (e.g. rebase-i)
- # %R - repository path
- # %S - path in the repository
- local branch_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[1]}%b%f%u%c)"
- local action_format="(${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}%a%f)"
- local unstaged_format="${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[2]}●%f"
- local staged_format="${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}●%f"
- # Set vcs_info parameters.
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable bzr git hg svn
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' check-for-changes true
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' unstagedstr "${unstaged_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' stagedstr "${staged_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' actionformats "${branch_format}${action_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' formats "${branch_format}"
- zstyle ':vcs_info:*:prompt:*' nvcsformats ""
- # Set python-info parameters.
- zstyle ':prezto:module:python:info:virtualenv' format '(%v)'
- # Define prompts.
- PROMPT="${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[3]}%n%f@${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[2]}%m%f ${_prompt_steeef_simplified_colors[5]}%~%f "'${vcs_info_msg_0_}'"$ "
- RPROMPT='%F{blue}${ruby_info[version]}'
-prompt_steeef_simplified_setup "$@"