path: root/posts/2015/201504-linux-audio-conference-2015.rst
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+.. title: Linux Audio Conference 2015
+.. date: 2015-04-03 06:00 UTC+02:00
+.. modified: 2015-02-01 20:00
+.. tags: archlinux, systemd, real-time, lac, pro-audio, thesoundofpeople
+.. slug: linux-audio-conference-2015
+.. authors: David Runge
+.. summary: Installation and workshop at this years Linux Audio Conference
+.. category: installations
+| It's been quite some time since my last post.
+| But I have not been lazy!
+| I will be attending this year's |lac2015|) in Mainz. Not only as a guest (I seriously hope I will have the time to just snoop around), but mainly for setting up the 8 channel version of *"The Sound Of People"* and to give a workshop on *"Arch Linux as a lightweight audio platform"*.
+| You can find my information for the event |lac-speaker_info|.
+The Sound Of People
+| My |supercollider| based moloch saw some visual updates |thesoundofpeople| just recently and will be presented on **Day 2 (Friday)** at the *Installation Space* around **10:00 in the morning**.
+| Get ready to spend your time in 25 chromosomes for about two hours.
+| * thesoundofpeople |thesoundofpeople-info| [|thesoundofpeople_git|]
+Archlinux as a lightweight audio platform
+| For this workshop I did some reviewing of my own current system's status quo, redesigned some of it and wrung some scripts and ideas out of that.
+| A bunch of software I have been writing over the past months/years finally found their way into proper repositories and packages:
+| * crypted-backups |crypted-backups-info| [|crypted-backups-git|]
+| * uenv |uenv-info| [|uenv-git|]
+| * rts |rts-info| [|rts-git|]
+| Bring a laptop with |archlinux| installed and have some fun. The workshop takes place in *Workshop | (P2)* on **Day 2 (Friday) at around 14:45**.
+| See you in Mainz!
+.. |lac2015| raw:: html
+ <a href="http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2015/" target="_blank" >Linux Audio Conference</a>
+.. |supercollider| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://supercollider.github.io/" target="_blank" >SuperCollider</a>
+.. |thesoundofpeople| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/thesoundofpeople.git/about/" target="_blank" >The Sound Of People</a>
+.. |thesoundofpeople-info| raw:: html
+ <a href="../../installations/thesoundofpeople/">info</a>
+.. |thesoundofpeople_git| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/audio/thesoundofpeople.git" target="_blank" >git</a>
+.. |crypted-backups-git| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/software/crypted-backups.git" target="_blank" >git</a>
+.. |uenv-git| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/software/uenv.git" target="_blank" >git</a>
+.. |rts-git| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://git.sleepmap.de/software/rts.git" target="_blank" >git</a>
+.. |archlinux| raw:: html
+ <a href="https://archlinux.org" target="_blank" >Arch Linux</a>
+.. |crypted-backups-info| raw:: html
+ <a href="../../software/crypted-backups/">info</a>
+.. |uenv-info| raw:: html
+ <a href="../../software/uenv/">info</a>
+.. |rts-info| raw:: html
+ <a href="../../software/rts/">info</a>
+.. |lac-speaker_info| raw:: html
+ <a href="http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2015/speakers?uid=61" target="_blank" >here</a>